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Off-topic discussion is allowed, but spam is not; please make sure all your messages are of substantial meaning that at least somebody would be interested in reading and responding to. That being said, obviously I appreciate comments relating to The Cave of Dragonflies, whether they are error reports, questions, suggestions or whatever else you might want to get across.
My own messages will be signed as Butterfree, with the Admin label below my name. If someone signs as Butterfree without that label, it's probably not me.
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PikaPikaMario (GTS+ name)
This site is great! It's full of tons of stuff about Pokémon, and I like that!
[26/03/2011 01:36:31]
Website: The Cave of Dragonflies
Commenting on: 03-18-11Yes, they're still accessible. If you generate the fifth-generation image for your birthday, you can get the fourth-generation equivalent by replacing zodiacimg.aspx in the URL with imagetest.aspx; if the day has multiple Pokémon, you can also add &pokemon=1, &pokemon=2, etc. to the URL to get the alternatives.
[25/03/2011 13:32:31]
Commenting on: 03-18-11Are the pictures for the fourth-generation zodiac still accessible, or not?
[25/03/2011 13:26:48]
Website: The Cave of DragonfliesActually, the Encyclopedia Dramatica article was written by a bunch of users from my forums who thought it would be funny. Most wrote the bits on themselves or their close friends; the bits about me were written by my boyfriend (at the time). Please don't touch it; at the time they got kind of pissed ED was being used for a group of bored kids' personal amusement and spent a couple of days afterwards spamming my error report form. I'd rather not have that happen again.
(…though then at some point I think the page was vandalized by an actual banned member who removed the best joke on the page (the picture of me being this hilarious viking picture Fluffy dug up somewhere). I think the one about my real-life nickname being Richard Nixon the Burly is still there, blessingly.)[25/03/2011 04:45:43]
Well, you do all act like you are better and smarter than everybody. TCod is like the runty little brother of the Big Three pokemon communities.
[25/03/2011 03:09:39]
Encyclopedia Dramatica's opinions are not meant to be taken to heart. They are just funny satirical opinions. I go there all the time and look up things I like. Just laugh.
[25/03/2011 00:20:23]
Encyclopedia Dramatica hates everyone, Doduoman. Don't worry about it.
[24/03/2011 23:52:35]
I was srolling through the search results for cave of dragonflies and saw a review on encyclopedia dramitica and found this, those people hate this website, I mean they called us faggots idoits etc.
[24/03/2011 22:40:37]
Squornshellous Beta
Thank you! That is quite possibly the most insanely helpful thing I have seen ever. Excellent… *arches fingers*
[24/03/2011 17:03:12]
Website: The Cave of DragonfliesYeah, you can't use wildcards. I actually used a special extension of the List Generator to make the batch files to rename my own sprites - here. It can generate all the lines you need for all Pokémon with forms if you choose to generate forms.
[24/03/2011 09:06:45]
Squornshellous Beta
Yup, done that.
On occasion it does work, but then when I try to use it to rename, say, '201-*.png' to 'unown-*.png' it doesn't. Is it just that it can't use the wildcard in the results?[24/03/2011 06:56:59]
Website: The Cave of DragonfliesIs your command line working from the right directory? You need to cd your way into the folder with the sprites before you run the batch file, unless the batch file contains the full paths to all the files.
[23/03/2011 20:49:08]
Squornshellous Beta
Hey Butterfree. How do you get the batch file to rename files? All my attempts produce errors. Namely 'the syntax of the command is incorrect' or 'the system cannot find the file specified'. The internet has had nothing to offer.
Why do I get the feeling I've asked before? Deja vue, I guess.[23/03/2011 20:03:47]
Website: The Cave of DragonfliesI think it's more that those are the most obvious types for a scorpion Pokémon. :P Now, if they made a Normal/Steel horse-cat-dog-Absol-thing, that would make me wonder.
[23/03/2011 08:56:48]
Lord Tbyrd
I was just looking for a possible new sinnoh team when a I realized that Game Freak made a Poison/Bug scorpion that evolves into a Poison/Dark type scorpian. I really do think you're Satoshi Tajiri in disguise.
[23/03/2011 01:45:41]
hai i hav black an whit they is fun i play dem evry dai
[22/03/2011 22:56:41]
Website: The Cave of Dragonflies
Commenting on: 03-18-11It's not exactly that I go through grouping permutations; it's more that I arrange the reigns and then go through the Pokémon one by one, placing them in whichever reign seems to fit best. If that reign is already full, I'll consider which of the Pokémon already there could most viably be moved and do so, possibly sparking a chain reaction of moving Pokémon from one reign to another. Then when I've gone through the whole list I go over it again, making last-minute switches to get the most solid whole picture I can.
[22/03/2011 17:26:08]
Commenting on: 03-18-11How many Pokémon grouping permutations do you have to come up with before you get to one that fits the zodiac model?
[22/03/2011 14:19:49]
Well, I got Victini, and I'm extremely good at the Pokemon Musicals when I use her (I called her 'Victorian'), but the game skips levels too fast for me, so I can only doo gym matches with my starter, Bacon the Tepig.
[22/03/2011 12:57:25]
I don't know - the entire games seemed extremely easy to me.
Then, I suppose I did struggle with Caitlin's Gothilelle and Ghetsis..
And, no, I wasn't doing a solo four. I was doing a… Quartet run?[22/03/2011 11:37:22]
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