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Ucod, are you still on the c-box? At your site I mean.
Frostagin, I think I'm addicted to Smogon now. I modeled my Flygon after the Sp.Life Orb set and it's doing well.^-^
Bob, I have every berry in my SS.
Not every TM but every berry.0_0[25/08/2010 14:56:14]
Website: The Cave of DragonfliesMust be something up with your cookies, then. Try deleting your browser's cookies.
[25/08/2010 11:28:45]
Butterfree, it's not working. Even if I set it to Minimal Dewgong (which is what I want…) it becomes Axe-Murderer one page later… and when I Edit Options, it says its Minimal Dewgong…
[25/08/2010 08:32:10]
I meant that Fighting-Types are more attack-inclined but yeah. Fun fact I never had a successful game when I started with Treecko and so shunned it.
Also now I'm really into getting every single berry. And TM. Yay cloning (so I can actually use the things)![25/08/2010 02:56:35]
and Sceptile? If trained well enough, he is definitely a sweeper. I had a level 50 one and it was awesome.Do I use the italics too much?
[25/08/2010 00:52:05]
Yep, Blastoise is definitely a mix in this case. I am certainlybookmarking Smogon.Very useful.
[25/08/2010 00:45:19]
HI Ucod!^-^
Frostigin, here's a link to Smogon on Blastoise. Just use the searchbar to search stuff.[25/08/2010 00:36:50]
Yeah, I was going only on FR/LG, you're right.I've never played a Gen II game before, so i dunno about the starters in those games. Charmander is very all-out, Bulbasaur fairly status inflicting (it learns three moves of that nature eventually, not counting Leech Seed)and Squirtle I don't know much about.
[24/08/2010 22:07:18]
Website: FireyPokemonThanks, Butterfree. ^^
[24/08/2010 19:15:41]
Website: The Cave of DragonfliesSweepers are fast. Blaziken isn't very fast; it has both high Attack and Special Attack, but mediocre Speed. Sceptile, meanwhile, has the high Speed and Special Attack typical of a special sweeper. Types have nothing to do with it.
[24/08/2010 18:25:47]
Actually, yeah. I never really noticed that, to be honest. Sceptile's fast but got very little in the way of Defence or HP. Interestingly enough, though, it mostly learns low damage moves–Leaf Blade and Slam are the only ones above 50 damage (by level-up, of course; it can learn Dragon Claw by TM, which is really useful).
lolBulbapedia[24/08/2010 18:08:22]
Treecko is the sweeper? Given that Torchic's evolutions are Fire/Fighting, I think that that'd be the sweeper. Mind you, Treecko doesn't really learn many defensive moves (if I recall correctly, but I'm a little fuzzy) aside from Detect and maybe Double Team? Also, it has Leaf Blade, an awesome Grass move, considering that it basically only learned Absorb and Giga Drain if you kept it as a Treecko.
Mudkip's the bulky one by far, though.[24/08/2010 17:59:17]
Website: The Cave of DragonfliesIt's not quite accurate to say Water is a mix of all-out attacking and status inflictions, since Water-types have the least status-infliction opportunities of the starter types. Mostly, the Water-types have a tendency to be the bulky, defensive ones, Fire-types the sweepers (high Speed and Special Attack), and Grass-types tend to be more balanced. But that's still very generation-dependent; Treecko is the sweeper of the third generation, and out of the fifth-generation starters, the Fire one actually looks like the bulkiest.
[24/08/2010 16:32:27]
I personally usually use the Fire type, and occasionally the Water type.I rarely use the Grass type.
as for you, it depends on your style.If you prefer to go all-out with attacks, use Fire.If you prefer status inflictions and things like Leech Seed, use Grass.If you like a mix of the two, use Water.Water and Grass types tend to be best for stat-boosting moves.[24/08/2010 15:37:49]
Website: Kyogres Regionuh..hi there :) Im still around of course just not editing my site..
[24/08/2010 15:29:09]
It's your choice.^_^ I picked Cyndaquil, my sis chose Totodile/Chikorita and she's fine.(But she had to grind levels with Chikorita.)
[24/08/2010 14:56:27]
I reccomend starting with Cyndaquil or Totodile. Chikorita can make the game difficult, unless you want a challenge.
[24/08/2010 13:49:00]
Website: The Cave of DragonfliesCondabra, check if your browser is accepting cookies. One good trick on the forums is also that you can store your style in the database instead of in a cookie if you're registered; just go to your User CP, go to Edit Options, and you'll be able to pick a style near the bottom.
[24/08/2010 12:24:58]
Pick whichever you like. It makes no difference.
Totodile would be fine to do a monorun, but honestly, so would Chikorita and Cyndaquil.
If you like Totodile, pick it.[24/08/2010 11:38:51]
Speaking of which… the style switcher is always Axe-Murderer. If I change it, and go to another page, it will be Axe-Murderer. And this is on the forum.
[24/08/2010 08:34:39]
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