Welcome to the Cave of Dragonflies guestbook.
Off-topic discussion is allowed, but spam is not; please make sure all your messages are of substantial meaning that at least somebody would be interested in reading and responding to. That being said, obviously I appreciate comments relating to The Cave of Dragonflies, whether they are error reports, questions, suggestions or whatever else you might want to get across.
My own messages will be signed as Butterfree, with the Admin label below my name. If someone signs as Butterfree without that label, it's probably not me.
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[23/02/2011 00:40:07]
Website: The Cave of DragonfliesYou'll see that when it's up. I've already worked out the actual system; it's just a matter of distributing the Pokémon across the days.
[22/02/2011 19:19:43]
Actually, I meant the system you would work out for it.
[22/02/2011 16:37:47]
The names are already out, though. Sort of.
[22/02/2011 15:20:23]
Website: The Cave of DragonfliesGet off my lazy butt and try to get the fifth-generation Zodiac up and running as soon as possible?
[22/02/2011 14:14:37]
hey, butterfree, what are you going to do for the zodiac when the 5th gen english names come out?
[22/02/2011 13:50:30]
Website: The Cave of DragonfliesThat has nothing to do with it; the forums are on a completely different server now and it's the forums that are misbehaving.
[22/02/2011 08:53:57]
Server was probably busy because people were f5ing the front page again. <__> I only looked a few days ago and there's no way the views shot up that much without flooding. Can we tell people not to do that, it's not accomplishing anything other than crashing the server and narrowing the timeframe Butterfree has to make the splash?
(Sorry, I'm not actually pissed off. xD That paragraph just sounds more passive-aggressive than it actually is.)[22/02/2011 06:42:38]
KUMASHUN!! It's the most adorable thing evar and it looks just like my stuffd beagle named Brian and it has a runny nose like i used to until i was nine and it's just plain ADORABLE!!!!! ^_^
[22/02/2011 06:03:33]
No Clue
Getin celabi tomaro from gamestop:)
[22/02/2011 05:06:18]
So, what's your current obsession?
Personally, I've been watching Power Rangers a lot recently, more specifically the newer seasons that I'd never watched.[22/02/2011 04:28:35]
Guys I just got Soulsilver and it is awesome. My Togepi (named Misty for obvious reasons) just hatched and I have to go show her to Professor Elm.
Too bad about the splash. I love those. I won't stress you for making it though. take your time.[21/02/2011 16:32:33]
Squornshellous Beta
Ignoring them doesn't work too well when the forums are inaccessable 99% of the time. Oh well.
[21/02/2011 15:54:01]
Website: The Cave of DragonfliesIt's the normal 500 errors caused by too much strain on the server. Ignore them.
Since I still haven't gotten Photoshop or Illustrator set up on my desktop again, yes, the splash will probably be delayed.[21/02/2011 15:32:31]
Squornshellous Beta
Okay, these are getting annoying… any ideas why the server's so busy? Or is it just an unusual number of people trying to get on at once.
[21/02/2011 15:15:23]
Squornshellous Beta
Hey, yeah! The site's got four million front page hits! :D Party!
Is the new splash going to be hindered by the death of your other hard drive?[21/02/2011 14:29:20]
Website: ...Happy belated birthday and 4000000 front page hits Butterfree! :D
[21/02/2011 11:56:14]
The site down for a bit?
BTW happy birthday Butterfree![21/02/2011 11:47:33]
Website: The Cave of DragonfliesIncluding shinies is a breeze - every Pokémon has a shiny - and a slightly exciting easter egg since getting a shiny is actually special. Including forms would mean telling the script exactly which Pokémon have forms and what those forms are called, just for the sake of a gimmick nobody would probably even notice. There's no point.
[20/02/2011 19:05:49]
… Even though you've include shinies.
Well, whatever works.[20/02/2011 17:11:34]
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