
Welcome to the Cave of Dragonflies guestbook.

Off-topic discussion is allowed, but spam is not; please make sure all your messages are of substantial meaning that at least somebody would be interested in reading and responding to. That being said, obviously I appreciate comments relating to The Cave of Dragonflies, whether they are error reports, questions, suggestions or whatever else you might want to get across.


My own messages will be signed as Butterfree, with the Admin label below my name. If someone signs as Butterfree without that label, it's probably not me.

Website: N/A

*sigh* Wish I could, but…

[10/03/2011 14:33:08]

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies

Solution: buy the actual game?

[10/03/2011 12:08:53]

Website: N/A

Hey, i know people are saying Black and White are ZOMG AWESEOME!!, but i,really, can't take the risk of another 5th generation pokemon game. With slow internet and framerate per second, my pc can't handle this emulator and rom. I mean, who doesn't say that R/B/Y were the best genartion game thus far? :)

[10/03/2011 11:04:03]

Website: N/A

Hey. Umm, just wanted to drop by and say greetings…haven't seen this place in ages..

[10/03/2011 11:01:22]

Website: Volcarona

Finally, Black and White is released in Australia today! *pelvic thrusts*

[09/03/2011 19:48:04]


Bachuruuuu! This what you're looking for? :3

[09/03/2011 06:10:39]

Squornshellous Beta

Are 'the server is too busy' errors becoming more common recently, or am I just happening to be around for them?

Also, no fifth-gen spam identifiers? I am disappointed.

[08/03/2011 17:17:14]


Why not call it Pokemon Whose Designs Have Been Modified Significantly Over The Years (Without Pictures), or Pokemon Whose Designs Have Been Modified Significantly Over The Years (With Low Resolution Pictures)?

[08/03/2011 12:37:27]

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies

dinkleberg: Heh, that poll is a few years old so I'm not sure I'd call it 'recent'. :P But either way the main blockade I ran into is the shortage of high-resolution, clean scans of the old, i.e. R/B/Y-era Sugimori art. If you find those somewhere, by all means let me know!

Phantom: Being that I haven't actually watched Doctor Who yet (though I do plan to), I'd feel a little silly about referencing it any more extensively than just making a mention of time lords right now.

[08/03/2011 09:06:19]


Hey Butterfree if you ever get around to the new splash might I make a suggestion?

Quetin finds TARDIS. :P

Ok fine that's a little biased, but hey it works lol.

[08/03/2011 07:49:53]


are you going to make the section that was highest voted for in a recently almighty random poll–the one that showed pokemon whose designs had been modified significantly over the years (with pictures?)

[08/03/2011 02:54:49]



[07/03/2011 23:57:35]


How fitting. I just commented to say that I am currently in Cold Storage (just before Gym 5), and what do I get for Spam verification? Mamoswine. An Ice-type Pokemon.

I swear, this always happens to me. This theme deal.

[07/03/2011 03:18:29]

Website: Poliwager

Pokémon Black is so awesome. I'm loving it so far.

[07/03/2011 01:13:25]

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies

The fifth-gen Zodiac is coming whenever I finish it. I'm currently in Denmark and my notes on it are at home, so I can't be working on it at the moment.

[06/03/2011 12:43:07]

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies
Commenting on: 03-03-11

I'm not undervaluing myself; I just don't think the splash page is in any way important enough for it to be serious business to keep it meticulously up-to-date. I take pride in my website because it has worthwhile content on it that I've spent a lot of work on, and in comparison to the actual content I could be making, yes, I do consider the splash extremely unimportant. I'd be making it if I had the easy means to, sure, but I'm certainly not going out of my way, or anybody else's way, to do it when I could be working on something much more worthwhile.

[06/03/2011 12:41:34]

Squornshellous Beta

When's the fifth-gen zodiac coming out?

[06/03/2011 07:53:04]

Commenting on: 03-03-11

Don't undervalue yourself–it's not just a Pokemon website with a silly splash page. It's important and you have many sweet, adoring, and annoying fans. It just seemed unprofessional when I entered the website to be greeted by a banner celebrating a milestone that happened a number of months ago.The Splash page is the symbol of the website–it's worth going somewhere and finding a computer. Don't you have any nerdy friends? Borrow Shady's or something.

[06/03/2011 00:37:59]

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies
Commenting on: 03-03-11

Uh. Are you seriously demanding that I borrow somebody else's computer for a few hours just to make a silly splash page for my Pokémon website on it? What on earth makes you think the splash is so important it can't wait until I get around to reinstalling Photoshop?

[06/03/2011 00:24:47]

Commenting on: 03-03-11

Too bad there's only one computer in the world.

[06/03/2011 00:13:18]

Page last modified November 3 2020 at 01:58 UTC