
Welcome to the Cave of Dragonflies guestbook.

Off-topic discussion is allowed, but spam is not; please make sure all your messages are of substantial meaning that at least somebody would be interested in reading and responding to. That being said, obviously I appreciate comments relating to The Cave of Dragonflies, whether they are error reports, questions, suggestions or whatever else you might want to get across.


My own messages will be signed as Butterfree, with the Admin label below my name. If someone signs as Butterfree without that label, it's probably not me.


That's just her opinion. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion.

[04/12/2010 14:51:12]


Butterfree,could you please be not so offensive to dub fans in the "Conclusion" part of the Legend of Thunder review?

[04/12/2010 04:56:44]


Ranculus >>> Gochiruzeru

Very much so.


[03/12/2010 22:35:23]

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies

He is probably referring to the fact the region has been renamed to Unova for the English version.

[03/12/2010 18:19:41]

Sonar AKA Sonar Snow


[03/12/2010 18:07:43]

pokemon luver
Commenting on: 11-22-10

i wish d name isshu would be in english too cuz its my pet name

[03/12/2010 14:56:15]



[03/12/2010 04:57:09]


I have an Internet connection at home again. \o/

I've been looking around, trying to find/remember the IRC network many of y'all hang out on so I can stop and say hello, but I've had no luck.

In case I'm not welcome, though, just tell me.

[02/12/2010 03:40:58]

Sonar AKA Sonar Snow

God, the water-starter's name whatever-the-hell is horrible. Its evolutions even worse. And I will MURDER someone if Bachuru's English name suck like the starters do. I agree with Sarah: The names have gone downhill. But that's what they said about the fourth-gen pokemon, right?

[01/12/2010 16:21:23]

Emerald Espeon

Losing a battle due to poison when your opponent's last Pokémon has one HP left is really not fun :(

[01/12/2010 15:13:55]


So sorry about the triple (?!) post! I've been having problems with my computer and double-clicking… but three?

@ Alpha: Since when was Pokemon not a kids' show? XD But personally, I agree with you. English names have been going downhill.

[01/12/2010 04:10:26]


Eagerly awaiting the next chapter of TQFTL, ILCOE version. Also, a toast to all those who fail at submitting error report forms! :'D I love this site.

[01/12/2010 04:04:10]

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies
Commenting on: 11-22-10

The "shi" in Reshiram (like "shi" is in general in Japanese) is pronounced pretty much like "she".

[30/11/2010 01:10:56]

Commenting on: 11-22-10

Oh my gosh! I am so sorry for the double post! But, I meant the names never meant much to me anyway. I usually nicknamed my Pokemon whatever the heck I want.

[29/11/2010 22:50:16]

Commenting on: 11-22-10

Well, I kind of like the starter names. I'll live with it. I never did care much for the names, but Snivy? It makes Pokemon sound like a kids show. "Hey kids, are you ready to see Snivy the [insert animal here]!


But, I am wondering one thing. Is the I in Reshiram's name a long I or a short I? Or, did they just leave it up to me to start a flame war over which is better.

[29/11/2010 22:48:48]


Rankurusu (the blob) is in White. I say so because you seem to be implying that Gochizeru (Gaga) is better than Rankurusu, so you should get White. Since White has Rankurusu, that is nonsensical.

If, however, you were saying Rankurusu > Gochizeru, then I agree.

[29/11/2010 21:58:19]


GET WHITE. Would you rather have Lady Gaga, or a squishy green cell-blob? :3

[29/11/2010 04:33:58]


Hey i know a name that will make everyone happy!Porkabue!Pokabu+Pork+Barbecue.Do u like it?

[28/11/2010 16:24:44]

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies

Mapped out as in the system of reigns and day dedications - I've yet to actually distribute the Pokémon across the days, but that's just manual work.

[28/11/2010 06:38:26]


Wait, what? You've already got it mapped out? That's pretty amazing - how long did it take you?

[28/11/2010 04:23:44]

Page last modified November 3 2020 at 01:58 UTC