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Jirachi's BFF, I know you're trying to help, but I think Emerald Espeon just meant that she doesn't care about IVs / EVs, not that she doesn't understand them.
I appologize Emerald Espeon if:
1 - You're not a girl, or
2 - You actually meant that you didn't understand them.[30/08/2010 00:33:00]
SHOOT! I always forget that you don't need the e-mail address to comment! D:
[30/08/2010 00:09:00]
..Only I'm Hikaru on there, and I can't get to it anymore at home. -_-;[30/08/2010 00:08:16]
Website: This will help. I hope.Clicky on the link above.
[29/08/2010 23:20:14]
Emerald Espeon
I always feel like such a noob when people talk about IVs and EVs and natures and sweepers and tanks and basically strategy :P I just pick whatever Pokémon I like, teach them the strongest offensive moves possible and go all-out.
I think I should probably avoid ever battling actual people.[29/08/2010 22:20:40]
See, I normally hate adoptable-type things, but this is really cool.
I'm SHPN on it, by the way, as that's my online name most of the time.[29/08/2010 16:59:04]
Website: The Cave of DragonfliesWhen I've written it. My writing speed varies wildly; there's simply no way to tell.
[29/08/2010 01:11:26]
I read morphic and it was awesome. When is the next chapter coming out?
[29/08/2010 00:15:32]
This is true.
[28/08/2010 22:22:50]
Frostagin, you cannot perform the pomeg glitch in Leafgreen because:
1)It cannot be obtained
2)It does not lower HP Evs in Leafgreen, only in Emerald onwards.[28/08/2010 21:47:59]
Yay Bulbapedia! :D
I think I'm turning into Shiny Noctowl.[28/08/2010 21:44:02]
Don't worry about it, Bob. I was feeling ranty when I posted that. EVERYONE feels ranty sometimes!
And I am so going to try the Pomeg glitch in LeafGreen once I get to Berry Forest and get a bunch of Pomegs.And yes, you can get berries in FRLG from a place called Berry Forest.Bulbapedia said so.[28/08/2010 20:22:57]
I musta done the Vendenturf–Route 118 route over one thousand times now. @_@ I have boxes of Bagon and Feebas and Duskull and now Plusle and Minun. Also I <3 the Pomeg Glitch.[28/08/2010 19:37:59]
[28/08/2010 19:20:05]
I'm sorry. If you want to know something, you can just ask. I don't have rabies (except for when I do. In that case, I'm sure other people would help while I choke on my own spittle).
And I have a Shiny Vileplume with HP Grass, but no Moonlight or Leech Seed. (I stupidly didn't clone it until I evolved it. D:) Hm, decisions, decisions.[28/08/2010 18:59:03]
I would use Vileplume, it seems the most useful in Gen III. and by the way, i know nothing about IVs and EVs, so stop criticizing me about stuff i dont know about. I'm just trying to be helpful.
[28/08/2010 18:17:48]
She's the only one I came close to beating in the Hoenn Battle Frontier. I don't event bother with the others.
[28/08/2010 17:20:25]
While we're on the subject, Pike Queen Lucy is ridiculously easy to beat if you bring Forretress. Outstall Shuckle (it can't touch you at all), Toxic it, and when Milotic comes in, go boom.
[28/08/2010 17:08:20]
I really hate when you are about to battle a brain and this strong Pokemon defeats yours.
[28/08/2010 16:40:05]
Sorry, I had just lost a twenty-minute long battle with the most annoying Gengar ever (Hypnosis, Attract, Confuse Ray and Dream Eater plus wicked Speed and a tendency for Dusclops' Sleep Talk to use Rest (>.>)) in the Battle Tower and lost my 28-battle streak. Also apparently Annabel doesn't show up until battle 35. I was wondering where she was. >.> Everyone else pops up after ~3 or 4 runs through.
Also why does my Dusclops have less HP than my Salamence? It has 40 base HP, apparently. Hm. That's pretty lousy. Great Defense though.[28/08/2010 16:30:32]
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