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My own messages will be signed as Butterfree, with the Admin label below my name. If someone signs as Butterfree without that label, it's probably not me.

Commenting on: 01-10-11

I'm probably annoying you with all my random fic-related questions, but something bothered me about Morphic. When the Morphs' parents grow old and die, who takes care of them? Since they can't go outside and need someone to get things for them.

[14/01/2011 20:20:50]

Commenting on: 01-10-11

All right, that's cool. Glad I could at least help. Lots of respect for you as a writer.

[13/01/2011 19:19:16]

Commenting on: 01-06-11

I found this hilariously amusing in my own weird way. I loved Dave's awkward attempt to explain the difference between liking and "liking" and her final, matter-of-fact statement of "I don't think I like anyone that way" (well…I'd think not, she's ten after all) was cute.

Also you get a cookie for mentioning asexuality cause people usually don't and it makes me smile when they do. :3

[13/01/2011 18:44:36]

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies
Commenting on: 01-10-11

No, you don't sound like an ass. You found it underwhelming and you explained why. That's not being an ass; that's being constructive and it's appreciated even if it happens not to match up with my intentions for the story. Please don't think I was offended or angered by your comments.

[13/01/2011 04:35:32]

Commenting on: 01-10-11

Ah, okay. Thanks for that clarification. My lord, I sound like such an ass when I'm commenting. ;_;

[13/01/2011 04:26:16]

Commenting on: 01-10-11

These are actually pretty fun to read. It's a nice, serious discussion underneath the initial bizarreness of the principle. Two characters, just…talking.

I actually was reminded of Pulp Fiction in this one. Seems like the kind of discussion that would end up there. Very real, natural, believable.

[13/01/2011 02:56:50]

Commenting on: 01-10-11

you should write a third one :3 these are really quite fun to read.

[12/01/2011 19:23:42]

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies
Commenting on: 01-10-11

Mudskipper: Mm, it's not quite intended explicitly as humour so much as just 'here are characters, witness them having a bizarre conversation'. If you find it pricelessly funny and enjoy it because of that, that's great, but I'm not writing jokes or punchlines; I'm just writing these characters being themselves and watching what happens when they talk about subjects that strike me as potentially amusing to write. I didn't even realize people would find Dave and Mia Discuss Sex particularly funny until people started commenting on it (hence the big "okay, I know this is completely pointless and just an excuse to have them interact, so skip it if you don't care about that" disclaimer). So "trying to make readers laugh"? Well, I… wasn't, really. Again, if you laugh, that's great, but it's not actually there to be humourous, so suggesting I make Mia's political opinions funnier than they actually are just defeats the entire point, to me.

Rainbow-Starlight: She doesn't really get fiction, either. If she read them she would probably find the Code pretty stupid, because they keep obeying these arbitrary rules for no good reason, and they keep killing themselves which is just the dumbest thing in the universe.

…maybe I'll write a third one on fiction of some sort now.

[12/01/2011 11:47:54]

Commenting on: 01-10-11

I love these. XD They're funny and awesome. Mia is my favorite Morphic character.

Also… I can't help but wonder what Mia's reaction would be if she read Scyther's Story and Fall of a Leader.

[12/01/2011 08:32:34]

Shadow Techie
Commenting on: 01-10-11

THANK YOU for stating what I've been trying to say about our government system for months, (Not saying that we have any better alternatives, but…)

and still keeping the humor. I love getting inside Mia's head, so, if you got more, keep it coming.

[12/01/2011 06:29:26]

Commenting on: 01-10-11

I dunno, maybe a bit more laughable humor would make it better. As it stands, Mia seems more like a bad troll than anything, which doesn't have as much comedic value as some of your other humor. I suppose it could be awkward trying to make readers laugh using only a conversation between two mismatched characters, but maybe it's just my standards for humor that are too high. I just don't find flat-out ignorance funny for some reason.

[12/01/2011 04:14:05]

Zephyr Souls
Commenting on: 01-10-11

I love these! I'm sure I'm not the only one that was sad after the end of Morphic and the end of any further writing about these characters. Plus, I'm always a fan of getting into character's heads.

[12/01/2011 00:56:36]

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies
Commenting on: 01-10-11

Her completely missing the point sort of is the point, as is the fact his justifications are necessarily absurd because the principles democracy is actually based on mean nothing to her. I'm not sure exactly what you want me to do.

[11/01/2011 08:09:00]

Commenting on: 01-10-11

Mia mostly just seems to be missing the basic point of government, and Dave is just bad at explaining it. Kind of missed the mark for me. :\

[11/01/2011 04:25:41]

Commenting on: 01-10-11

Please do not stop writing these things. They brighten my day.

[11/01/2011 03:03:21]

Website: Ganium
Commenting on: 01-10-11

Heh, Mia sounds like me xDD

[11/01/2011 01:10:11]

Commenting on: 01-10-11

No, I love these little short things!

[10/01/2011 22:42:33]

Commenting on: 01-10-11

No, you do not need to stop writing these, and you know it. :3 They are hilarious.

[10/01/2011 20:38:20]


Don't stop writing them - they're awesome.

[10/01/2011 20:36:49]

Commenting on: 01-10-11

I love these xD

Mia's absolute ignorance/misunderstanding of culture is hilarious, she's blunt and to the point, and… just awesome. I wouldn't mind more of these.

[10/01/2011 20:27:55]

Page last modified November 3 2020 at 01:58 UTC