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My own messages will be signed as Butterfree, with the Admin label below my name. If someone signs as Butterfree without that label, it's probably not me.
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Me too. though I distinctly remember it was one of the movie reviews and Fridge Lodgic.
Yes, I do get up this early in the morning on Saturdays.(It's seven where I am.)[29/01/2011 12:04:13]
I've visited TV Tropes for a long time, and I remember that you were the one who I found it from - don't remember what page, but I remember it was on this site.
So, yes, thank you, Butterfree, for linking to TV Tropes. Even though, you know, it ruined my life.[29/01/2011 02:42:24]
Website: The Cave of DragonfliesUh. That doesn't exactly say a lot. I'd be most inclined to advise you not to rip off existing franchises in the first place, but… :/
[29/01/2011 02:41:42]
Hey, Butterfree! I am making a whole new thing off of Pokemon called Yoshimon. Any advice?
[28/01/2011 21:12:33]
@Bob: Well, the (apparent) english name is "JotTIC"…
[28/01/2011 15:56:33]
Squornshellous Beta
Oh yeah, big spiders have fur. Guess I did remember it wrong.
[28/01/2011 07:58:57]
Thought Bachuru was a tick? It's ten centimeters long, and sucks electricity from things.
[27/01/2011 22:17:24]
The Pokémon Master
Website: Spinarak <3I didn't say Machamp was an insect just because he had six limbs…
@Giratar Now that you mention it, spinarak's pincers do look like legs.
Oh, and has anyone ever realised that Swinub has the word "nub" in it's name, which is a shorter version of "noob"?[27/01/2011 21:23:48]
…How about the fact that Denchura's name is based off tarantula?
[27/01/2011 17:58:05]
Website: The Cave of DragonfliesTarantulas are hairy, to the point of looking quite fuzzy. This is obviously the inspiration for Bachuru/Denchura; they're not mammals any more than Machamp is an insect because it has six limbs.
[27/01/2011 13:05:46]
Squornshellous Beta
Yeah, looks pretty mammalian to me. It's fluffy - don't only mammals have fur? Or am I remembering it wrong.
[27/01/2011 09:53:04]
Well… Couldn't you technically consider Spinarak's pincers as legs? They look long enough…
And it may just be me, but Bachuru just seems to resemble a mammal more than spider. Whatever mammal would look like that, but still.[27/01/2011 02:17:06]
Website: The Cave of Dragonflies
Commenting on: 11-08-10Six legs are not the only defining characteristic of insects, so it's kind of ridiculous to claim having six legs automatically makes Pokémon that are obviously based on spiders into insects. They're just… leg-numerically challenged?
[27/01/2011 00:39:36]
Hi! Omg I am just in love with your Zodiac!!!!! I look at it every day, and then I go to school and say, Hey! Its the Festival of Shadow Zapdos, Season of Emotion!!! XD
[26/01/2011 23:17:12]
The Pokémon Master
Website: Spinarak <3
Commenting on: 11-08-10Oh, and they are technically not spiders. They don't have eight legs. Spinarak has six legs(making it an insect), and Bachuru has four. Get it right, Game Freak!
[26/01/2011 22:10:32]
The Pokémon Master
Website: Spinarak <3
Commenting on: 11-08-10Bachuru is becoming the new Spinarak. In my eyes, they are both cute :3. I wonder what the next Ledyba will be… (Waits for Generation 6)
[26/01/2011 22:05:00]
Commenting on: 11-08-10I think it's cute, but i might have strange preferences. I know that being spiky usually doesn't make a Pokémon cute (Carvanha, Fearow, Zapdos…), But this one is different. And those who don't like spiders can still find it cuter than Spinarak.
[26/01/2011 16:15:45]
Butterfree- "One of my other favorite characters I've ever written? Went mad and committed suicide."
We all love our psycho Leader Shadowdart…[26/01/2011 00:08:29]
Scizor on the moon
If you're wondering why I created a different alias and acted like a moron on it, it was just from pure boredom. Sorry for acting like a complete moron.
[24/01/2011 21:42:55]
Scizor on the moon
Fine. You got me. I was that "You" guy all along. I'm sorry for spamming under a different alias. Forgive me?
[24/01/2011 19:29:08]
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