
Welcome to the Cave of Dragonflies guestbook.

Off-topic discussion is allowed, but spam is not; please make sure all your messages are of substantial meaning that at least somebody would be interested in reading and responding to. That being said, obviously I appreciate comments relating to The Cave of Dragonflies, whether they are error reports, questions, suggestions or whatever else you might want to get across.


My own messages will be signed as Butterfree, with the Admin label below my name. If someone signs as Butterfree without that label, it's probably not me.

Squornshellous Beta

Hey look! The 'About Me' page is completely nonfunctional!

[17/03/2011 07:41:03]


How did I not ever see this…anyway…I saw the older site. Butterfree, was that site with the cursor trail a recreation?

[17/03/2011 05:15:49]

Website: Cinccino's Nook
Commenting on: 03-16-11

I had Porygon2 before, but now I have Darkrai Day! Day of Darkrai in Reign of Darkrai. I liked Porygon2 better.

[17/03/2011 04:30:33]

Commenting on: 03-14-11

I may be being stupid, but I'll ask anyway. :( For Black and White, did you upload the first frames only? I can't find anyone on the Internet who has ripped all Black/White animation frames, which makes me sad.

And if you haven't uploaded them, are you considering doing it in the future?

[17/03/2011 02:23:51]

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies
Commenting on: 03-16-11

Oh, whoops. Fixed! Thanks.

[17/03/2011 01:23:42]

Commenting on: 03-16-11

Did you notice that the splash page isn't working? If you already did and I didn't see so, my bad.

[17/03/2011 01:09:14]

Commenting on: 03-16-11

The splash seems broken.

[17/03/2011 01:08:27]

Squornshellous Beta

According to Bulbapedia:

!The Japanese name of this move, ?????? Swallow Return (more commonly known in English as the "Turning Swallow Cut"), is probably taken from the signature technique of the legendary swordsman Sasaki Kojiro (the namesake of Team Rocket's James). It is widely believed that it consisted of first a rapid downward slash from above, immediately followed by an upward slash on the same line (this same motion is used for the move's animation in Generation IV). Its name came from Kojiro's observations of the motion of a swallow's tail in flight."

[15/03/2011 11:37:16]


Then I have no idea.

[15/03/2011 01:57:53]

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies

I thought the Japanese name of Aerial Ace was Beak Slash.

[14/03/2011 23:37:07]


Magikarp the Gathering is HARD.

O_O' and the forum thread on it is all covered with spoilers…

[14/03/2011 23:18:19]


Actually, Arial Ace in japanese is something like "Sparrow Cut" or something. Something to do with samurai. And that explains it.

[14/03/2011 22:45:28]

Shadow Techie

genosect is an event only pokemon.

yes, that is strange. I got my electabuzz to learn the tm psychic….

so that means that dugtrio must have wings somewhere, and electabuzz can awaken psychic powers!

[14/03/2011 22:30:33]


i need some help with magikarp the gathering

[14/03/2011 21:56:47]

Website: Click here

anybody else think it's wierd dugtrio can lern aerial ace as TM

[14/03/2011 16:09:47]

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies

does anybody know where to get a genosect

[14/03/2011 16:02:05]

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies

You can now get a new spam verification Pokémon if you haven't gotten the hang of the fifth-generation ones yet by clicking the little "don't know it" link that appears if you have Javascript enabled.

[14/03/2011 15:58:24]

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies


[14/03/2011 15:57:05]


-totally doesn't refresh the page for gen V spammy-

Anorith, Shaymin, Jirachi… Ooh, Genosect

… Okay, Genesect. But now I have a Pignite.

[14/03/2011 15:37:04]

Website: Ganium
Commenting on: 03-12-11

-is happy about this-

[14/03/2011 09:43:26]

Page last modified November 3 2020 at 01:58 UTC