Welcome to the Cave of Dragonflies guestbook.
Off-topic discussion is allowed, but spam is not; please make sure all your messages are of substantial meaning that at least somebody would be interested in reading and responding to. That being said, obviously I appreciate comments relating to The Cave of Dragonflies, whether they are error reports, questions, suggestions or whatever else you might want to get across.
My own messages will be signed as Butterfree, with the Admin label below my name. If someone signs as Butterfree without that label, it's probably not me.
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@Butterfree/Dragonfree: Really? It seems to me like grass-types are used fairly frequently. I'm planning on using one in the League. It always takes me a really long time for every game because I train my entire team to the same level. My dedication TOTALLY pays off in the end.
[08/06/2011 01:21:54]
Well Ever knows what an Administrator is. Zeesh, I can be so clueless. :P Thanks! (And yes, I almost always talk about myself in the third person!)
[08/06/2011 01:17:47]
Administrator. It's the term given for someone who watches over or guides activities in a specific place.
[08/06/2011 00:16:36]
I KNOW that!!! I meant, "What is the definition of 'ADMIN'"
[08/06/2011 00:11:42]
*below the messages header, sorry.
[08/06/2011 00:08:38]
"Anybody with Admin below their name is definitely me (Butterfree) or a trusted person."
-top of page above messages[08/06/2011 00:07:41]
On a side note, what does ADMIN actually mean??? (And don't just tell me it means you're Butterfree)
[07/06/2011 23:45:04]
Well I've always been cursed with bad luck on Emerald so I lost a lot until my Pokemon got to around level 50. (Poor Ever!) And zeesh, sorry it's been a long time since I read the cheats section on R/S/E. I've been avoiding cheats ever since Missingno deleted my file and glitched my game forever. (Poor Ever x2!)
[07/06/2011 23:43:37]
Speaking of that page, I glanced over it and I noticed the section for keeping count of EVs (which is surprising enough in and of itself, as I typically just skip over EV sections), just to see what method you suggested.
The keeping count with the moves thing is a great idea, but you did mention a potential downfall in that, moreso for Speed, some areas have Pokemon that give out different EVs for a particular stat, so the move thing wouldn't work.
When I read that, I instantly thought, "Couldn't you just have two moves?", basically with one representing a gain of 1 EV, and the other a gain of 2.
I know it's an old section; plus, this comment could've been much, much shorter. But, whatever.[07/06/2011 14:45:33]
Website: The Cave of DragonfliesIt never fails to amuse me when it doesn't occur to people at a website with pages on cheats/game mechanics/etc. that the cheats/game mechanics/etc. they're wondering about might in fact be on the site.
You don't find Water/Ground helpful? o_O Having one weakness is pretty badass even if it's a double one, especially considering Grass-types aren't very widely used.[07/06/2011 13:19:00]
What's the cloning glitch??? I've had Emerald for YEARS and I've never even heard of it! I have to agree with you, the water/ground thing isn't particularly helpful. I like the D/P/Pt starters better, though. :/
[07/06/2011 05:11:57]
Emerald was my favorite due to the cloning glitch. It made evolving pokemon a breeze.
Not to mention it has my favorite water type starter, although the double-typing of the final evolutions was a little impractical in my opinion. Another possible reason people look down on it?[07/06/2011 04:34:39]
Ever is bored so she is just randomly "flipping" through the guestbook. *Sighs boredly and stretches*
[07/06/2011 04:34:16]
Butterfree- I know. That's why I trained an Aquilamon. But, with a possible team of six, it was hard to find Digimon that appealed to me, so I ruined my save file and cheated for an Phoenixmon(and other Digimon, but that was the one that I actually trained.)
Kevin- I think for most people they hate the fact that RSE can't connect to GSC. I, personally, loved playing through Sappire(and it was all the more fun because I only used my Sceptile in battles) and wished that I had remembered to transfer my Kyogre to Diamond before I gave the copy back to my friend.[05/06/2011 18:02:38]
That sentiment (about Beautifly) reminded me of something that I'd been wondering about for a while - why is RSE, and it's Pokémon, looked down upon so much?
Personally, I've always loved it; it introduced many of my favorite Pokémon, and a couple of my favorite characters.[05/06/2011 17:17:13]
Website: The Cave of DragonfliesIt bothers me that Digimon from what I've seen almost universally seem to turn humanoid in their most powerful forms. I find animals and fantasy creatures so much more aesthetically appealing and interesting than humanoids that it kind of ruins them for me.
[05/06/2011 17:13:36]
My friend introduced me to Digimon. Long before that, I liked watching it when I was a baby. Lost my copy of the game(Sadly, along with Diamond) a few months before Christmas.
BEAUTIFLY IS SO UNORIGINAL[05/06/2011 16:51:24]
Oh, I remember Digimon. I was kinda interested when I read a comic book about three years ago. Then I got swallowed up by Pokemon. Heh.
[05/06/2011 06:58:04]
Not so much with Hawkmon. Aquilamon somewhat, but that's pretty much it.
[04/06/2011 17:23:34]
Speaking of Digimon, does anyone here who knows what I'm talking about think that Braviary looks like Hawkmon(or its digievo)?
[04/06/2011 02:45:14]
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