
Welcome to the Cave of Dragonflies guestbook.

Off-topic discussion is allowed, but spam is not; please make sure all your messages are of substantial meaning that at least somebody would be interested in reading and responding to. That being said, obviously I appreciate comments relating to The Cave of Dragonflies, whether they are error reports, questions, suggestions or whatever else you might want to get across.


My own messages will be signed as Butterfree, with the Admin label below my name. If someone signs as Butterfree without that label, it's probably not me.


Ah fair enough, now I feel stupid :3

[20/12/2010 23:11:52]

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies

There are too many people on it? That's generally what "too busy" means in terms of servers.

[20/12/2010 22:50:31]



I can't access the forums D: Apparently the server is too busy.

I know it's nobody's fault, and certainly not to sound rude, but does anybody know what's going on?

[20/12/2010 22:29:34]

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies

No, it is technically not affiliated with me, actually. I was linking to it before it had an actual affiliate list, and neither of us ever sent an affiliate application to the other. I don't mind that I'm listed as an affiliate there because it's a good site and I link to it, but I didn't think it would be quite right to call it an affiliate when we technically never affiliated per se.

[20/12/2010 02:44:44]

Butterfree's Fan
Commenting on: 02-18-09

You're a great ranter, but I find those HTML guides helpful. I see your point about them, though.

[20/12/2010 01:39:29]


Hello Butterfree.Anyway,We All Live In A Pokémon World is affiliated with you. It links to you. Why is your link not under "Affiliates"? Please fix it.

[19/12/2010 23:20:13]


Yes, I finally did it. After day of trying to beat penant capture I finally unlocked the Friendship Room!

[19/12/2010 18:01:11]

Fan of Butterfree

You rock, Butterfree!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *sends every pokemon that you like*

[19/12/2010 04:06:13]

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies

It's about Pokémorphs being made from Pokémon that aren't cute and popular, looking far more weird than appealing, having disturbing violent urges, possessing mostly very little in the way of Pokémon powers, and failing miserably at heroism. It was originally started because I'd always thought the idea of Pokémorphs being cool and attractive and awesome and powerful and saving the world was silly and it struck me one day that it might be fun to write something closer to what it would really be like to be a Pokémorph. That's pretty much the definition of a deconstruction.

[19/12/2010 03:14:59]


I've been wondering this for a while now…how exactly is Morphic a deconstruction? Other than the fact that it's set unusually close to real life, of course ;)

[18/12/2010 23:58:43]


I have Sky. I can't get past Dialga's Tower, though.

[17/12/2010 15:02:41]


Hey guys!!! I just figured out an influence for my typing style: WIGGLYTUFF!!!! I'm talking about the one from the Mystery Dungeon Series.

MACHOKE SPAMMY!!! that's funny, 'cause it's the evolution of the only semipermanent team member in my team in Explorers of Sky, and by that I mean one who isn't me or my partner pokemon.

[17/12/2010 06:18:53]


Thanks Mew, I shall proceed to do so hastily.

[16/12/2010 21:14:11]


@Ferb: definetly (is that how you spell it?)!! just maket get burned, and you're good to go. in fact, I have a Breloom named Shroomy that has the poison heal ability. i taught it Facade and gave it a toxic orb. I then proceeded to pwn the battle tower in the Platinum Battle Frontier.


[16/12/2010 20:12:35]


Does anyone think its a good idea to teach a Heracross with guts ability Facade.

[16/12/2010 07:13:48]


What? I just meant that I get Overly Hyperactive

[15/12/2010 18:53:39]


*sweatdrop* I don't respond well to Whits Castle, and when I say that I mean constipation of doom.

Poliwrath spammy, boo.

[15/12/2010 15:39:16]


Yeah… that's just how I like to type. I also don't respond well to combining chocolate and my ADD meds.


[15/12/2010 14:55:35]


It's 7;46 for me, I'm in EST. mew you seem a little…hyper.

[15/12/2010 12:48:30]

Hey Guys!!! it's 6:30 A.M. where I am!!!

This is Mew. Do not be alarmed. I come in peace. I'm used to the starter names by now, but I'm just saying that Tepig and Snivy are names I usually scrap when I'm coming up with names for fake pokemon.

[15/12/2010 12:28:15]

Page last modified November 3 2020 at 01:58 UTC