
Welcome to the Cave of Dragonflies guestbook.

Off-topic discussion is allowed, but spam is not; please make sure all your messages are of substantial meaning that at least somebody would be interested in reading and responding to. That being said, obviously I appreciate comments relating to The Cave of Dragonflies, whether they are error reports, questions, suggestions or whatever else you might want to get across.


My own messages will be signed as Butterfree, with the Admin label below my name. If someone signs as Butterfree without that label, it's probably not me.

Squornshellous Beta

Oh. Well, you learn something new wvery day.

[08/04/2011 06:13:26]

I liek Squirtles

I can't access the forums. Would somebody tell Mewtini?

[08/04/2011 00:09:06]

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies

That's because the capture formula itself has changed; there would be little point in adding the fifth-generation Pokémon to a calculator that only applies to the third- and fourth-generation games. Aside from the addition of critical captures, I also at some point failed to catch a Pokémon in White that according to the fourth-generation formula should have been a guaranteed capture. Somebody will have to find and analyze the full algorithm before an accurate calculator for the fifth generation can be made.

[07/04/2011 20:53:13]

Squornshellous Beta

:O Your catch rate calculator hasn't been updated with the fifthgenmons.

[07/04/2011 20:20:11]

Website: dragonflycave
Commenting on: 04-02-11

yer as good as ever in fanfic…. *sniff*

[05/04/2011 22:49:41]


"Shockingly, it turns out some of the content on this website is not made especially for you! Must be hard, I know."

It's stuff like this that always makes me smile.

[04/04/2011 21:36:05]


The new splash page looks awesome, Butterfree.

[04/04/2011 00:18:46]

Website: Poliwager

Yay! A new splash page! I like it. :D

[03/04/2011 22:53:47]

Johnny Blaze

No need to say sorry there, Butterfree. It's all in good fun.

Not to sound like I'm trying to redeem myself from being duped into believing that was the true chapter, but I found it slightly hard to believe that Issac had Mew. Had me speculating, though. XD

[03/04/2011 06:22:21]

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies

Oh, it's probably all just the same troll. Can't be bothered to match the IPs against the previous posts but these two are the same guy.

I made an April Fools' joke for Morphic, not for The Cave of Dragonflies; Morphic just happens not to have a website to itself so non-readers had to be subjected to the horror of seeing the joke exist too. Shockingly, it turns out some of the content on this website is not made especially for you! Must be hard, I know.

[03/04/2011 06:04:13]


So what's with the sudden influx of elitists who think they know what's good for the site? It baffles me. :/

<3 Loved the sequels - both of them - and I thought it was a clever joke. Of course, it was easy to figure out that the second was a prank too, but it made for enjoyable reading.

Thank you for the delightful April Fool's, Butterfree. <3

[03/04/2011 03:28:44]

no one reads the fic though

so it was kind of incomprehensible as a joke and you didnt need to make a page EXPLAINING the joke like you're a huge genius. for god's sake just put a big tentacle on the site and call it a day.

[03/04/2011 00:35:10]


a new splash page thank you

that wasn't so hard was it?

[03/04/2011 00:33:48]

Sands Buisle
Commenting on: 04-02-11

Knew it!

Too bad you didn't have a chapter to show us though, that would have been nice…

Anyhow, looking forward to reading the sequel!

[02/04/2011 16:37:32]

Website: Click here

That April Fools joke…


[02/04/2011 16:36:06]


After this, pretty much the only thing to do to top it would be to, next year, release the real one, then "admit" that is fake, and release the "real" one.

[02/04/2011 15:04:53]

Commenting on: 03-31-11


I have already sworn to make this a meme in my household. I have never lol'd so hard at anything.

[02/04/2011 07:28:27]

sands buisle
Commenting on: 04-01-11

I knew the last one wasn't real, I had suspected that you'd do an april fools chapter (I just thought it was going to be tqftl), I'm also certain that this is another April fools joke.

[02/04/2011 06:51:42]

Shadow Techie

My brain fairly exploded upon contact with the next Morphic chapter.

I would probably be swearing much more than Dave if that was happening to me…

It was well done, just….I keep wondering where you're going with this, as it is vaguely reminiscent of those old anime episodes where all the main characters die several times and somehow manage to come back to life. Except, you twisted this with a large amount of dark humor…

Final Comment: Whoa. O_O

[02/04/2011 06:25:20]

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies
Commenting on: 04-01-11

Kratos: Oh, wow. I laughed way too much at that. My sense of humour, it is refined.

Fixed it, in any case. I can't believe I (and everyone else) didn't notice that before.

[02/04/2011 04:09:23]

Page last modified November 3 2020 at 01:58 UTC