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Off-topic discussion is allowed, but spam is not; please make sure all your messages are of substantial meaning that at least somebody would be interested in reading and responding to. That being said, obviously I appreciate comments relating to The Cave of Dragonflies, whether they are error reports, questions, suggestions or whatever else you might want to get across.
My own messages will be signed as Butterfree, with the Admin label below my name. If someone signs as Butterfree without that label, it's probably not me.
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It's Day Seven of Governor's Scholars, which is this program in Kentucky in which, basically, over the summer, upcoming Seniors stay at a college campus for five weeks.
So far, it's been really fun. I'm at Murray State University (which, from where I live, is a seven-and-a-half hour drive), and the town of Murray is holding "Freedom Fest" today, to celebrate Fourth of July. I'm actually really looking forward to it.[01/07/2011 17:37:38]
Sect day!
It's the day of the two -sects! They both have a double weakness to Fire
[30/06/2011 12:21:18]
I love this site, its so well done.
:D[29/06/2011 20:15:35]
Website: My DeviantArt pageTo O.o – No you don't have to put your email, if you don't want to :)
God, it's been awhile since I've been to TCoD[29/06/2011 06:41:24]
Hello! I just wanted to say I love your site! And uh… *attempts to think of something useful to say* I've never seen a shiny in my life, even though I own at least 2 games from every generation of Pokemon… I'm currently playing Black, training the Blitzle I captured to level 25. :)
[28/06/2011 08:42:54]
Do I have to put my e-mail here? My parents don't know I go anywhere on the computer other than my blog. :P
[28/06/2011 08:35:19]
who here has beat the Elite Four, N, and Ghestis? I have Zekrom but can't beat the last guy yet.
[27/06/2011 19:06:25]
Commenting on: 06-11-11just a little thing, but you can't change the settings of the buttons, like setting L=A or X=Start in B/W.
[26/06/2011 21:14:44]
Website: Poliwager
Commenting on: 06-11-11Love the page! There was a lot I didn't know, like always with the game changes you write. I still haven't beaten Black though. ^_^;;
Slix[21/06/2011 04:16:40]
The only shiny I have is a Swanna…
[21/06/2011 03:06:10]
Have you noticed?
Commenting on: 06-11-11The date had 1111! Make a wish!
[21/06/2011 02:07:49]
I have a few shinies.
Butterfree. On a playthrough of LeafGreen, I found a shiny Caterpie in Viridian Forest when I first went through it.
Beedrill. On the next playthrough of LeafGreen, I found a shiny Weedle, also in Viridian Forest, again the first time. Crazy, I know.
Ninetales. I hatched a Vulpix, and it was shiny.
Pelipper. The very first Wingull I found on a playthrough of Platinum was shiny. Ironically, this was the playthrough after the one in which I contracted PokeRus.
Then, of course, I have the shiny legendary dogs that were distributed, the red Gyarados, and the Pikachu-colored Pichu.
I have found a couple others, that I no longer have, such as a Fearow I also found on LeafGreen.
Some people have horror stories about a self-destructing (or whatever) shiny Pokemon. I have something similar, in that I ran into a shiny Sentret on HeartGold version BEFORE getting Poke Balls. Yeah.[20/06/2011 04:29:04]
An orange Electabuzz that I taught Psychic, a light-purple Crobat, and an orange Graveler. I used to have a purple and brown Drowzee, but my game glitched, and I had to restart.
My friend traded for a shiny (green instead of purple) Mewtwo. Not sure if it was legit, though.
I do agree that Cacturne are creepy, in a moving-scarecrow type of way. And that grin. *shudders*
Cacnea are strange, too.
BUT MARACTUS ROCK!!! (cuz they are Prickly Pear, a plant which I own)[19/06/2011 22:55:53]
O.o Now I'm scared.
Everglider: OMG yesss.
Who here has a legitimate shiny other than the Red Gyrados? Sadly not me.[19/06/2011 21:41:20]
Random, but who here thinks that shiny Charizard is awesome!
[18/06/2011 04:49:22]
Design-wise, Cacturne isn't creepy. But, according to Sapphire's Pokedex entry:
" If a traveler is going through a desert in the thick of night, Cacturne will follow in a ragtag group. The Pokémon are biding their time, waiting for the traveler to tire and become incapable of moving."
Yeah. It stalks trainers in the desert to (presumably) kill them, and eat them or something.[18/06/2011 03:48:43]
Driiiink cactus juice! It'll quench ya! nothin is quincher! It's the quenchiest!
LOL actual quote from Avatar. I just had to post that after the talk about cacti Pokemon.
Oh and Cacnea is creepy.[18/06/2011 01:20:47]
@MaractusMan: Personally, I think Maractus is really creepy. As are Cacnea and Cacturne.
[18/06/2011 00:12:02]
Love your website Butterfree. Want to do my own with a style switcher like yours. Don't get how it works though. Could you help?
[17/06/2011 18:58:20]
I Finally got a Maractus!!!
Both in my game, AND as a spam verification!!!
But they kind of suck as fighters…..
All for nothing…..[17/06/2011 04:29:48]
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