
Welcome to the Cave of Dragonflies guestbook.

Off-topic discussion is allowed, but spam is not; please make sure all your messages are of substantial meaning that at least somebody would be interested in reading and responding to. That being said, obviously I appreciate comments relating to The Cave of Dragonflies, whether they are error reports, questions, suggestions or whatever else you might want to get across.


My own messages will be signed as Butterfree, with the Admin label below my name. If someone signs as Butterfree without that label, it's probably not me.

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies

That's why it's a base Attack of 180, not just an Attack of 180. Every species of Pokémon has a set base stat for each of the six stats (when you look up a Pokémon species in an online Pokédex, it will usually list the base stats in the stat section). The actual stat any given individual Pokémon has at any given level is determined from various factors, including the base stat of the species. Because Deoxys has the highest Attack base stat of any Pokémon, a Deoxys will have a higher Attack than a Dragonite (or any other Pokémon) if all else is equal (i.e. they're at the same level, have the same nature and same individual and effort values).

For more information, read the Stat Mechanics section.

[10/01/2011 19:24:38]


But the Attack depends on which level the specific pokemon is**

[10/01/2011 17:31:43]


Sorry for my silly questions through the times, wich is obvious for pokenerds, but not for me who is kind of a noob ^^

I was reading the Game Mechanics and it says that Deoxys has the highest Attack (base 180) in all the games. But the Attack depends on which level the specific is. So I don't understand how this works, because you could get a Dragonite, for example, with a higher Attack just by leveling it up. And Deoxys could also have higher attack just by leveling up. I can't figure out how this works? :s

[10/01/2011 17:29:29]


Oddly, I was thinking just the other day about mentioning renaming the crossword, for that reason.

I came up with "The Crossword That is Updated in Increasing Large Intervals", but that doesn't flow as well as "Irregular Crossword".

[10/01/2011 04:27:48]


er, hi. *feels slightly embarrassed* erm, I just want to apologize for being a bit of an idiot before. And spamming and stuff… sorry, I guess I was a bit of a n00b, but I've changed now, really.

[09/01/2011 04:45:25]


The extra just made me love Mia even more…Epic win :D

[08/01/2011 21:41:00]


I just finished the Marquee of Doom. Yeah Yeah!

[08/01/2011 18:02:31]

Commenting on: 01-06-11

Oops. My bad. Won't happen again. :x

[08/01/2011 16:28:27]

Commenting on: 01-01-11

This is… the sixth New Years update you've posted since I started visiting this site.

I almost want to write about what a big part of my life this site was in 2004, how I missed it when I didn't have the internet for half of 2005, how I used to always go on this site at school when I got the chance…

And how much of an idiot I was on the Invisionfree forums in early 2006… .-.;;;

But, meh, I'm not going to bore anyone with all that. XD; Well, I sort of did. But I mean in detail. But I will say that I was My-bayleef on the Invisionfree forums. And I've changed a LOT since then.

Anyway, uh, Happy (over a week late) New Year? :D;

[08/01/2011 10:49:30]

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies

On my forums the LGBT club recently got renamed to the QUILTBAG club - Queer/Questioning, Undecided, Intersex, Lesbian, Trans, Bisexual, Asexual, Gay. :D Inclusion win! Now if only that term could get universally adopted…

[08/01/2011 03:20:43]


For most people, their only exposure to the term is in Biology, which I understand, but it is still offensive when people react accordingly.

Or, other people just try to be rude and say things like "Oh, you can reproduce by budding?".

Either way, it is usually annoying to tell other people how I identify.

I almost wish it were to be added to the LGBT umbrella if for no other reason that I wouldn't have to explain it all the time.

[08/01/2011 02:43:47]

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies

Hehe, I enjoyed the opportunity to give it a mention. :P

[08/01/2011 01:35:56]


Make that either "get a mention" or "get mentioned".

[08/01/2011 01:08:50]


Asexuality isn't something that gets referenced very often, so it's always cool to see it get a mentioned.

[08/01/2011 01:08:17]

Commenting on: 01-06-11

Wow, that was honestly adorable.

[08/01/2011 00:42:43]

Commenting on: 01-06-11

Well, it made me laugh, in the way random extra chapters tend to do.

[07/01/2011 22:15:20]


You went just a little crazy, Butterfree? XD Discussing anything with Mia ends up creepy in my opinion, but… Wow. I didn't think Mia's psychological creepiness went that far….

[07/01/2011 21:38:10]

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies
Commenting on: 01-06-11

I'll let this comment slide, I suppose, but in the future, please don't use words in the guestbook that you wouldn't see on daytime TV. Morphic has a warning for swearing; the guestbook does not.

[07/01/2011 21:26:16]


I absolutely LOVED the Curse fanfiction!!! But the ending made me cry…Everyone who hasn't read it yet grab a box of tissues and go do it!

[07/01/2011 20:53:24]

Commenting on: 01-06-11

Hehehe. If Dave's in a chapter, you know there's going to be some "fucking."

[07/01/2011 11:07:03]

Page last modified November 3 2020 at 01:58 UTC