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Ahh, yes. My bad.
[15/12/2010 00:55:21]
Albino Blacksheep
Website: Albino Blacksheep.comI have just found out that I am the only pokemon fan in my age group at my school by the way I'm 15 so ya I think that I am kinda odd
[14/12/2010 23:45:41]
thanks kevin and butterfree:)
[14/12/2010 21:20:56]
Website: The Cave of DragonfliesNot quite - the game has one designation for physical/special moves (to determine whether to use Attack/Defense or Special Attack/Special Defense and a few other things) and also a flag for whether the move makes contact (to determine for instance whether the Rough Skin ability will take effect). The physical/special determination is mostly made based on whether the move reasonably employs physical muscle strength or a more mystical-esque power: Earthquake, for instance, is physical but does not make contact, and Grass Knot and Petal Dance are special but do make contact.
This physical/special distinction only applies in the fourth-generation games onwards, where you can see if you look at a move on your Pokémon's stat screen that it has a little icon that's either red with an impact star on it (physical) or blue with a ripple on it (special). In the first three generations, physicalness or specialness of moves was determined by the type of the move; Normal, Fighting, Poison, Ground, Flying, Bug, Rock, Ghost and Steel moves were always physical, while Fire, Water, Electric, Grass, Ice, Psychic, Dragon and Dark moves were always special.
I recommend reading my battle mechanics page if you're completely clueless about these things.[14/12/2010 20:55:13]
@Frostagin: yeah, but the change between jiheddo and Sazandora is so great that it's hard to see how Monozu evolves through Jiheddo and on to the floating dragon-demon-hydra-whatever thing.
KRICKETOT SPAMMY!!! i am pwning the game w/ a kricketune in Pearl version.[14/12/2010 19:30:25]
Moves run off the Attack stat if they make contact (such as Fire Punch), and they run off the Sp. Attack stat if they do not (such as Flamethrower). It has nothing to do with type, only the moves effectiveness.
The higher the Attack stat, the more damage done by moves that make contact (hereby referred to as physical moves). The higher the Sp. Attack stat, the higher the damage done by moves that do not make contact (special moves).
The two defense stats function oppositely - the Defense stat reduces the effectiveness of physical moves, while the Sp. Defense stat reduces the effectiveness of special moves.
What you're talking about about at the end is known as STAB. It has nothing to do with physical or special - if a Pokemon uses a move of its type (Charmeleon using Ember), the damage is boosted by 1.5x. Basically, if it would've done 60HP worth of damage by stats alone, it'll instead do 90HP worth of damage.[14/12/2010 18:31:46]
what is the differnce between attack and spec attack and defense and spec defense? is spec attack attacks with the same element as the pokemon, like a fire pokemons spec attack is firetype moves? and just attack is all other moves?
[14/12/2010 17:53:53]
I'm a ten-year-old girl.
I think Monozu is supposed to be a hydra, with it gaining more heads as it evolves. Kinda like Hydranoid from Bakugan.[14/12/2010 00:21:24]
yeah, but its face is more shnauzer-y. i know because i had two. they're both dead… *Sob…*
waaahh!! why did they have to go?? WHYYY???
oh yeah… despite my 8-year-old-ish posts… i'm a 12-year-old boy.[13/12/2010 23:40:11]
Website: The Cave of DragonfliesYooterii is mostly a Yorkshire terrier. I know; it looks just like my boyfriend's dog.
[13/12/2010 23:16:50]
Oh yeah… sorry, but i wanted to add to the discussion of what is cutest. three words: YOOTERII AND MONOZU!!
a schnauzer and a twisted baby llama with a dopey smile on its face. AREN'T THEY SO ADORABLE??!!![13/12/2010 21:39:32]
Hi guys!! long time no… errr… online chat? random question. do you guys think that monozu (the 5th gen pseudo-legendary 1st evo) looks like a llama? i sure do. and i dont get why it evolves into a giant lizard-dragon-demon thing with origin form giratina wings and heads for hands.
[13/12/2010 21:25:35]
Squornshellous Beta
Aaaaargh I thought nothing had happened but my post in the ASB bank posted like twenty times D: D: D: Now I have to go through and delete them all and that's going to be awful with all the 500's D:
[12/12/2010 18:55:21]
Website: The Cave of Dragonfliesblaziken, no, that would not have been on this site, but there are any number of sites with that feature - they're generally called online Pokédexes. The best one in general is my sibling site, veekun, but that doesn't have locations for items, so you're probably thinking of a different one.
[12/12/2010 16:46:12]
(Hopes nobody notices that it's almost a page late.)
I'm getting both Black and White, though my main game will be White.
I've gotten all the versions for a while. Indeed, right now, of the main series games, I'm missing only Silver version. I am missing a few non-main series games though, such as Hey You Pikachu and the newest Pokemon Ranger game.[12/12/2010 15:29:54]
PS. if it helps there was a map in the upper right which showed where the pokemon could be found.
[12/12/2010 12:18:13]
Hey, a few months ago i found a page with lists of everything in the game. There was many lists with pokemons, items and so on. the lists showed where u could find a specific item, what it was for, what it looked like and the same things with the pokemonlist. If i don't remember wrong it was on this site, but i can't find it if that's the case :s if anyone knows what i mean, please send the link :)
[12/12/2010 11:50:49]
Squornshellous Beta
I wonder how long it will be before the forums are back up.
[12/12/2010 10:45:24]
Emerald Espeon
Aha. Oops. I thought the forum was back to normal because it loaded fine, and now I have a ghost topic that I have no idea how to fix.
[12/12/2010 09:06:59]
Website: The Cave of DragonfliesMy best guess is excessive traffic on the server. :/
[12/12/2010 05:59:09]
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