Welcome to the Cave of Dragonflies guestbook.
Off-topic discussion is allowed, but spam is not; please make sure all your messages are of substantial meaning that at least somebody would be interested in reading and responding to. That being said, obviously I appreciate comments relating to The Cave of Dragonflies, whether they are error reports, questions, suggestions or whatever else you might want to get across.
My own messages will be signed as Butterfree, with the Admin label below my name. If someone signs as Butterfree without that label, it's probably not me.
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…..I hope I'm not the only one thinking that that was a drastic change of heart, in a very short amount of time….
Anyways, hows tricks with black/white, anyone? I personally think that the Elite four have an even bigger strength difference than the two previous generations.[22/03/2011 01:32:41]
…If changing the featured section really takes that amount of work to complete, than I suppose it's not necessary for you to spring to doing it. I'm glad to hear that you actually want the site to work as it should as well as adding new content, something that's been coming few and far between. I rescind my impatience but leave behind a feeling that probably others share of wanting more. I don't mean to sound entitled, but I do believe in a sense of professionalism: don't say that things are going to be a certain way or start a trend when they're not. That being said I understand the logistical problems you have with the featured section, splash page, etc. It's good that you have acolytes who claim to know/care more about the site than I do, enough to defend it against accusations that it might not be living up to its full potential. Thanks for responding and I hope your tech problems are cleared up in time.
[21/03/2011 01:36:15]
Website: The Cave of Dragonflies"Fixing it" means a huge headache of installing a new version of ASP.NET on the server, re-moving all the code to a precompiled shared codebehind file and probably spending a few hours fixing the inevitable compatibility issues between these different versions of ASP.NET. I'm going to do it anyway, but not until sometime when I foresee having a few free hours with a good Internet connection and happen to feel like it.
Assuming you're the same person who was complaining about the splash the other day, what you don't seem to get is that there is a huge difference between wanting the site to work as it should and demanding it. I'm all for people wanting the site to return to full functionality as soon as possible (I'd rather prefer that myself), but coming here rudely ordering me to fix it already and acting indignant that I haven't, as if you're entitled to it simply for existing, is exceedingly irritating and very childish.
Moreover, I have every right to pick whatever the hell I want as the featured section on my own website and I can't even begin to imagine by what possible train of thought you can manage to be so offended by the fact I happen to be proud of my R/B/Y capture mechanics section (which, on an objective level, is very probably the most interesting thing on this entire website, considering it is information that is nowhere else on the entire Internet) that you're willing to make multiple posts here desperately demanding that I either randomize it or remove it altogether. Why in God's name is it so important to you that the featured section be random rather than hand-picked?[21/03/2011 01:06:41]
Like, say, a randomized link.
[20/03/2011 23:19:27]
Fixing the website can also mean that she's trying to keep it from slowing down in unnecessary amounts. It's much better to have an efficient, fast-moving website than one slowed down with small aesthetic tricks.
[20/03/2011 23:15:21]
pron shellous alpha
well, what's she doing now that's so important she can't be bothered to fix her own website?
[20/03/2011 22:51:25]
She's not offended that someone likes it, merely incredulous that someone would rather her take time to do that, as opposed to making new content, or something else useful.
[20/03/2011 21:02:58]
porn shellous alpha
I don't understand why you get so offended when somebody wants your site to actually work the way it sholud
Just fix it or take it off. No one plays R/B and needs to know capture mechanics. Good work on the zodiac[20/03/2011 20:22:03]
[20/03/2011 19:43:47]
Website: The Cave of DragonfliesWhy on earth do you care so much about the featured section spitting out a random section rather than always the same one? As far as I can tell it's not important enough for it to be worth it to possibly significantly slow down the entire site just to have it be randomized again.
[20/03/2011 18:46:55]
Fix the featured section
[20/03/2011 17:36:39]
Website: The Cave of Dragonflies…kind of like Palkia is unavailable through regular gameplay in Diamond, and Groudon is unavailable through regular gameplay in Sapphire?
They even have a better excuse this time, seeing as in each game the opposite dragon is seen to have joined N; it would make no real sense for you to then go on to capture it. The whole point of Pokémon is to encourage people to trade with one another.[20/03/2011 17:35:19]
Well I know the poke'mon company does it to make more money but I still think it's a little stupid to make reshiram unatainable through regular gameplay in poke'mon white
[20/03/2011 16:35:46]
Website: PoliwagerI personally don't care what the mascot is. I never use legendaries no matter what. I liked it better in RBY when the mascot was a starter or Pikachu.
Victini for spammy.[20/03/2011 16:19:35]
Well, yeah. Anything is possible, but it's just extremely unlikely for it to be Genesect (or any Event Legendary, really).
[19/03/2011 23:52:30]
Website: The Cave of DragonfliesEh, not really. When R/S had just come out, a lot of people thought the third version would be Topaz and feature Jirachi. Anything could happen; it's not like Genesect is the only event legendary.
[19/03/2011 22:36:26]
Mew, that's not going to happen. Genesect is an event-only Pokemon, so it's not going to suddenly be easily available as a version mascot.
You may as well be saying "Hey guys, maybe in the third game, they'll replace the Patrats on the first route with Celebis!"[19/03/2011 21:47:01]
still no help. (this guestbooks quality has dropped)
[19/03/2011 20:03:11]
Hey Guys! I just had an idea. what if gamefreak makes a real twist and Genesect gets to be the mascot of the 3rd 5th Gen game instead of Kyurem? that's just an idea, but wouldn't it be AWESOME??
… of course, Kyurem could be the mascot, as expected, but if it is, I really hope it gets a new form, one that knows a lot of electric attacks, 1) because it looks really stupid right now, and 2) it seems to have light bulbs in its wings, drawing on the theme of frozen circuits.
…OH, JOY! theres a 5th gen spammy now![19/03/2011 17:32:22]
Website: The Cave of DragonfliesOh, hang on. I can just set paragraph the images are contained in to be left-aligned in all styles. Derp.
[19/03/2011 17:24:39]
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