
Welcome to the Cave of Dragonflies guestbook.

Off-topic discussion is allowed, but spam is not; please make sure all your messages are of substantial meaning that at least somebody would be interested in reading and responding to. That being said, obviously I appreciate comments relating to The Cave of Dragonflies, whether they are error reports, questions, suggestions or whatever else you might want to get across.


My own messages will be signed as Butterfree, with the Admin label below my name. If someone signs as Butterfree without that label, it's probably not me.


This site is awsome :D

[09/12/2010 02:56:37]


I like this site.

[09/12/2010 01:10:00]

The God aka Albino Blacksheep

I belive that butterfree should just make a new poll!!! The God has spoken

[08/12/2010 23:01:51]

Sonar Snow

WHAT! Bachuru is cuter than Yuniran. I mean, come on, which, in logic, is cuter: A fuzzy, yellow big-eyed spider or a blob of what looks like snot–that's just what it looks like.

Its evolution reminds me of the tachikoma units from Ghost in the Shell. Go ahead. Check it out.

[08/12/2010 22:03:17]

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies

Oh, I'm accepting just fine that you think Yuniran is cuter than Bachuru, and you don't need a reasoned argument for that. What's actually puzzling me is why you appear to think Yuniran is cuter than Rankurusu, which is pretty much just Yuniran except bigger and more huggable and happy-looking.

[08/12/2010 21:56:52]

Commenting on: 11-22-10

Snivy and Tepig are OK, but Oshawott? That's what they get when they try to put parts of too many words into a small number of letters. It's weird.

[08/12/2010 19:18:24]


Butterfree, don't you realize? In opinions over cuteness, trying to explain reasons ends up falling prey to circular logic ("I think it's cute because it looks cute", "Because it just is", etc.), so to ask why someone prefers one thing over another is silly.

But, to answer your question, that's just how I personally feel. When I saw them, something told me, in terms of cuteness, Yuniran > Bachuru. I don't have, nor do I need, a real reason.

[08/12/2010 15:41:33]


I like Bachuru better, but you have to admit that Yuniran is cute. I like cute blobs of goo.

[08/12/2010 13:52:08]

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies

Yuniran is rather… ugly. I'm sorry, but it is so.

Bachuru on the other hand - look at that face!

Seriously, why Yuniran? Rankurusu is pretty adorable, but I cannot possibly see in what way Yuniran is cuter than it. Besides just being smaller, but by that logic you should be fawning over Bachuru instead because it is tiny.

[08/12/2010 12:49:59]


Bachuru is rather… ugly. I'm sorry, but it is so.

Yuniran on the other hand - look at that face!

[08/12/2010 12:36:51]

The Albino Blacksheep

I think no I know that leefvoat is 10 times cuter then those two

[07/12/2010 23:13:31]

6 x 7 = 42

I must agree with Butterfree on this.

Bachuru is cute cuter FREAKING ADORABIBBLE!!!!


But seriously, how did they get the "osha" in Oshawott?

[07/12/2010 22:09:55]


Bachuru > Yuniran. Heck, it even has a type advantage! XD

Perhaps a new poll is in order…?



[07/12/2010 20:19:21]

Squornshellous Beta

Fine then.


[07/12/2010 17:10:37]


What are you talking about? This is the internet; we have to keep fighting each other until the bitter end (whatever that turns out to be).

[07/12/2010 14:46:49]

Squornshellous Beta

I think we're just going to have to agree to disagree, aren't we.

[07/12/2010 07:45:38]


But Bachuru is so cute~

Also, Denchura is adorable.

[06/12/2010 23:54:33]

Squornshellous Beta


Yuniran is so much cuter D:

Not a blob, a cell that seems to be partway through dividing.

Besides, Bachuru becomes a horrible Denchura. Yuniran becomes an also-adorable Daburan.

Yuniran > Bachuru. This is a universal truth.

Seriously how can you not love this face?

[06/12/2010 19:53:59]

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies

But Yuniran is just a blob. D: Bachuru is this tiny fluffy little spider you could hold in your hand and it would look up at you with those shiny blue eyes. Yuniran can't even compare.

[06/12/2010 17:43:22]

Squornshellous Beta

Yuniran is adorable

Bachuru looks prickly.

[06/12/2010 17:11:37]

Page last modified November 3 2020 at 01:58 UTC