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My own messages will be signed as Butterfree, with the Admin label below my name. If someone signs as Butterfree without that label, it's probably not me.
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I find it amusing that your website is more popular than your mom's health counseling site and you need to put a link of it on the bottom of your disclaimer just so you can get Google to notice it.
Yeah, I just noticed that.[07/02/2011 04:36:06]
I know that it is unlikely for you to make a new Pokemorph (as you discussed below), but, out curiosity, if you were to, which Pokemon would you choose for the morph?
I know it's pointless speculation, but still.
Well, actually, speculation isn't quite the right word, but I think you know what I was trying to say.[07/02/2011 03:25:48]
Commenting on: 02-06-11Nice extra. Dave and Mia's conversations are interesting. =3
Out of curiosity, this scene takes place before Brian is killed, right? Dave's reluctance to continue talking because it upsets him is ironic.[07/02/2011 03:03:23]
Website: The Cave of DragonfliesNo, Will couldn't have turned badass and hurt his siblings because he didn't have claws or significantly sharp teeth. Morphic is not a wish-fulfillment fantasy. It's about eight Pokémorphs who are very screwed up and have very screwed up lives. The only reason I would ever write him hurting his siblings into the story would be if I thought that would have interesting awful consequences.
There is no point in a new Pokémorph, either. Eight is already many enough to be quite difficult to deal with; adding another one just for the hell of it would be silly (and pointless; the only reason I'd add a new character is if there were a serious gap that needed a new character to fill it).[07/02/2011 02:31:27]
And yet he could have turned badass and hurt his siblings, much like Gabriel. I imagine him goring his siblings with newly-found claws or teeth. Additionally, how about a new pokemorph, maybe one with Gible DNA (maybe?)
[07/02/2011 02:10:59]
Website: The Cave of DragonfliesSorry, but no.
1. Will could never play Peter's role in chapter 13, because Will can't dodge bullets.
2. If you meant merely switching which of them actually dies, Will is a better character to kill than Peter exactly because he is so completely powerless. Having him standing around the entire chapter and surviving it would just result in his presence feeling extraneous and his survival unrealistic, whereas killing him is that much more heartbreaking because he should never have been there in the first place. Peter made himself useful; if he died it would be a heroic sacrifice. The whole point of Will's death was that it was utterly pointless, and that's what hits Jack the heaviest. Peter dying would not have the same impact in this regard.
3. The only one of the villains who would make any sort of a sick pun is Isaac, who doesn't actually get there until after Will and Peter have both been taken out. The others were all nervous, frantic and had no idea what they were doing - not exactly conductive to puns. Rearranging the situation heavily just so the villain can be in a position to make a pun is not something I do, largely because I dislike puns.
4. What does it honestly change that your favorite character died? It's the second-to-last chapter of the fic; if he'd lived it would only have meant one extra scene for him (and probably a rather depressing one at that, since his life sucks and his siblings hate him and unfortunately a brush with death wouldn't change that). If you want to imagine he didn't die, be my guest, but I don't see how it would help you any if the rewrite changed it, honestly.[07/02/2011 01:35:49]
Butterfree, if you do a rewrite of Morphic, could you switch the end roles of Peter and Will? Will is my favorite, and he's about as pointless as Peter. I find it odd that you did not have Peter die and therefore have had a chance of making one of the villians say a sick pun about shooting a bird - I would have jumped at the chance, personally.
[07/02/2011 00:27:49]
Commenting on: 02-06-11I didn't need to do anything, I just tried again and it worked. Must have been a bug on my end.
I do find it amusing that in the Morphic world Mia, a scyther morph, cannot comprehend wanting to commit suicide while in the Quest For Legends world that suicide is one of the biggest themes for scyther. I realize they're too completely different worlds, and it was more Scyther culture than Scyther instinct as evidenced by Scyther not wanting to commit suicide, but even so I think it's an amusing contrast.[06/02/2011 23:26:10]
Commenting on: 02-06-11fffff that was great fun to read. Mia's take on suicide was really interesting to read about. I love this series so much.
[06/02/2011 21:45:26]
Website: The Cave of Dragonflies
Commenting on: 02-06-11Change the character encoding in your browser.
[06/02/2011 19:39:29]
Commenting on: 02-06-11Is it just me, or is the text file full of that odd black questionmark block?
[06/02/2011 18:53:01]
Commenting on: 02-06-11What do you know? It's also my birthday. :D
[06/02/2011 13:48:12]
Website: The Cave of Dragonflies
Commenting on: 01-14-11I realize there was a leak and the fact it's proved accurate so far means it's highly likely to be accurate about the rest, but I'm not putting names on here until they're officially confirmed, as a matter of policy.
[05/02/2011 23:50:45]
Website: Click here
Commenting on: 01-14-11In case you didn't see, all of the new english names have been leaked a month ago:
:)[05/02/2011 23:15:28]
Hi Peps!
[05/02/2011 05:35:22]
Hi guys! I'm new at this so I'm probably not going to say much
[05/02/2011 02:42:16]
@spheal: I do! its such a cute ball of FUN!!!
@everyone who reads this: I'm gonna name the Minccino I will get later on Capuccino, because it is hyper like a people get when they drink a caffinated drink
ps: my sister is going to join this guestbook in about 5 minutes. she will call herself Pachirisu.[05/02/2011 02:41:00]
Website: SphealWho likes Spheal besides me?
[04/02/2011 05:38:22]
Vulpix, I'd have to agree with Butterfree. The best possible thing to do in this situation is to throw that idea out the window like a hot potato. If you do, then you won't feel bad about it crashing and burning.
[31/01/2011 10:19:32]
The Pokémon Master
Website: This very guestbookWell, Vulpix, considering it's called "Yoshimon", add a few Yoshis and you're fine
[30/01/2011 06:37:18]
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