
Welcome to the Cave of Dragonflies guestbook.

Off-topic discussion is allowed, but spam is not; please make sure all your messages are of substantial meaning that at least somebody would be interested in reading and responding to. That being said, obviously I appreciate comments relating to The Cave of Dragonflies, whether they are error reports, questions, suggestions or whatever else you might want to get across.


My own messages will be signed as Butterfree, with the Admin label below my name. If someone signs as Butterfree without that label, it's probably not me.


But Bachuru has big shiny eyes.

[06/12/2010 16:02:05]

Squornshellous Beta

Yeah, but Yuniran is suishy.

[05/12/2010 21:24:12]

Website: Ganium
Commenting on: 11-22-10

"Tepig" comes from "Tepid", which means lukewarm.

[05/12/2010 19:39:05]

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies

But Bachuru is fluffy.

[05/12/2010 18:37:53]

Squornshellous Beta

I have just discovered something more adorable than Bachuru. It is named Yuniran.

[05/12/2010 17:46:00]


Butterfree, have you forgotten?

"Either the Game Freak guys are watching everything I say, I'm psychic, or I'm Satoshi Tajiri in disguise."

So, clearly, it is not a coincidence.

[05/12/2010 15:08:27]

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies

Ferb: Um, yes? ?_? It's not like five billion people haven't made up dragon legendary trios with those types both before and after me. It's kind of obvious.

[05/12/2010 00:29:47]

Commenting on: 11-22-10

I like the name Snivy. It sounds catchy. xD

Tepig sounds weird. I mean, its obviosly a pig. They just added a "Te" to the beggining. Its pretty random if you ask me.

Oshawott sounds normal. Just… Normal.

[04/12/2010 23:29:25]


Butterfree, is it a coincidence that Volcanryu, Thunderyu and Polaryu are the same types of Reshiram, Zekrom and Kyurem respectively?

[04/12/2010 22:31:16]

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies

…what? Recommending you watch a fansub rather than the dub is not offensive towards people who choose not to do so. o_O This makes even less sense than being offended at the word "terrible".

[04/12/2010 21:35:24]


I meant that you say I must watch a fansub.I watch dub,terrible or not.

[04/12/2010 19:31:20]

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies

Um, what? How is "Or, more specifically, go watch a fansub, because the dub is terrible" offensive towards dub fans? And not just offensive, but "so offensive"? It's an opinion on the dub of the episode, using one single mundane negative adjective. How the hell am I supposed to write reviews if mundane negative adjectives explicitly directed towards the product are somehow fan-bashing?

Aside from that, I am referring to the dub of this particular episode containing ridiculous edits including cutting out the ending and randomly changing a character's sex. Even if you enjoy the dubbed version, which is quite possible and I don't blame you for, it's still a terrible dub because there is no justification for making such disrespectful or detrimental changes to the work you are supposedly translating. Of course everyone ought to watch the original when the dub cheats you out of a couple of great scenes for no reason whatsoever. In other words, it's not even that the dubbed episode is terrible; it's that the dub of the episode terrible.

[04/12/2010 17:27:21]


Opinions is one thing, fan-bashing is another.

(Then again, I haven't read the review, soo….)

(Ooh, Uxie spammy.)

[04/12/2010 16:04:48]


That's just her opinion. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion.

[04/12/2010 14:51:12]


Butterfree,could you please be not so offensive to dub fans in the "Conclusion" part of the Legend of Thunder review?

[04/12/2010 04:56:44]


Ranculus >>> Gochiruzeru

Very much so.


[03/12/2010 22:35:23]

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies

He is probably referring to the fact the region has been renamed to Unova for the English version.

[03/12/2010 18:19:41]

Sonar AKA Sonar Snow


[03/12/2010 18:07:43]

pokemon luver
Commenting on: 11-22-10

i wish d name isshu would be in english too cuz its my pet name

[03/12/2010 14:56:15]



[03/12/2010 04:57:09]

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