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My own messages will be signed as Butterfree, with the Admin label below my name. If someone signs as Butterfree without that label, it's probably not me.
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Website: The Cave of Dragonflies
Commenting on: 12-30-10'Pyjamas' is the British spelling and the one I learned. 'Pajamas' just looks silly to me.
[01/01/2011 23:36:49]
Commenting on: 12-30-10When Jean walks in while Dave is crying, you spelt 'pajamas' as 'pyjamas'.
[01/01/2011 22:42:29]
Thank you for the Morphic chapter! Loved it!
[01/01/2011 21:26:56]
Happy New Year! (However far you are in the day)
And I finally got a DS, just yesterday! Fwee![01/01/2011 20:24:21]
Commenting on: 12-30-10Yeah, the one thing I was the most confused about was why Gabriel was kidnapped. :L
[01/01/2011 19:08:49]
I'm on Hellfire. Haven't seen any problems. Also, I'm using Firefox, what browser are you using? That might help us solve the problem.
[01/01/2011 17:08:24]
Website: The Cave of DragonfliesIs it happening even if you use the style switcher to change to a different style?
[01/01/2011 17:01:02]
Website: PoliwagerStyle seems to be corrupt on the site. Might just be me though…
Ditto spammer.[31/12/2010 18:31:47]
Website: The Cave of DragonfliesWell, I said before the end of the year, and there isn't exactly a lot left of it. :P
[31/12/2010 15:36:41]
I knew you'd said it was soon, but I didn't realize that you meant this soon.
[31/12/2010 15:26:22]
Website: The Cave of Dragonflies
Commenting on: 12-30-10Fixed. This is why I should not be putting up chapters at seven in the morning after staying up all night.
[31/12/2010 15:05:13]
Visited an epic site.
31 December 2010[31/12/2010 11:10:26]
Squornshellous Beta
Commenting on: 12-30-10Typo!
"]i]“Well, then, Mr. Ambrose, we hope you understand.”"[31/12/2010 09:32:31]
Thanks for all your guides and tutorials. They are written well and enjoyable to read. The guide to Scratch Spriting really helped out!
[31/12/2010 04:56:49]
Well, my family changed our network to a more secure type, which happens to be one my DS can't read. So I don't even get Wi-Fi. No more Events for me. >.<
[31/12/2010 04:12:44]
I'll be lucky if i even get to go. A, I don't know where my Diamond is. B, I don't even know if they will be transferring to Diamond. that's the beeping facts.
[30/12/2010 15:41:20]
I hope they give the shiny beasts event on wi-fi because I don't live in America. That sucks!
[30/12/2010 03:39:40]
I have to borrow my friend's.
[29/12/2010 20:10:34]
Yeah, me too.
I'll be lucky if I get to though… I have 3 Pokemon games but no DS :([29/12/2010 20:09:35]
Albino Blacksheep
can't wait til january 3 2011 cause im gettin one of the shiny dog things from gamestop!!!
[29/12/2010 11:04:06]
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Page last modified November 3 2020 at 01:58 UTC