
Welcome to the Cave of Dragonflies guestbook.

Off-topic discussion is allowed, but spam is not; please make sure all your messages are of substantial meaning that at least somebody would be interested in reading and responding to. That being said, obviously I appreciate comments relating to The Cave of Dragonflies, whether they are error reports, questions, suggestions or whatever else you might want to get across.


My own messages will be signed as Butterfree, with the Admin label below my name. If someone signs as Butterfree without that label, it's probably not me.


Actually, if I blow between the crack on the R button it works.0-0

[02/09/2010 14:25:50]


um, leave it alone for a while? that usually works for mine.

[02/09/2010 13:27:49]


Frostagin, I already tryed that. I DIDN'T WORK.-_-

Butterfree, all I have to say is YAY!^-^

[02/09/2010 03:02:56]

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies
Commenting on: 08-31-10

Okay, it wasn't in my power. Tomorrow, I promise.

[02/09/2010 00:32:08]


I suggest mashing again. :D

[02/09/2010 00:21:39]


My R button is dead….again.-_- Help?0_0

[01/09/2010 20:51:55]

Commenting on: 08-31-10

Oh, good! I was afraid that you were forgetting about the site D:

[01/09/2010 20:40:00]

St. Christopher

brb hrmling vbulletin

also lol palkia

[31/08/2010 22:43:45]


Doing it.

[31/08/2010 19:43:08]


With what?

[31/08/2010 17:28:02]


A stratagy vid to help.^_^

[31/08/2010 03:06:09]


You know what's fun?

Tracing Wonder Guard.

Then having a Ditto come in and copy your Wonder Guard Gardevoir. That's the day I found out that future sight is neutral-typed.

[31/08/2010 02:54:49]

Emerald Espeon

You know, speaking of Shedinja, my friend and I came up with this strategy once where we would use a Shedinja equipped with a Focus Sash and it would never die. We thought we were geniuses. But it turned out that the Focus Sash would only work for the first turn :(

I think that's the closest I've ever come to strategizing about Pokémon…

[30/08/2010 23:44:27]


The only reson I use that pair is because Breloom is frail.

[30/08/2010 20:42:45]


Also the thing about in-game battles is that the opponents never switch (outside of using Shedinja) or really do many statuses, so Walls and Stealth Rock/Spikes/Will-o-Wisp are all useless/nearly so.

[30/08/2010 20:09:37]


I still do a Screen Togekiss paired with a Sporeseed Breloom in the Battle Tower anyway.

[30/08/2010 19:12:49]


Actually, the Hoenn Battle Tower is a bitch if you don't have goods movesets and EVs. Sinnoh/Johto is ridiculously easy.

[30/08/2010 17:13:47]


. Once I'm done training my Sneak (Flygon) that is a mixed Life Orb attacker with Roost I'm going to train my Toxic stall Flygon. And……. I never battled a competitive battler before, but I still do this because:

It's fun.


Plotting an annoying moveset and EVs and testing it out.

But I do bash.^_^

[30/08/2010 14:05:14]

Squornshellous Beta

Yeah, smashing things is an effective strategy against the AI, isn't it? I'm the same way. Never having had reason to do anything else or anyone to connect with, I just do that.

[30/08/2010 07:58:30]

Emerald Espeon

I think I kind of get the concept, although I've never really read much about it, but I'd rather just smash my opponents with the strongest attacks I can get :P

And yes, I am a girl, and I don't mind if people confuse my gender.

[30/08/2010 02:48:44]

Page last modified November 3 2020 at 01:58 UTC