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Website: Global Nintendo Forums*ressurects*
[26/11/2010 23:35:12]
Commenting on: 11-22-10Tepig is cool.
Snivy is cool.
Oshawott is awesome!
I think Tepig's next evolutions should gradually get warmer, such as Tepig>>Warmine>>Hotoinka.
Snivy… so… "Sn"…
Oshawott! I absolutely ADORE double letters. And also, it just sounds cool. <3 Oshawott.[26/11/2010 19:15:36]
I never said that I'd never get used to them - indeed, I realized from the beginning that I will eventually get used to them. But, that doesn't change how much I dislike them now.
But, you are right. It's not important, and I need to move on.
Talking about the things I do like about the new games…
Several of the Pokemon are just really cool. My top five of this generation are Daikenki, Rankurusu, Kirikizan, and Tsunbeaa, Zeburaika, all of which, save the last two, will also go onto my list of all time favorites.
The season mechanic was a good idea - I really like the idea that, when I save my game and come back to it a long time afterward, it won't be the same. I was disappointed at the lack of real time seasons (I blame Animal Crossing!), but, still, it's nice to have seasons nonetheless.
Team Plasma seems more… realistic and farsighted than the previous teams (excluding Team Rocket). While the other teams were trying to (essentially) physically remodel the world into their ideal version of it, Team Plasma is trying to change social / societal ideas about Pokemon, which, in my opinion, is much more interesting.
Also, the games represent a true reboot of the series, something both the Hoenn and Sinnoh games tried (and failed) to do. The Hoenn and Sinnoh games retained some old Pokemon (such as Zubat) in much the same roles as before. In these, all the Pokemon are new, so (this is, of course, an assumption on my part) the games have a very new feel to them.
Of, course, there is likely much more than the stuff listed. I have yet to play the games.[26/11/2010 19:08:49]
Emerald Espeon
The name Snivy sounds kind of unpleasant, but I think it'll grow on me. Tepig and Oshawott sound odd to me because the word tepid has always made me think of water, and because I live in Ontario and think of Oshawa as a city, not as a Pokémon.
[26/11/2010 16:54:04]
Ok. Things that i love. I have a Zapdos that does 100 damage(TCG), Yesterday I had an awesome Thanksgiving, and TODAY IS FIRST SNOW. At least where I live. Woot!
Oshawott means, according to the Pedia:
Oshawott possibly derives from ocean, shell, water and otter; it may possibly be a corruption of "ocean water". It might make reference to Oshawa, Ontario, in Canada, as Canada contains many protected areas in which sea otters reside. It could also make reference to George Ohsawa, a famed dietian born into a poor samurai family during the Meiji Restoration of Japan. Its Japanese name may be derived from ? mizu, water or ?? mijuku, naive and ? maru, round. -maru is also a common suffix in male Japanese names. The syllable mi may also be derived from ?? mitsu, meaning three or third, implying a lineage within the evolutionary line with Mijumaru being third in line.[26/11/2010 15:25:03]
Squornshellous Beta
Derived from tepid and pig, I'm sure everyone could agree.
Tepid meaning "moderately warm; lukewarm".
Tepig is a fire-type. Shouldn't it be hot or something? Don't fire-types have some kind of internal fire? You would imagine it to be warmer than just tepid.
That aside, it's an okay name. I quite like Snivy, and I'd probably like Oshawott more if I knew what the heck it meant.
Unova is… meh. At least it keeps to the pattern of having an 'o' in it, even if it is three syllables where the others are two.[26/11/2010 10:01:41]
Website: The Cave of DragonfliesYou don't need to have particular love for the Japanese names to dislike names when they're new.
The fact is you'll get used to them, and even if you'll still dislike them, they just won't seem that bad anymore. Everyone (you probably included) thought exactly the same about the current Pokémon when their English names came out, too.
People don't need to love every aspect of the new games, but I really wish people would be more realistic about why they dislike whatever; personally I think the names sound silly and hated the new Pokémon, but I also remember that I thought exactly the same of the second and third and fourth generations and I don't even try to delude myself into thinking this time won't be exactly the same. I've already completely warmed up to the fifth-generation Pokémon after actually seeing and using them in-game, and I have no doubt that the names will grow on me as soon as I've played the translation.
