
Welcome to the Cave of Dragonflies guestbook.

Off-topic discussion is allowed, but spam is not; please make sure all your messages are of substantial meaning that at least somebody would be interested in reading and responding to. That being said, obviously I appreciate comments relating to The Cave of Dragonflies, whether they are error reports, questions, suggestions or whatever else you might want to get across.


My own messages will be signed as Butterfree, with the Admin label below my name. If someone signs as Butterfree without that label, it's probably not me.

Fox McCloud

*points out the fact that there are 4 million front page hits and no new splash* lolol

[27/02/2011 02:33:20]


I've been thinking about making a new Pokemon site, the current mental working title being The Poke-Libraries. I want to extensively explain how Pokemon could plausibly and realisticly exist under Earth physics. If it hasn't been done before, I want to do it, because I have plenty of theories that could work with a little effort.

So, would it be worth the effort? Is there already a site exclusively about the same thing?

Holy carp, Dialga spammy,

[26/02/2011 21:58:19]


b/w have the xtransiver for the dsi, and if they had a system with alot more power, why not use it? people were surprised about b/w being on the ds.

people won't want to get a game that has been last gen for months or a year, and that itself would destroy sales.

[26/02/2011 18:01:08]


So what? If anything, making it 3DS exclusive would hurt sales - as not everyone who plays Pokemon will want one. I could see 3DS exclusive features, but not a completely exclusive game.

Even exclusive features seem unlikely, as Black and White have no DSi exclusive features.

Eventually, I'm sure they'll move to the 3DS, but I doubt that will be anytime soon.

[26/02/2011 17:44:57]


but game freak wouldn't release it on the ds because by the time they would have put it on the ds, the 3ds would already be a year into the market. Game freak had special priorities with the 3ds, and they might have pokemon grey for the 3ds already in the works, if that new pokemon game is a main series one.

[26/02/2011 17:29:58]

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies

Ace Attorney vs. Layton is 3DS only? Okay, yes, then, if that comes out this year.

Why on earth do you think Pokémon Gray would be 3DS-exclusive? Black and White aren't even DSi-exclusive. At most Gray could have 3DS enhancements. There's no way it would be an exclusive.

[26/02/2011 17:22:26]


so what, like pokemon grey or ace attorney vs layton?

[26/02/2011 17:19:08]

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies

Not unless there's a 3DS-only game that I desperately want for some reason.

[26/02/2011 14:10:36]


Im not sure if this qualifies as important but….

Do you plan on getting a 3ds this year?

[26/02/2011 07:46:19]

Website: Poliwager
Commenting on: 02-24-11

I still play RBY! Love the page. :D

[25/02/2011 23:48:06]

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies

Yeah, for the hell of it I made it include a silly phrase about how close the wobble estimate is to the actual chance. Maybe I should cap it at 100%, though.

[25/02/2011 03:15:22]

Commenting on: 02-24-11

This looks really, really, awesome.

*goes off to ponder its deeper meaning*

[24/02/2011 22:11:57]


Kevin: I think "rather poorly" is referring to the accuracy of the game's estimation (170% vs. 100% is quite off) rather than the actual catch rate.

[24/02/2011 21:57:24]


Sorry for the triple post, but I was playing with the Catch Rate Calculator, and I put in Caterpie (CR 255), Ultra Ball, 0% HP, asleep, and it gave me:

100% chance per ball, approximately 1 balls needed on average.

The game estimates your chances, rather poorly, to be around 170%. If the capture fails, the ball will wobble 3 times. "Shoot! It was so close too!"

Rather poorly? 170%?

[24/02/2011 21:12:02]


…Wait, I just misread it. Ignore my previous comment.

[24/02/2011 17:59:32]


"Second of all, lowering a Pokémon's HP below one third has no effect at all on its catch rate. If you're using Great Balls, in fact, lowering it anywhere below half will have no effect on its catch rate."

That sounds really weird, the way it's phrased sounds like it should be different.

[24/02/2011 17:58:05]

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies

Because submitting a post requires more processing?

[24/02/2011 09:00:22]

Squornshellous Beta

Hey, why are the forums more likely to give 500's if you're submitting a post?

[24/02/2011 08:14:02]


Obsessed with sonic still :)

I sooo need to read Butterfree's guide to Voltorb Flip.

[23/02/2011 22:09:46]


I thought this site would reach four million later spring.

I was wrong. And I'm glad of it.

Happy 4 mil, guys.

[23/02/2011 22:08:13]

Page last modified November 3 2020 at 01:58 UTC