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Website: The Cave of DragonfliesFixed.
[13/05/2011 10:40:00]
Squornshellous Beta
:o error!
"You have a 100% chance of a critical capture, which then has a NaN% chance of succeeding"
I like how I found this on my first try.[13/05/2011 07:04:10]
Commenting on: 10-31-09I have something to say about your review. Cute has nothing to do with personality, and you can be happy and selfish at the same time. Plus, what if it wasn't an afterlife, but a real life?
[13/05/2011 04:40:13]
Commenting on: 05-08-11Nincada can't get it either, though that's probably because Shedinja's Genderless. I have no idea why Larvesta and Volcarona can't get it, though.
[12/05/2011 22:22:33]
Website: The Cave of Dragonflies
Commenting on: 05-08-11Yeah. And likewise that Larvesta and Volcarona can't get it even though they're gendered.
[12/05/2011 18:51:14]
Commenting on: 05-08-11I'm looking forward to the Capture Mechanics page; I love the formulas
Giving Cryogonal Attract seems to be an oversight on Game Freak's part.[12/05/2011 18:48:24]
Website: The Cave of Dragonflies
Commenting on: 05-08-11[12/05/2011 02:19:51]
Core Ect Ore
Website: N/A
Commenting on: 05-08-11Actually, genderless Pokemon are not immune to Attract, as you stated in your status afflictions page. Mew and Cryogonal can infatuate other genderless Pokemon by using Attract.
[12/05/2011 01:21:17]
Website: The Cave of DragonfliesUnfortunately not. I've been too busy flailing over the fifth-generation capture algorithm, and Ghost Trick, and the B/W changes, and breeding a ton of Deino, and EV training one, and making pathetic attempts at the Battle Subway with it. I have watched the movie twice, though.
[12/05/2011 00:55:43]
Not to rush you, but have you started, at all, on the Zoroark: Master of Illusions review? Any ideas as to when it'll be up?
I had no school today; I'm not sure why, I think my school had no power after last night's storm. This sounds nice, however, that means there will be school Saturday, because of testing.
Unrelated thought: Terms such as up-grade and down-grade are used, but never "side-grade". If it were used, I suppose it would refer to moving to another, unrelated program that does the same thing.[12/05/2011 00:45:16]
Website: The Cave of DragonfliesWhy? The Pokémon in the test are picked arbitrarily; a test made after the fifth generation could just as well not include any fifth-generation Pokémon by sheer coincidence. There are only two fourth-generation ones, for example. I see no reason to strive to include fifth-generation stuff in something that makes absolutely no claim to cover all of the generations in the first place.
Which isn't to say I might not redo the test someday for other reasons and possibly decide to put fifth-generation Pokémon in it, but I don't consider it something that needs to be "updated" to include it.[11/05/2011 10:39:27]
Albus Negres
I belive that butterfree if you got some time change the "what pokemon are you?" test to include 5th gen
[11/05/2011 04:47:09]
Surfing in pokemon doesn't happen to make much sense if you realize that making a large wave in battle doesn't mean that the wave would do very well against other waves (from the beach) going in the opposite direction.
And how are you supposed to surf on Wailord? Wouldn't he just be able to float?
Final thing, doesn't Suicune just run on top of the water, rather than trying to surf it?
The game apparently wouldn't apply well to the real world, for this and many other reasons.
And yes, this has absolutely nothing to do with any previous messages. It is simply a rant of after surfing tiredness.[11/05/2011 04:00:31]
Website: The Cave of DragonfliesExcept for the part where everyone and their mom has made a Fire/Ice/Electric dragon legendary trio, and they are absolutely nothing like the Ouen dragons in any manner whatsoever beyond the typing. But okay.
[10/05/2011 23:18:37]
Just wanted to mention this… I read the Conspiracy Theories section, and thought some more info should be added.
The Quest For The Legends featured…
1) Scorplack (sp?), a scorpion-like Pokémon. Scientists debate on whether to classify it as Bug/Poison or Poison/Dark. And what do they introduce in Generation IV? Skorupi (Bug/Poison) and Drapion (Poison/Dark).
2)Three Dragons of Ouen, with Dragon/Ice, Dragon/Fire, and Dragon/Electric. Generation V features a trio of dragons (Zekrom, Reshiram, and Kyurem) which share those types while reeking of plagiarism in a purely coincidental manner.
So that's it then.[10/05/2011 19:54:17]
Commenting on: 04-19-11Sorry for my mistake. I apologize.
[09/05/2011 11:44:38]
Website: dragonflycave
Commenting on: 04-19-11yes, butterfree, i WAS. sigh…
[07/05/2011 01:31:49]
Do you have an idiot brother?
[07/05/2011 00:47:12]
Did you put it through the microwave?
[06/05/2011 14:39:46]
Holy Zarquon!
Was it placed near a strong magnet?
[06/05/2011 00:16:18]
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