
Welcome to the Cave of Dragonflies guestbook.

Off-topic discussion is allowed, but spam is not; please make sure all your messages are of substantial meaning that at least somebody would be interested in reading and responding to. That being said, obviously I appreciate comments relating to The Cave of Dragonflies, whether they are error reports, questions, suggestions or whatever else you might want to get across.


My own messages will be signed as Butterfree, with the Admin label below my name. If someone signs as Butterfree without that label, it's probably not me.


I think the names are a Metal Gear Solid reference.

Solid Snivy, Tepig Boss, Revolver Oshawott

Solid Snake, Big Boss, Revolver Ocelot.

[23/11/2010 13:21:52]


Also Oshawa is apparently a city in Canada that started the otter fur trade. Just what

[23/11/2010 02:27:53]


Oshawott = OH SH** A WATER OT[/b[TER

Makes sense to me. :V

Also Unova = US of A. Why they changed it idk.

[23/11/2010 00:13:37]


The English name of tsutarja is snivy,the english name of pokabu tepig, and the english name of mijimaru oshawott.

[22/11/2010 23:17:29]

Squornshellous Beta

Beyond Suefics where the author wants you to know every tiny detail about their character, but they don't matter to begin with.

(Also I would be insanely interested in a geektrivia page on the R/B/Y capture rate thingy)

[21/11/2010 08:38:22]

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies

Gabriel's eyes are covered because I was drawing him in the car when being kidnapped. Except, you know, I never drew the car because I suck at backgrounds.

Characters never look like they're supposed to look in a reader's head, and that's fine. It rarely matters exactly what a character looks like.

[20/11/2010 23:00:49]

Sonar AKA SonarSnow the IDontKnow

Huh. I always pictured Mia with short, blonde hair and much larger sythes. And more rogue-looking.

[20/11/2010 16:57:13]


Why did you cover Gabriel's eyes?

[20/11/2010 16:29:41]


Hey there, just passed by to say I really like your website and especially the "What Pokémon Are You?" questionnaire.

Also, the part on the About Me page where you describe your personality, it's just exactly me O.O

[20/11/2010 03:00:48]

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies

I only ever drew two: Mia and Gabriel.

[16/11/2010 12:27:52]


Hey Butterfree, where were those pictures of the Morphic characters you drew…? I can't seem to find them, and I want to look at them again…

[16/11/2010 08:21:59]

Commenting on: 09-11-10


[14/11/2010 22:19:12]

Squornshellous Beta

Also whenever I try to access the site, it redirects to searching for, but then I click on the first result and it works fine. Any ideas why?

[12/11/2010 20:25:39]

Squornshellous Beta

Aaand I think the forums are down again. Hrnng.

[12/11/2010 20:09:18]

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies
Commenting on: 11-07-10

It's not that surprising. Crystal's animations are actually composed of individual frames that can be ripped, and the sequence in which they're displayed and their duration would just be a couple of very simple numbers. The Emerald and fourth-gen animations, on the other hand, have two frames (readily available) that are then put through a bunch of distortion filters. A program that wanted to rip the animations would have to not just rip the frames and the instructions for the distortions, but actually reconstruct the distortion filters themselves. And the fifth-generation animations don't even have individual frames at all, since the game stores key frames for individual body parts and then applies movements and distortions to those.

[11/11/2010 17:57:43]

Commenting on: 11-07-10

I second-guessed myself on the spelling of Parlyz Heal and glanced at the Fun Facts. I saw the first spelling shown and thought it was the correct spelling. x.x;

Oh darn then, I've been trying to find a resource for the animations, but I've only found a few. It's always baffled me that the Crystal animations are so readily available, but Emerald's and fourth generation's animations not so much.

[11/11/2010 16:15:40]

Former Arachnaphobe
Commenting on: 11-08-10

Bachuru cured me.

[10/11/2010 16:20:06]




[10/11/2010 00:12:25]


Haha! I am definetly catching Bachuru when B/W comes out. It looks so funny!

[09/11/2010 18:28:18]

Commenting on: 11-08-10

I approve of this very much~

[09/11/2010 14:06:00]

Page last modified November 3 2020 at 01:58 UTC