
Welcome to the Cave of Dragonflies guestbook.

Off-topic discussion is allowed, but spam is not; please make sure all your messages are of substantial meaning that at least somebody would be interested in reading and responding to. That being said, obviously I appreciate comments relating to The Cave of Dragonflies, whether they are error reports, questions, suggestions or whatever else you might want to get across.


My own messages will be signed as Butterfree, with the Admin label below my name. If someone signs as Butterfree without that label, it's probably not me.


Somthing's wrong withLugia's Island.Go see!I don't know why/how it happened.

[09/08/2010 02:40:45]


Thanks!I was button-mashing for a while and it's fixed!^-^Oh yeah,the USB thing isn't a USB thing.It's somthing else.O-O

[07/08/2010 14:08:38]


My L button acts funny sometimes, try pressing can also try getting something out of Nintendo.Ditto for spammy.

[06/08/2010 19:28:56]

Jirachi's BFF

I got a USB thingie!^_^But 1 thing:Does ANYBODY know how to fix a dead R button?THX!

[06/08/2010 03:55:25]


You know Latin?!o-0 OHMYGOD!I think Psyduck is allowed because Game Freak needed a common Pokemon that's sort of cute,so they picked Psyduck.*_*

[06/08/2010 03:41:48]

Website: Click here

Haha. This site is still here? Wow. :P

I remember when I first came here and got called a noob because someone didn't lyk how I typed at the time. x3

[05/08/2010 22:09:31]


And I'm a girl too. Just saying.Because this entry is so short, lets try to guess why Psyduck is allowed in Amity Square when it's not cute at all.

[05/08/2010 15:10:35]


I know how you feel.I had Wi-fi, but when we got a Wii for christmas(I was all like OH MY GOD)we conected it to the internet, and the DS and the Wii don't connect to the internet the same way. Random tidbit: I'm a Latin freak(yes I'm ten) and thus my Luxray is named SolLux which is a combination of the words for sun and light, making his name SunLight.

[05/08/2010 15:07:29]


Ok.The only problem isthat I don't have Wi-Fi. or a USB thingie.!_!That means I have to wait for my sister to find Steven Stone.Then give her a Master Ball,then trade my Lv100 Suicune for her Latias when she catches it.Somthing random:I'm a girl.

[03/08/2010 18:19:35]

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies

No; it's a Wi-Fi event. As long as you can access Nintendo Wi-Fi, just go to "Mystery Gift" on your starting menu, where you select "Continue" and "New Game" and all that (though I think there may be some stuff you need to do to activate it; Google it if you aren't getting that option), select "Get from Nintendo WFC" and it should let you download the Enigma Stone. Completely free and no need for going anywhere.

[03/08/2010 02:06:10]


Call me clueless,but HOW does the LAITI@S event WORK?Is it a GameStop thing or what?*pant pant*Sorry.I just need to know.Oh yeah,do you have to pay for it?Thanks.!_!

[03/08/2010 01:22:20]



[02/08/2010 23:16:20]

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies

The tests are very different in underlying structure. On the old one, each answer you picked represented an extreme, which would be weighed against the opposite extreme to produce your position on a scale. Then there were four sets of extremes, so essentially it found your place in four dimensions. The results then placed you according to which extreme you were closer to on all four scales. However, it didn't differentiate between swinging wildly between the extremes and just not picking answers representative of either end, and even very mild inclinations towards some extreme would suddenly get you pronounced a shining example of it.

The new test defines nine core personality traits, and each answer gives you points for one or more traits that it is representative of. Your result is then chosen to be representative of your two most prominent traits (weighted so that picking random answers should yield every possible result with just about equal frequency).

The whole line of thought behind them is different from the ground up; they're essentially measuring completely different things. It's not that one test is more accurate than the other so much as that the method and the mapping from raw result to personality description used by one test may happen to capture you better than those used by the other.

[02/08/2010 21:01:44]


Sorry, link doesn't work.Here is the text that's on the pic(because images don't work in the guestbook):

Friendly, social, and open,you live for friendship, lively company, and conversation.You have great confidence in your opinions,but respect those who disagree.Most people you meet like you immediately.

[02/08/2010 19:57:27]


I took the newest test again and got Pikachu.Yup, that's me!

[02/08/2010 19:52:24]


And I got Houndoom.That's almost the exact opposite of my personality. O.o

[02/08/2010 19:45:22]


I agree.I mean, I'm nice and all, but really?Togetic? I'll try the old test(through the Site History) and see what happens.Cause I got Charmander on Explorers of Sky.

[02/08/2010 19:39:56]


I'm an Alakazam,but I think the old test is more accurate.Really.I was a Dragonite,and it was like looking into my soul.*_*

[02/08/2010 18:01:39]


I'm a Togetic too.There are better Pokemon out there, but Togekiss is worse(in my mind).

[02/08/2010 02:12:21]

Scartalon the Vulpix!!!
Website: SSS Warrior Cat Official Forum!

Awesome! I'm a Togetic, but I really love Vulpix, Squirtle, Chikorita, and Staraptor!!!

[02/08/2010 01:21:56]

Page last modified November 3 2020 at 01:58 UTC