Welcome to the Cave of Dragonflies guestbook.
Off-topic discussion is allowed, but spam is not; please make sure all your messages are of substantial meaning that at least somebody would be interested in reading and responding to. That being said, obviously I appreciate comments relating to The Cave of Dragonflies, whether they are error reports, questions, suggestions or whatever else you might want to get across.
My own messages will be signed as Butterfree, with the Admin label below my name. If someone signs as Butterfree without that label, it's probably not me.
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"Not even a *little* dead?".
What is that even supposed to mean? Oh, wait, are you talking about inorganic material, like water?
If so, then no. She is mostly nonliving.[29/12/2010 00:15:53]
Hiiiiiiiii peoples. c:
[28/12/2010 21:42:41]
March 6.
[27/12/2010 16:00:22]
Commenting on: 12-19-10Not even a *little* dead?
Cannot wait for Morphic! Once it's all done I'm going to read through the whole thing, though, because it's a bit hard to follow the complex characters and plot when you wait months before getting the next chapter xD[26/12/2010 13:40:39]
Emerald Espeon
I don't mind Pansear and Pansage is okay but I will miss my Hiyappu :( I should never have gotten used to the Japanese names…oh well, I can nickname mine in the English version. I was hoping that the differences in their names would be at the beginning rather than the end. But in a way it's good that it's different than usual, I guess.
[26/12/2010 05:48:16]
St. Green
I love how even with all the long threads locked people /still/ look at them so no-one can't do shit.
[26/12/2010 04:42:28]
Website: The Cave of Dragonflies
Commenting on: 12-19-10Oh, whoops. Must have mistyped when I was adding anchors to everything (so that it would be possible to link to an individual fic's description on the page). Will fix in a moment.
[25/12/2010 15:53:06]
I like the names for the monkey trio as well.
[25/12/2010 14:57:46]
Merry Christmas Guestbook people!
[25/12/2010 13:54:56]
Ferb: Lol. I like them. Silly.
Commenting on: 12-19-10Why did you take down the Legendary Revenge fic? o.o I liked having it for nostalgia.
[25/12/2010 03:41:52]
What do you guys think of the names of the Elemental Monkeys?[24/12/2010 23:34:24]
Website: The Cave of DragonfliesIt's not a version difference; it's a difference between berries and how well you tend to the tree. Either some mulch or watering the tree often enough will help the tree grow more than one berry.
[23/12/2010 01:57:23]
How are you ment to do with the berries in pearl? :s in emerald you pick two berries each tree so you can plant one of them for another tree and the other berry can you use, but in pearl you can just pick one berry. So you can't use a berry if you want a tree to grow? :s
[22/12/2010 22:49:46]
Albino Blacksheep
I did it!!! I beat the marqee of doom!!! the only sad thing is I don't know how to copy on my dsi and therefor can't paste so sadly it was all for naught :( so if any one can tell me how I will love you for life
[22/12/2010 10:19:50]
Thank you, Butterfree. A LOT! Everything on this site is amazing and helpful. The information is all accurate, and I really like your obsession quiz. Thanks again. (I'm like bubbling with excitement right now)
[21/12/2010 23:18:44]
Website: The Cave of Dragonflies
Commenting on: 12-19-10What exactly are you referring to? Because if it's the reviews, the point of the update was sort of that I wrote a lengthy answer to that question.
[21/12/2010 23:13:45]
Website: Ganium
Commenting on: 12-19-10Exactly- WHAT is with the hate?
[21/12/2010 22:47:40]
There's something slightly weird about the forum skin-changer.
Now, I'm not sure if the Scyther style is supposed to be the default, or if it's because I use the Scyther skin on the website proper, but, when I went to the forums just now, it had the Scyther skin, but the style switcher thing said it was Minimal Dewgong. I decided to play around with it, and, to switch it to Minimal Dewgong involved first loading a different skin, then selecting it.[21/12/2010 01:35:26]
Commenting on: 12-19-10Morphic is almost done? YAAAAY!
[21/12/2010 00:01:38]
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