Then excessive negativity bothers me in general. A lot of people (not actually accusing anyone in particular here, just speaking in general) seem to dedicate their lives to raging about things that they hate instead of enjoying the things that they love, and that's just plain sad. If you dislike the names, just say so, shrug and move on to thinking about something that actually makes you happy instead of wallowing in your dissatisfaction, for the sake of your own sanity. I don't get how people can live when they seem to spend all day actively being unhappy.[26/11/2010 04:24:48]
WTF is 'snivy'??? i dont know if its just me, but 'snivy' sounds more like 'snotty' than 'smug,' which is smugleaf's expression.
[26/11/2010 04:07:26]
YamiiDenryuu, you are right. However, I stick to what I said - I am not being reactionary. I had no attachment to their Japanese names, so it is not the change that bothers me, but the new names. I dislike the new names - I can not help that.
Do you label everyone who doesn't love every aspect of the new games reactionary? I don't - I label them sane.[25/11/2010 23:38:34]
See cute
Commenting on: 11-08-10I don't think it's cute. If I liked spiders a bit more, it would be cuter.
[25/11/2010 22:49:44]
Website: Ganium
Commenting on: 11-22-10At least they used a clever pun. I like Tepig in a cold way.
[25/11/2010 20:38:42]
Yeah, you're right. And, even though I grew up(I was seven when gen 4 came out) with Dialga, I still think Diaruga is cool.And if you hate the english name enough, you can always use the Japanese name in-game. I use English to be consistent.
[25/11/2010 01:00:16]
Commenting on: 11-22-10The "Te-" part of Tepig's name is from the adjective "tepid", meaning "just a bit warm". I think it's clever, but it's not the kind of thing everyone will get (tepid isn't a very common word).
[24/11/2010 15:25:10]
Commenting on: 11-22-10I actually like Snivy better than Smugleaf. Oshawott's a pretty cool name too, but not as good as Snivy. But Tepig?!?!?!?!?!?!?!
That name is absolutly awful. I don't even know where the Te- part of its name came from.
P.S. Butterfree was right, people always hate the English names of new pokemon when the names are revealed.[24/11/2010 01:20:15]
You know, it seems like every time they reveal a batch of new english names half the fandom is like "I hate the new names, but it's not because I'm being reactionary - the other names were fine, but these truly suck!" Every time.
I mean come on, guys, 'Snivy' is practically what 'Smugleaf' becomes if you turn it into an actual name instead of just two words strung together. And I'd seen 'Snideleaf' around, too.[24/11/2010 00:52:16]
Website: dragonflycave
Commenting on: 11-22-10@ giganerd:
i agree! ottamaru sounds better than Oshawott. and smugleaf. i like smugleaf. *cries*[23/11/2010 22:05:07]
Well, I'd never heard of the word "tepid" before - ever. So, when I asked what it meant, all I got was that it had something to do with water.
I was understandably confused by this, so I looked it up, and now understand.
But, yes, Smugleaf = terrible name. As does "Snivy", "Tepig", and "Oshawott". Now, I know that sounds very reactionary, but trust me, it's not. I normally don't mind the English names - this time, however, they just make me want to gouge my eyes out.
Now, again, I admit, there's no way I could do better with names for them.[23/11/2010 20:04:37]
Website: The Cave of DragonfliesI don't get why everybody was so smitten with "Smugleaf". It's just two English words strung together! Whenever Nintendo of America used to name a Pokémon like that, people would seethe about how they had no creativity and the English names sucked and they'd forever use the Japanese names omg!!
"Tepig" makes me think "tea pig" because tea is just "te" in Icelandic. That combined with the fact tepid is a word at least I almost never hear means I don't think I'll get rid of the association anytime soon.[23/11/2010 17:30:45]
When I get my starter, I shall rename it Smugleaf. Mabye. But it will be somthing cool, like AlphaOmega is the name of my Arceus.
aww, now I'm sad because I got an Infernape spammy and that is my friend-who-moved-away's favorite Pokemon.[23/11/2010 15:05:42]
Commenting on: 11-22-10Snivy: I was honestly hoping for Smugleaf (not like it was going to happen :P), but I can't complain too much about Nintendo's name choice.
Tepig: It took me a while, but the name has grown on me! I really like it!
Oshawott: What kind of a name is that? o_e;
If I had to name the starters, my decisions would be Smugleaf, Tepig, and Ottamaru.
Think about it: how much cooler would it be to say, "Go! Smugleaf!" than, "Go! Snivy!" Just sayin'. ;)
–GigaNerd17[23/11/2010 14:22:53]
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