
Welcome to the Cave of Dragonflies guestbook.

Off-topic discussion is allowed, but spam is not; please make sure all your messages are of substantial meaning that at least somebody would be interested in reading and responding to. That being said, obviously I appreciate comments relating to The Cave of Dragonflies, whether they are error reports, questions, suggestions or whatever else you might want to get across.


My own messages will be signed as Butterfree, with the Admin label below my name. If someone signs as Butterfree without that label, it's probably not me.


I absolutely LOVED the Curse fanfiction!!! But the ending made me cry…Everyone who hasn't read it yet grab a box of tissues and go do it!

[07/01/2011 20:53:24]

Commenting on: 01-06-11

Hehehe. If Dave's in a chapter, you know there's going to be some "fucking."

[07/01/2011 11:07:03]


So, the end of the PokéMorphs. The ending was so freaking grim I'm in the edge of my seat. Not that I hate it (I've read waaay to many things with morbid endings before, it's tantalizing for me), but it seemed a little abrupt. All in all, it's awesome.

Maybe I'm just too used to reading slower stories….

[06/01/2011 23:37:39]



I haven't even checked this in, like, months.


/scurries back out

[06/01/2011 01:54:09]

Website: darkjagold
Commenting on: 01-01-11

Your tone is very different than your previous posts. Anyway, belated Happy New Year~!

Note: I've been visiting your site for a few years now, but I think this is my first/second post that I made~

[05/01/2011 06:10:46]


At 7:44 Central Time Zone, on January 4th, 2011 the number of front page hits was 3,936,866. One hour later, the number of hits was 3,936,969. Another hour later, the number of hits was 3,937,003. Judging by these numbers, I conclude that the average number of hits per hour is 200ish during peak hours (not including breaks), 100ish in times surrounding peak times, 50ish in late/early hours. When Butterfree should statistically should reach four million hits is beyond me. I estimate late spring of 2011.

I am a fan of XKCD. Can't you tell?

[05/01/2011 03:48:42]


I agree with PorygonRulez. I hate the drop-down menus.

[04/01/2011 15:40:53]

Commenting on: 01-01-11

Happy New Year DragonFree!!

[04/01/2011 04:22:56]


Morphic is amazing. Thanks for posting the final chapter :DDDDD

I will go read it now.

[04/01/2011 02:29:52]


The old Hellfire layout is not only for people who used to like it. I am a newcomer to this site,but old Hellfire is awesome,in my opinion better than the new Hellfire

[04/01/2011 01:17:47]

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies

Guh. I just never learn, do I? That happened last year too, if I remember correctly.

[03/01/2011 18:29:28]

Commenting on: 01-01-10

Just noticed that the date thingy for this update still thinks its 2010. =P

[03/01/2011 12:37:57]

Lord Tbyrd

The good transparency in the day during the New Year!

As BabelFish Would Say.

[02/01/2011 06:06:53]


Curse you, TV Tropes!

It's midnight and I was just about to go to bed, and, in reading about the insanity that is (the Harry Potter fic) My Immortal, I have succeeded in laughing so hard that I gave myself hiccups.

Really, really loud hiccups.

The last time I laughed hard enough to do this was when I visited the Babelfished page on this site…

[02/01/2011 05:15:16]

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies

Well, certainly sometime. Maybe I'll recruit opaltiger's help in May.

[02/01/2011 03:55:39]

Emerald Espeon

Gah I've rediscovered the crossword and figured out fifteen words, so I'm only one word short of it actually being worth submitting, and I'm completely stuck. Watch a new crossword come out tomorrow or something…I'd be so sad D:

I don't remember if you've answered this recently, Butterfree, but are you planning on making a new crossword sometime soon?

[02/01/2011 03:14:43]


So, how was everyone's holidays?

[02/01/2011 03:02:29]


That was a very satisfying ending to Morphic. I'm going to miss that fanfiction… Well-written, by the way. You know you've conveyed the emotions superbly if I start tearing up. XD

[02/01/2011 00:48:45]


Personally, I think "pyjamas" looks weird, but I realize that this is merely because I am from the US, so "pajamas" is simply more familiar.

[01/01/2011 23:47:22]

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies
Commenting on: 12-30-10

'Pyjamas' is the British spelling and the one I learned. 'Pajamas' just looks silly to me.

[01/01/2011 23:36:49]

Page last modified November 3 2020 at 01:58 UTC