
Welcome to the Cave of Dragonflies guestbook.

Off-topic discussion is allowed, but spam is not; please make sure all your messages are of substantial meaning that at least somebody would be interested in reading and responding to. That being said, obviously I appreciate comments relating to The Cave of Dragonflies, whether they are error reports, questions, suggestions or whatever else you might want to get across.


My own messages will be signed as Butterfree, with the Admin label below my name. If someone signs as Butterfree without that label, it's probably not me.


what the Zark? How did your game get deleted?

[05/05/2011 21:26:55]


Fuuuuuuu! Shit, I'm so f*cking mad right now, I happen to do The Elite Four the last time. I had my Pokedex full and shuld just send over the ones that u can't find in platinum to my new game, and now everything is deleted. Can't still really understand it :'s

[05/05/2011 18:25:29]

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies
Commenting on: 04-19-11

I'd assume Foxtrot was referring to the shipping discussion, not the survival idea.

[04/05/2011 21:58:06]

Commenting on: 04-19-11

What's erotic about discussing survival? All I can imagine is stuff like "What would you do if you suddenly appeared in a jungle/desert/volcano/whatever". Since Mia is part Scyther, she would probably understand this stuff, but there is nothing erotic about it.

[04/05/2011 18:33:42]

The Pokemon Restaurant at the End of the Universe

You know, there really could have been more back-story on Magma and Aqua. Then again, Pokemon isn't exactly known for it's incredibly complex plot-lines and well-thought-out characters…

[04/05/2011 04:56:46]

Website: Staraptor's Hangout

Hehehe, Morphic is great.

[03/05/2011 19:08:41]

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies

I don't think so. Team Aqua/Magma aren't really around in the postgame.

[03/05/2011 17:04:04]


When you have finnished Emerald and goes back up to Mt. Pyre, you bumps in to the leaders of Aqua and Magma. They just say your name and walks away. Doesn't it happen anything after? Don't you ever meet them again?

[03/05/2011 14:25:06]


So 6x74EVER is shipping?

The frood who thought that up must not have his towel.

Oh, and the guy who ships numbers is not a frood, he is an idiot and has half the brains of Zaphod's stupid head.

Or you know, they could be a fan of the movie 9. Don't presume you know everything.

[03/05/2011 10:32:52]

Life, the Universe, and Everything Pokemon

I personally found the actual series the best, especially how the kids had to cope day to day with normal circumstances.

[03/05/2011 01:15:29]

Commenting on: 04-19-11

Morphic extras make me happy. :3 Mia always was one of my favorite characters.

[03/05/2011 00:22:14]

Website: Staraptor's Hangout

Hi! I love this website! It is amazing and I spend half my time here in the humor section!

If anyone gets the time, my little website is!

[01/05/2011 12:50:36]

Website: dragonflycave
Commenting on: 04-19-11

apparently, i am the only one of this comment section more concerned of the awesomeness of the fanfic itself, not erotica surrounding the principal characters

[29/04/2011 17:52:07]


I think we're half-talking about H2G2 now. :P

[28/04/2011 13:19:35]


(Pretend that wasn't me trying to type this face.)

[28/04/2011 02:03:57]


HAHA gosh that was easy ?__??

Thank you so much!!!

[28/04/2011 01:57:17]

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies

The problem is the paddings - the padding on #rightmenu is creating a space inside the main border, and the right padding on #rightmenu ul is creating the gray border on the right side. Remove those and you should be fine.

[27/04/2011 16:26:20]


Heyo Butterfree, if it isn't too much of a nuisance, do you think you could help me with some CSS trouble? It's nothing urgent; I just want the inside of this menu to look like, say, the Ninetales style (sans borders), and this is the relevant css so far. It's all been done using resources from the site (HTML Guide, a bit of TCoD's code as reference, and the free stretching layout - the menu html hasn't been altered), so I figure you're the first person to consult. If you'd prefer to troubleshoot via email then I'm all up for that too.

Thank you in advance! (And sorry if you get bugged by people a lot, hehe.)

On the subject of PersonxPerson4EVER: those of you focusing on the 'x' or '4EVER' are arguing semantics. :P

[27/04/2011 09:51:32]

Website: Poliwager

Alright. Thanks for the response. I had been waiting a while, since you said that in the affiliate page, but I decided to ask.

I will wait some more. ^_^

[26/04/2011 23:20:08]

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies

Yeah, I always get lazy with affiliation requests. Just be patient; I'll get around to it sometime when I'm feeling too guilty to ignore it anymore.

Kevin, you're thinking of Poe's Law.

[26/04/2011 20:03:38]

Page last modified November 3 2020 at 01:58 UTC