Welcome to the Cave of Dragonflies guestbook.
Off-topic discussion is allowed, but spam is not; please make sure all your messages are of substantial meaning that at least somebody would be interested in reading and responding to. That being said, obviously I appreciate comments relating to The Cave of Dragonflies, whether they are error reports, questions, suggestions or whatever else you might want to get across.
My own messages will be signed as Butterfree, with the Admin label below my name. If someone signs as Butterfree without that label, it's probably not me.
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Yeh I sometimes get those 500 server errors.
[06/11/2010 23:00:39]
Squornshellous Beta
Never mind, 'sback.
But now it keeps throwing me 500 errors.[06/11/2010 11:46:48]
Squornshellous Beta
Same error here. It says "The connection has timed out.
The server at is taking too long to respond." and it happens repeatedly. I've been refreshing constantly for the last ten minutes, to no avail.[06/11/2010 09:00:07]
Website: The Cave of DragonfliesIt's probably the same error that pops up occasionally when it can't reach the main site. Just try again.
[06/11/2010 08:37:29]
Now the alternative URL for the forums is failing for me! ;-;
Butterfree, if you want I'll post what comes up went I try the alt. URL.[06/11/2010 07:30:11]
bluespirit: Likely when all the English names are released.
[05/11/2010 21:18:47]
The Rocky Ekans....Wait thats onix
I have read the Marquee of doom with MY 15 MIN MUDKIP INSANE EDTION all the way through without going insane
[05/11/2010 18:24:22]
btw this is the best pokemon site (not a pokedex like site -.-) i know!
please keep making it better[05/11/2010 10:38:11]
Pokemon Ranger and the Kidnapped Riolu is rather interesting. I only watched a little of Part 2, though…
[05/11/2010 04:37:04]
No, I meant when are the sprites for Black/White coming to the Sprite Page on this website. I love the naming that Butterfree does. It makes it so convenient for me :)
[05/11/2010 04:10:23]
Commenting on: 11-02-10Wow it's been a long time. This was one of the first sites I discovered on the internet six years ago; I remember watching the Marquee of Doom behind open school reports, reading every word instead of actually working. Pretty sure your link to TvTropes was the first time I found that, as well. So thanks a lot for six years of incredibly interesting and mind-expanding procrastination! (I really, really appreciate it!)
[05/11/2010 02:53:19]
Happy B-Day, TCoD!
It was 3 years ago I found this site (don't ask me how), and I was 11. Now I'm 14 and its still going strong![04/11/2010 17:23:20]
Website: The Cave of DragonfliesMm, not sure. I didn't find Mastermind of Mirage Pokémon that interesting. Is the Kidnapped Riolu thing good?
[04/11/2010 13:22:24]
Also Butterfree, for your reviews, do you think you can do Mastermind of Mirage and Pokemon Ranger and the Kidnapped Riolu (Parts 1 and 2)?
[04/11/2010 06:06:54]
Nyaargh, Eevee's sprite downloads are failing for some reason. I want all of the Crystal sprites, but I can't find a suitable link to them all…!
[04/11/2010 06:06:08]
Website: The Cave of Dragonflies
Commenting on: 11-02-10I posted about this in the October updates, with a link to the alternate URL.
[04/11/2010 02:33:43]
"Yeah, the IP address has changed, apparently. Need to wait for my dad to go fix it, since he owns the domain registration account."
Use the eeveeshq domain.[04/11/2010 00:34:51]
Website: To Be Continued...
Commenting on: 11-02-10AARRGGGHH!!! The forums are down, I have four web browsers and none of them can get to the forums part of your website (it's been like this for the past 3-4 days). It'd be nice if you, Butterfree, or just as well anyone else could tell me WHY I cannot get onto OR
[04/11/2010 00:11:33]
Commenting on: 11-02-10RED CYNDAQUIL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ok, now that THATS over with…
Wow, eight years now…. I
discovered this site as one of the first sites I found on the internet…. five or six years ago.
Can't believe its been eight years.
Keep it up!
and Thanks for not abandoning TQFTL, its nice to have a fanfiction that doesn't just stop.[03/11/2010 23:28:29]
Website: Ganium
Commenting on: 11-02-10Happy birthday, Cave of Dragonflies! You've grown so much over the years! ^^
[03/11/2010 12:35:21]
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