
Welcome to the Cave of Dragonflies guestbook.

Off-topic discussion is allowed, but spam is not; please make sure all your messages are of substantial meaning that at least somebody would be interested in reading and responding to. That being said, obviously I appreciate comments relating to The Cave of Dragonflies, whether they are error reports, questions, suggestions or whatever else you might want to get across.


My own messages will be signed as Butterfree, with the Admin label below my name. If someone signs as Butterfree without that label, it's probably not me.

Commenting on: 06-11-11

I've noticed another change: When forgetting a move, it says "Ta-da" instead of "Poof".

[15/06/2011 14:23:04]

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies

…what? I told Rayquaza to get a real game, because he's playing a ROM. I said nothing about names.

[15/06/2011 08:43:49]


Hey Butterfree, you're Butterfree and yet you tell Raquaza to get a real name?

[15/06/2011 05:31:28]


I've never really payed attention to DS emulation, because it's still at such an early stage. But, I think I do remember people talking about this problem. I'm pretty sure they came out with a patch to fix it, but I could be wrong.

[14/06/2011 16:47:07]


This is why, if I ever DO get a rom, I will get a free one. And then I'll have an excuse to completely hack the game and have fun with it. XD

Awww, I never get shinies.

[14/06/2011 16:20:31]


Actually, I'm not complaining. I just asked for some help and advise

[14/06/2011 12:58:17]

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies

Rayquaza, get a real game. I don't know what the problem is but I'd wager it's just a general flaw with No$GBA's Wi-Fi simulation, which really shouldn't be unexpected when you're dealing with amateur software trying to simulate how a real console developed by a huge Japanese company works.

I'm not exactly an anti-piracy crusader, but the thing about pirating things is that you kind of forfeit your right to complain if it doesn't work right. I don't really have any sympathy for people who pirate and then get mad when they realize they have an inferior product, instead of accepting that well, you get what you pay for.

(Some people were angry or annoyed at B/W's piracy protection that prevented all experience gain. I found it hilarious.)

If you desperately want to continue playing the game for free, ask somebody at No$GBA's site, but again, I'm guessing it's an inherent problem with the emulator, not something indicating you just have a bad copy of it or the ROM.

[14/06/2011 11:54:42]


Actually, Black City/White Forest are only empty if you don't complete the game within 10 days. Source: TV Tropes, so it may not be accurate.

[14/06/2011 11:25:51]


I just started Platinum, but I have a pretty big problem. In my first match against my friend, the screen just froze and I couldn't do anything. So I shut it down and tried again, but it didn't work out now either. Instead it froze when I started the game, when I had pressed start and you can see a Giratina in the lower screen.

I play on NO$GBA and have tried a lot of downloads and different downloads of the game but it's always the same.

Anyone who can give me a goodworking address to both the game and the emulator, please?

[14/06/2011 09:06:22]

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies

The idea is to make it clear that you won't be allowed to use them even if you ask for permission, but yeah, it's a bit oddly worded.

Most of the stuff in the Characters section aren't proper fake Pokémon, are unfinished, need better sprites before I'm satisfied with them, etc. I am rather hoping to put Mutark up at some point but I just really dislike those sprites. Chalenor, too, would be fun to put up as a fake, but again, the only sprite-like thing I've made of him is that pixel art which is both way too big to be a proper game sprite and not entirely up to my standards.

[14/06/2011 04:46:32]


Speaking of the Characters section, I noticed something. The paragraph explaining it includes "not to be used by anyone, even with permission".

This just seems weird, because it seems to suggest that you would actually tell people that they'd be able to use it, but they still actually wouldn't be.

[14/06/2011 04:29:53]


Erm, I meant "From the 'My sprites' section in the 'Fake Pokemon' section." And I also meant "I got a shiny Gligar as the spam verification image."

[14/06/2011 03:55:48]


If you ever feel like/get around to it, it would be nice to see some of the other character sprites in the 'My Sprites' section. Please? *Looks imploringly at*

p.s. I got a shiny Gligar!

[14/06/2011 03:53:50]


Do you find it strange that the Black/White legendary Virizion sounds (stupidly) similar to Verizon?

[14/06/2011 02:04:11]

Website: Altered Origin
Commenting on: 06-11-11

Maybe a mention of the other trading improvements, for example being able to trade directly from the boxes rather than your party?

(I thought the "welcome back" thing was adorable, too. :3)

[13/06/2011 17:23:25]


There are other, rather un-notable differences, such as the first female professor, and the only gym with three gym leaders…

But, as for notable things, I can't really recall anything. It's been a long time since I played it.

I played through White when it first came out, but then stopped playing it, because I'm not sure if I should restart or not. So, yes, it has been a while.

[13/06/2011 16:02:17]

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies
Commenting on: 06-11-11

I knew there was something huge and silly that I was forgetting.

[13/06/2011 14:51:10]

Commenting on: 06-11-11

What about those shaking patches of grass where you can find Audino/some rare Pokémon?

[13/06/2011 14:13:52]

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies

There is a prize, and it does work. What browser are you using? Did you actually click the last modified date, or did you just get confused because the cursor didn't turn into a hand to signify it was clickable?

[13/06/2011 06:18:17]


Ehem, I did the Marquee of Doom and I couldn't click the "Last Modified" date. Is there even supposed to be a prize??? *Growls in frustration and rips up random sheet of paper*

[13/06/2011 02:56:44]

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