
Welcome to the Cave of Dragonflies guestbook.

Off-topic discussion is allowed, but spam is not; please make sure all your messages are of substantial meaning that at least somebody would be interested in reading and responding to. That being said, obviously I appreciate comments relating to The Cave of Dragonflies, whether they are error reports, questions, suggestions or whatever else you might want to get across.


My own messages will be signed as Butterfree, with the Admin label below my name. If someone signs as Butterfree without that label, it's probably not me.


In the "Location column", it´s also a Premier Ball beside "Only one" . What does this mean? That it´s easier to catch Groudon with a Premier Ball?

It´s the same here, does this mean it´s easier to catch Kyogre with the Premier ball?


[15/02/2011 19:46:07]

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies
Commenting on: 02-14-11

Because it was an astronomically dumb idea, completely missing the point and not really funny at all?

[15/02/2011 16:29:06]

Commenting on: 02-14-11

*Oops, "Anti-Anti-Pokemon for Pokemon" I think it was.

[15/02/2011 15:15:19]

Commenting on: 02-14-11

Thanks! ^_^ It just sounded like you completely destroyed it from what you said. Is the old Pokemon obsession test still floating around? Also, I've been wondering this for years… why did you take down the "Anti-Pokemon for Pokemon" section? Were you afraid of people being offended or getting the wrong idea?

[15/02/2011 15:12:37]

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies
Commenting on: 02-14-11

When I take something down, that always just involves removing the link from the menu; it's still there if you still want to see it. Case in point.

[15/02/2011 12:58:20]

Commenting on: 02-14-11

Aww, no! D: I knew the CoST was never to be updated again, but I really wish you hadn't killed it! I really wanted to reread the archived entries and feel nostalgic about when D/P weren't out yet, and PBR looked so exciting and promising (even to me, and I didn't have a Wii!), when we thought Piplup was still going to be called Pochama, when my idiot 13 year old self got worried that Pokemon might be anti-Christian because of Arceus, when Lucario and the Mystery of Mew came out and I watched it every day… *sigh*

[15/02/2011 12:36:09]


ehehehe, thanks for answering!! SOUNDS LIKE A DISTINCT ADVANTAGE TO ME, MMM YES.

Mudskipper those are truly words to live by, I mean it's a pain when you're awake just after midnight and you have to think of it as the next day, amirite? Hi fives all round.

[14/02/2011 09:04:17]

Commenting on: 02-06-11

I love reading these. They're always so natural and the opinions are very genuine.

[14/02/2011 04:09:53]


You know what I always say, the next day only starts after I've woken up.

[14/02/2011 02:12:45]

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies

I do it manually. Otherwise I wouldn't be able to cheat and say I'm updating on February 12th when actually it's five in the morning on the thirteenth.

[13/02/2011 01:10:12]

Website: dA

Whoops sorry to barge my question over yours, Yamii. <__> I didn't watch it though haha derp.

Butterfree, I was wondering, do you have a program in place for submitting front page updates? Or are you doing all of it manually? For a site like this I can't imagine manual updating being all that difficult.

[13/02/2011 00:35:28]


So anyone watch the preview of the BW anime that aired on CN today? No? Okay.

[12/02/2011 19:10:26]

Commenting on: 12-25-09


[11/02/2011 02:54:17]

Squornshellous Beta

Bulbapedia is an excellent help.

[08/02/2011 07:09:57]

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies

I'm pretty sure you still get it by trading the Red Scale with Mr. Pokémon.

[07/02/2011 22:55:32]


Hey-lo, Butterfree! I was kind of confused about this, (And also a little miffed) that I still haven't found a Exp. Share in Soulsilver or Heartgold. Am I just too blank to find it, or is Nintendo deciding to be stupid and not put one in the game?

[07/02/2011 22:54:10]


Yeah, Morphic already has Loads and Loads of Characters.

From the TV Tropes Page:

Eight Pokémorphs distributed across six homes, with each home also having (usually two) parents and optional extra siblings, though not much tends to be seen of them. This wouldn't be that much in, say, a TV show with several seasons, but this is a fourteen-chapter fanfic. This in combination with the slow progress of the fic has led to many readers forgetting who everybody is between chapters.

More characters would make that even worse!

[07/02/2011 21:19:18]

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies

No, I don't. As I already said, it would be pointless, bog the story down with even more characters than the loads and loads it already has, and furthermore your idea is just to have them be "Mia But More", which would be even more extraneous than otherwise. One sociopathic cloud cuckoolander is plenty.

[07/02/2011 14:04:54]


Sooo… you're saying you don't like the idea of making a Gible morph, with its possibility of being an overly-violent companion for Mia? with about the same psychological problems, just a bit more willing to break the rules and bite someone?

[07/02/2011 13:02:40]

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies

If I were to make a new morph, I'd pick it the same way I picked the originals (aside from Jean): identify a major animal/creature group different from those already represented by a morph, then pick some typical Pokémon fitting that group at more-or-less-random (allowing for "oh, hey, a morph of this Pokémon could be screwed up in interesting way X"). Because that's how the scientists picked them: to demonstrate the power of the method we've discovered, let's try mixing a human with a mammal, a fish, a reptile/insect, a slug, a plant, a bird, a ghost, oh, and it would be funny to make a copy of this children's book character.

The thing is I don't like Pokémorphs in the first place. I like animals non-anthropomorphic and the same applies to Pokémon; I wrote a Pokémorph fic because I thought there was potential for it to be interesting, not out of any fondness for the concept. I have zero inclination to make morphs of any particular Pokémon species; I don't exactly resent the idea and I enjoyed making up these morphs, but asking which Pokémon I'd pick for a ninth is just sort of like asking what age a human character would be if I were to create another one. If I'm actually creating one they'll have a specific age, sure, but that would be picked when the character is actually created and depend completely on where they would fit into the story and what would serve my purposes best; I don't have an "age queue" of the next character ages I'd want to write.

[07/02/2011 10:37:34]

Page last modified November 3 2020 at 01:58 UTC