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Off-topic discussion is allowed, but spam is not; please make sure all your messages are of substantial meaning that at least somebody would be interested in reading and responding to. That being said, obviously I appreciate comments relating to The Cave of Dragonflies, whether they are error reports, questions, suggestions or whatever else you might want to get across.
My own messages will be signed as Butterfree, with the Admin label below my name. If someone signs as Butterfree without that label, it's probably not me.
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Website: The Cave of DragonfliesScizor on the moon, I know it's you with the capslockrage. You're not funny, just tiresome. Grow up and go away.
(I've already deleted the posts in question, if it wasn't obvious to everyone else. Ignore this.)[24/01/2011 08:49:41]
Website: The Cave of DragonfliesIf you WANT to write a fanfic of my fanfic, go ahead (as long as you note that and link to the original, of course), but be warned that I'd be very curious to read it. :P
The spam verification Pokémon can be any of the 493 of the first four generations. When Black and White are out in English, I'll add fifth-generation Pokémon as well.[24/01/2011 04:09:03]
[Thought: what would happen if they tried to recreate the dead morphs… You won't be offended if I write a fanfic off of your fanfic, right?]
Random question: with the type-the-pokemon's-name-into-the-box thing, what pokemon could you get? Is it any of the 493 or are there 5th Gens too or… yeah.
Will: Yeah, but it was hard to figure out at first with the rather drawn-out thing about wetting his ears.
Scizor: I really like the Electaichu. However, it seems like Laprados' head is rather painfully disproportionate and so in comparison the back seems rather awkward. But I don't know the first thing about spriting, so I don't know if that helps at all or not.
Butterfree, how could [i]anybody[/i] think to consider you such a thing as morbid? Also, it seems even more realistic to have conversations with Mia put up since she's dead, because when people die, it makes those who were close to them want to handle with care every memory of them.[23/01/2011 23:06:59]
Scizor on the moon
Website: Click to 8-bit yourself!I have made three impressive splices. I don't like to chat on forums, so I'm posting them here. Comment on them, please! Slowbriados Electaichu Laprados[23/01/2011 20:32:04]
Website: The Cave of DragonfliesWill was the Meowth morph, hence the generally catty behaviour such as playing with balls of yarn.
See, Mia was one of my favorite characters too, but characters don't have to be expendable to be killed. One of my other favorite characters I've ever written? Went mad and committed suicide. That's just how I roll. The great thing about killing characters is that they don't stop existing when they die, so if I want to write more about Mia I can just merrily go on writing extras about her and Dave discussing sex and politics and say they happened before chapter five. Win-win! :D
Morbid? Me? Why would you think that?[23/01/2011 10:58:47]
Having just finished it (Why did I just read the whole thing straight through? Gosh, self.), I am also really upset that Mia died. I really, really enjoyed reading her quasi-sadistic … everything she said.
But when Will was introduced I was really confused because I couldn't figure out what the heck he was supposed to be. …
And the best part was when Jack introduced himself to the kid at the geek table. IMO.[23/01/2011 07:57:49]
A Scizor on the moon
Website: Click here to 8-Bit yourself!Finished reading Morphic. It was the best Pokemon fanfic I've read (Most fanfics are about having sex with a Gardevoir, which is completely disgusting), but why did Mia have to die? She was my favourite character… This might provoke me to read Quest of the Legends sometime soon.
[23/01/2011 07:29:49]
As I'm reading morphic for the first time, I feel like saying that I am really, really amused by the fake Bible references.
Excessively amused.
(I'm talking about Chapter 4.)[23/01/2011 05:57:18]
Website: The Cave of DragonfliesWhoever you are that keeps posting random irrelevant comments bashing Kingdom Hearts, go get a life and stop wasting your time raging about a video game on a website about a completely different, unrelated video game.
[22/01/2011 22:15:06]
I'd read that, Kevin.
Anyway, Butterfree…. Your rant about the english names seems to be getting a lot of mileage over on VDex.[20/01/2011 00:01:39]
You know, I was rewatching the Marquee of Doom, and it occurred to me that, if I ever made one of them, nobody could sit through them.
Why? Because it would be a rant on how stupid Polar Bodies and Endergonic Reactions are.
The weirdest things bother me.[19/01/2011 22:35:47]
Please do keep writing these, they make me happy! ^_^ Probably because I love Mia so much. ^_^;
[18/01/2011 06:41:38]
Website: The Cave of Dragonflies
Commenting on: 01-10-11Dave, because I admit it just fine. :P
[17/01/2011 11:42:55]
Commenting on: 01-10-11"but (s)he’d come to enjoy these trips more than he liked to admit" Lol, is that Butterfree or Dave? XD
[17/01/2011 06:49:00]
Hiya Guys!!! this is completely off topic, but I think I'm going to do a 'no evolving' run when I get Black version. this is because most of the fully evolved pokemon in the 5th gen creep me out.
[17/01/2011 02:00:34]
That makes a lot of sense. I love your reasoning, Butterfree.
[15/01/2011 23:47:56]
Website: The Cave of DragonfliesSo basically, to summarize, the game almost definitely does not have any special handling of in-game trainers using items they shouldn't. It would just be a waste of time for the programmers.
[15/01/2011 20:19:18]
Website: The Cave of DragonfliesOdds are that's not about how the trainers use items so much as just what the game code does when items are used in an unintended context. I'd assume when trainers have an item, it's just treated as an extra "move" by the AI and then attempts to use the item on the opponent's Pokémon using the same rules as if you were using an item, giving the same messages and having the same effects, except that it wouldn't go through the error-checking that makes sure you don't use a Revive on a non-fainted Pokémon or the like. This would also lead to a "TRAINER blocked the ball!" message for throwing a ball, since that's what normally happens when a ball is used in a trainer battle.
[15/01/2011 20:16:55]
Idea for experiment
How about experimenting how random trainers use various items? I saw a hacker putting Max Revive to a random trainer. Game said "xxx's Max Revive restored health!", but it didn't actually do antyhing. I tested this myself and hacked a trainer to have Master Balls in my ROM. When that trainer used Master Ball, game said "TRAINER blocked the ball!" or something, and nothing happened. Isn't that the message when trying to capture random trainer's Pokémon? Well, that got me curious how they use other items.[15/01/2011 11:00:17]
Website: The Cave of Dragonflies
Commenting on: 01-10-11As the ruling stands, they'd just have to arrange for somebody to do their shopping, etc. for them.
[14/01/2011 23:00:48]
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