
Welcome to the Cave of Dragonflies guestbook.

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My own messages will be signed as Butterfree, with the Admin label below my name. If someone signs as Butterfree without that label, it's probably not me.

Johnny Blaze

Holy crap. I absolutely love the new chapter of Morphic. What a twist! Keep on writing! :D

[02/04/2011 03:27:18]

Commenting on: 04-01-11

I finally got around to marathoning through Morphic and the extras in their entirety at stupid-o-clock this morning, so now I can enjoy all this additional stuff.

I'm a bit too busy to go into extravagant detail about how much I enjoyed it all right now, but… I enjoyed it! :D This new first chapter (amusing as Espeon's version was… pffft Mia) was also quite the interesting read. Figured I should point this out, though:

"Goddamn it. He was fucking scientist. He could do this sensibly."

Much as I'm sure Dave would like to be fucking scientist, especially if Scientist('s wife) could be Cheryl, I do believe you're missing an article there.

[02/04/2011 03:20:03]

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies
Commenting on: 04-01-11

"Pregnant pause" is itself a known phrase.

Fixed the typo; thanks. :D

[02/04/2011 01:43:14]

Commenting on: 04-01-11

"There was a pregnant pause."

You probably mean this in the phrase "pregnant with meaning," and it is valid, but still strange.

"figmenet of Lucy’s imagination"

A misspelling: It should be spelled "figment."

Otherwise, an enjoyable chapter of a great, realistic fanfic. Although it seems ridiculous now, it is sure to become more coherent later. The fact that Bubbles was so…enthusiastically devout is a clever foreshading to the reveal that it belonged to Isaac Daniels.

[02/04/2011 01:31:19]

Commenting on: 04-01-11

…another joke?

Because I don't think you would inject that much deconstruction into your real sequel. I may be wrong, though.

[02/04/2011 01:27:11]

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies
Commenting on: 04-01-11

Of course not. It was perfectly grammatically coherent, just ridiculous. And delightfully out of character because Espeon has never read Morphic.

[02/04/2011 00:54:06]

Commenting on: 04-01-11

@superbird absolutely not. remember the kissing ten TWELVE year olds? :'D

also, was the april-fools-joke morphic chapter run through google translate a couple of times before being posted, because i think it may have been…

[02/04/2011 00:43:25]

Lord Tbyrd

@The scorpion thing

You have a point there. I just find it odd that they used both the types you used.

[02/04/2011 00:16:55]

Commenting on: 04-01-11

…Thought so. That last one didn't make any sense.

…I'm remembering the tQFtL April Fool's thing last year. Was that really so far back?

[01/04/2011 23:08:46]

Bug Catcher Wade

…oh, and ignore the date. No, really. This is not an April Fool's.

[01/04/2011 21:40:26]

Bug Catcher Wade

Yay! I found secret link clue 4! It's on [snip] where it says [snip]. You can get to it through the old [snip] or roughly the middle of the [snip] of the [snip], but then you need to click on [snip] afterwards. (I will email in to show that I actually did. I am not a spambot.)

[01/04/2011 21:37:47]

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies
Commenting on: 03-31-11

Pssh, they were twelve. Get it right.

[01/04/2011 14:59:55]

Commenting on: 03-31-11

Well hey, at least it isn't 10 year olds kissing!

[01/04/2011 14:38:13]

Commenting on: 03-31-11

I DONT BELIEVE IT we get to hear everyone's beautiful slightly unstable voices again, ESPEON YOU MAKE MY DREAMS COME TRUE

Now I will proceed to throw money at both of you until I get more fic (ha ha oh god this pun is corroding me)

[01/04/2011 12:26:46]

Squornshellous Beta
Commenting on: 03-31-11

April fools?

[01/04/2011 06:10:51]

Commenting on: 03-31-11

…unless this is a joke, which I think it might be seeing as rocks fell everyone died.

[01/04/2011 02:49:08]

Commenting on: 03-31-11

Glad to hear that Morphic is continuing, but the whole tradeoff thing kind of rankles me. Don't get me wrong, it seems to be written fine, but it would be like J.K. Rowling handing off Harry Potter to another good author. Doesn't feel quite right, or at least not just yet.

thank god i didn't get stunfisk

[01/04/2011 02:45:03]


Something very strange and sweet bro and hella jeff related just happened to the forums.

[01/04/2011 00:47:15]



[31/03/2011 23:12:35]


This is one righteous site about pokemon. I must say. Very rad.

[26/03/2011 03:22:26]

Page last modified November 3 2020 at 01:58 UTC