Welcome to the Cave of Dragonflies guestbook.
Off-topic discussion is allowed, but spam is not; please make sure all your messages are of substantial meaning that at least somebody would be interested in reading and responding to. That being said, obviously I appreciate comments relating to The Cave of Dragonflies, whether they are error reports, questions, suggestions or whatever else you might want to get across.
My own messages will be signed as Butterfree, with the Admin label below my name. If someone signs as Butterfree without that label, it's probably not me.
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Squornshellous Beta
Trying to create a table with rounded corners, which doesn't have those seperate-border things.
Hence, -moz-border-radius, and border-collapse.[21/04/2011 05:44:52]
Website: The Cave of Dragonflies
Commenting on: 04-19-11I have made someone ship a ten-year-old sociopathic Scyther Pokémorph and an adult jerkass geneticist who has slept with her mother. Truly, my life is complete! I can die happy now.
[20/04/2011 22:00:57]
Commenting on: 04-19-11[MIA X DAVE 4EVER]
[20/04/2011 21:13:23]
Website: The Cave of Dragonflies…why would you want that? o_O What are you trying to do?
[20/04/2011 21:07:22]
Squornshellous Beta
Bluh, trying to combine border-collapse and -moz-border-radius isnt going too well @.@ Any ideas?
[20/04/2011 20:06:28]
Website: The Cave of DragonfliesThey'd just break until the end of the month (or whenever the bandwidth limit is reset).
[20/04/2011 18:01:06]
Squornshellous Beta
So what would happen if a site went over bandwith? More specifically, what would happen to any images that were hosted on it but were displayed on an external website?
[20/04/2011 16:14:41]
Sorry, I thought that page three hundred something was recent… Well, The Cave of Dragonflies rules no matter what!
[18/04/2011 21:18:01]
Website: Rainbowheart's WebsiteWell, the Cave Of Dragonflies is still a great site even if all our accounts and the forum got deleted, Isn't it? I visit it every day.
[18/04/2011 21:16:55]
Squornshellous Beta
Whilst the current incarnation was submitted about a week ago, I actually have had one pending for quite a few months now, with nothing doing.
[18/04/2011 15:39:37]
Website: The Cave of DragonfliesJust the mods being lazy, I'd wager.
[17/04/2011 18:34:07]
Squornshellous Beta
So I submitted an HTML sig a while ago, and it doesn't seem like anyone's getting round to looking at it. Is there a particular reason for this, or..?
[16/04/2011 14:44:56]
Website: The Cave of DragonfliesIt's the start of your previous session; it has nothing to do with when you posted last. If you don't do anything on the forums for a while, your session expires and a new one will be started when you return to it, which causes the "last visited" date to change to the start of the session before that.
[10/04/2011 22:35:59]
Squornshellous Beta
How does the "You last visited" thing in the forum work? I thought it was your last post, but now it says I last visited at 5:08 PM and I've posted several times since then.
[10/04/2011 19:27:34]
Did anyone get the special eeveelutions with hidden abilities?
[10/04/2011 02:43:33]
Website: The Cave of DragonfliesIt is, and it's a picture by Nidokingu.
[09/04/2011 15:09:57]
Hey, is this your character? I'm not quite sure, but it looks like your ninetales, and this person is posting a lot of stolen stuff.
[09/04/2011 13:20:23]
Squornshellous Beta
Oh. Well, you learn something new wvery day.
[08/04/2011 06:13:26]
I can't access the forums. Would somebody tell Mewtini?
[08/04/2011 00:09:06]
Website: The Cave of DragonfliesThat's because the capture formula itself has changed; there would be little point in adding the fifth-generation Pokémon to a calculator that only applies to the third- and fourth-generation games. Aside from the addition of critical captures, I also at some point failed to catch a Pokémon in White that according to the fourth-generation formula should have been a guaranteed capture. Somebody will have to find and analyze the full algorithm before an accurate calculator for the fifth generation can be made.
[07/04/2011 20:53:13]
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