
Welcome to the Cave of Dragonflies guestbook.

Off-topic discussion is allowed, but spam is not; please make sure all your messages are of substantial meaning that at least somebody would be interested in reading and responding to. That being said, obviously I appreciate comments relating to The Cave of Dragonflies, whether they are error reports, questions, suggestions or whatever else you might want to get across.


My own messages will be signed as Butterfree, with the Admin label below my name. If someone signs as Butterfree without that label, it's probably not me.


Yeah… I remember once I accidentally deleted my cookies.And I do use SpellCheck, but it doesn't do grammar, you know.I never could remember the difference between "its" and "it's" anyway. (Sorry if I seem mean or irritated, Bob, I know that you were just trying to help. Or incorrect grammar really bothers you.)My whole point is don't expect a ten-year-old's writing to be perfect.

[22/08/2010 14:29:19]


I don't thinkthe computer knows those symbols. It happened to me once.

[22/08/2010 00:25:44]


Those were a bunch of wacky symbols, by the way.

[21/08/2010 22:52:16]


Two things: one, l'm on vacation, so please pardon the spelling errors and relative briefness of this (I'm writing this on my DSi, yay me)¡ two, "its" only has an apostrophe when used as a contraction for "it is"–the possessive is just "its."

Also, how does this thing have stuff like ???®??but not an em dash? Argh.

Also, I'm sure I've made a complete hypocrate of myself by misspelling multiple words. Do as I say, not as I do!

[21/08/2010 22:48:53]

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies

The default style changes depending on the reign of the Zodiac. Since the Reign of Giratina has just started, that changed the default style into Axe-Murderer. If you want it to stick with the same style, you need to make a cookie.

[21/08/2010 17:35:00]


Not for me. It's almost always the Voice of the Forest style.

[21/08/2010 16:30:16]


The style switcher is going crazy on me. It keeps changing every day.


If you need an example, yesterday it was Voice Of The Forest, and today it's Axe Murderer.

[21/08/2010 15:54:17]


Errrr…..Condabra? The guy that judges the "potential" of your Pokemon is hinting at what your Pokemon's IVs are and in the stat they are in. This is what the guy said about my Dream(Jirachi)

"I see, I see….

This Pokemon has relatively superior potential overall.

That's my determination, and that's final.

Incidentally, I would say the best potential lies in it's Sp.def stat.

It can't be better in that regard.

That's how I judged it." So he means that my Dream has almost max IVs in Sp.Def.

[21/08/2010 15:07:18]


I think Condabra means that his Pokemon with a Bashful nature have high IVs. And that's random.^-^

[21/08/2010 14:39:36]

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies

Rule four is basically that if there are four Voltorb, you can eliminate all the numbers except the total number for the row. So if there's a 1/4 row, you can put the Voltorb and 1 markers on every square in it (eliminating two and three); if there's a 2/4 row, you can put the Voltorb and 2 markers on every square in it (eliminating one and three); and if there's a 3/4 row, you can put the Voltorb and 3 markers on every square (eliminating one and two).

Rule five says that for every row for which the total and Voltorb numbers add up to six - 1/5, 2/4, 3/3 - you can eliminate the possibility of threes (and thus place the Voltorb, one and two markers on the squares).

Rule seven is basically that you only ever want to take markers away, with the reservation that no markers at all are equivalent to having all four. You don't put them back on. So if you've eliminated threes from a square and then a rule tells you you can eliminate ones from that square, you should be left with the Voltorb and 2 markers, with 1 and 3 both eliminated. It's pretty much a supplementary rule.

Rules six, eight and nine are rather more complicated and a bit more mathy, so it may be wise to start off without them, using only the other rules.

Do you get the idea behind the generalizing portion? Because that's probably the most important part of the guide, really.

1/8192 = 0.000122, so that would be about 0.0122%, yes.

I'm not sure what you're saying about the natures. Could you explain a bit better?

[21/08/2010 14:31:12]


As well as the fact that, uh, Bashful appears to be the perfect nature for me. Pokemon get the highest "potential" (whatever that means) out of that nature… ._.

[21/08/2010 08:22:40]


Also, what kind of percentage would a 1 in 8192 chance be? 0.01%?

[21/08/2010 08:21:35]


A lot of the guide parts confuse me, mostly rules #4-#9. The first three are the only ones I can fully understand.

And since I am no good at this kind of game, to me, Voltorb Flip is 90% luck.

[21/08/2010 08:20:37]


Hi guys!

[21/08/2010 01:35:23]


Ok, ok.

[19/08/2010 18:29:06]

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies

My point is you don't have bad luck at all, because there is no reason you should expect to have more than one Flygon with any given nature if you catch thirty of them.

[19/08/2010 18:27:22]


The ONLYshiny I ever got was the shiny Gyarados in HGSS.

My sis found a shiny Hoppip in her Heartgold but she lost it.

[19/08/2010 18:02:53]


Also, while trying to get a Feebas for my other game (to complete the Hoenn Dex), I found a shiny Carvanha. :3

[19/08/2010 17:14:35]


You Have Godly Luck. I never tried Feebas fishing because I think I have a Milotic. And by that I mean I don't think I need one yet.

[19/08/2010 16:47:15]


Speaking of bad luck, I recently went Feebas fishing. I fished twice in the first square, then decided to fish three times in the rest of the squares. After I finished the third square, I went back and fished once in the first…guess what? I found a Feebas!

It was awesome.

[19/08/2010 16:14:54]

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