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My own messages will be signed as Butterfree, with the Admin label below my name. If someone signs as Butterfree without that label, it's probably not me.


You were right that IS disturbing!

[19/08/2010 02:07:59]


Scary. Just plain scary. \o/ _/\_


Jirachi, Bashful, Lv.38 - HP: 135 (31/3) | Atk: 92 (31/0) | Def: 90 (24/4) | Sp.Atk: 92 (31/0) | Sp.Def: 92 (31/0) | Spd: 91 (27/0) | Hidden Power: 67, ICE | Format: stat (IV/EP)


% Min Max

HP 100 31 31

Atk 100 31 31

Def 33 23 25

Sp.Atk 100 31 31

Sp.Def 100 31 31

Spd 50 27 28

I got all this data from an IV cal. Is this a good thing? Thanks. ^-^

[18/08/2010 15:54:21]



Ok, that IS creepy.

[18/08/2010 15:20:13]


As in the book "Lolita."

It's about this guy who's obsessed with this young girl, to the point where he marries her mother just to be closer to her. One of his pet names for her is "Lola."

[18/08/2010 13:42:51]


The only thing I can think of is that Lola means "Sorrows", which makes an odd image of an angsty six year old, though I don't know if that's what they meant…

[18/08/2010 02:51:28]

Website: Darkrai's Nightmare

Awesome Website ;)

[18/08/2010 01:52:39]


What's so disturbing about that?

[18/08/2010 00:54:34]

Jirachi's BFF

How is that cool/disturbing?o-o I don't get it.

[18/08/2010 00:08:45]


How is that disturbing?

[17/08/2010 22:45:31]


Anyone else think it's cool/disturbing that there's a tuber (young girl) named Lola in RSE?

[17/08/2010 20:58:10]


Hi. I found a epic vid soclicky here!

Random thing:There are many types of Pokemon battlers.

There are people that use stratagy at heart

and EV train to death.

There are people who try to EV train and use stratagy and sometimes succceed.(whitch is me.0-0)

There are people who know only the basics but try.

And then there are uber noobs.(No offence.) Also, enjoy the vid I found.

[17/08/2010 16:19:20]


You can just go to veekun and see the stats.^_^ Does anyone think that

looking up strategies at Smogon is

fun? Yes, I'm sort of a nerd.0_0 No, really, it's fun. Also, if you go there, look up Luvdisc.

[16/08/2010 16:16:31]


Meh. Sorry, I've never had a Deoxys and stupidly didn't look those up on Bulbapedia. Don't be afraid to criticize my decisions, so long as its helpful. I wont take it personally.


[16/08/2010 14:14:06]


Speed Form(e) is more balanced than Normal Form(e), except for Speed, obviously. Attack Form(e) is just a more extreme Normal Form(e).

I've had the Time Warp stuck in my head for the past week. And Sweet Transvestite. I haven't even seen Rocky Horror. >.>

[16/08/2010 01:24:01]


and by the way, I don't mean to diss you by saying Speed Forme is bad, I'd just never use it. You can think what you like.

[16/08/2010 01:17:40]


Sorry about the bad parallel, have a better one.Flamey (Infernape in Diamond)knows them both(the fire moves), and Flamethrower is more useful.

As for Deoxys, the Normal Forme is best and most balanced, and the Speed Forme is the worst. Speed is nice, but all speed and no attack or defense? That's stupid.

[16/08/2010 01:14:47]

Jirachi's BFF

What!? Is it so wrong? &_& Is it so immature?! *pant pant* Sorry, but I really hatemit it when people classify

me as immature or they trick me or if I trust them to meet me somewhere,etc because I used to have a friend that kept on ditching me, making excuses for why she wasn't there and treating me like a dog. I broke down alot because of her. Then one day she crossed the line. I broke down. I attracted attention. All my friends tried to get me up, but it didn't work. She said sorry, but I knew it was fake. Every.

Single. Time. Now she's my mortal enemy. Also, David, what was that for?

[15/08/2010 22:41:04]


I like this

[15/08/2010 21:58:37]


Fail scale.

[15/08/2010 21:15:31]

Jirachi's BFF

Oops. Sorry, typo there. A large one.

Ramdom question: What do you think is the worst Deoxys forme ever? I personally think that the

Normal forme is! Or maybe the attack forme is. I really don't know.

Attack forme: I like being on the offense,but I like nice defense. And this thing has paper-thin defenses.

Unless you're skilled/lucky/smart, THIS THING IS DEAD. Rating on the fail scale:4/10. It has no defense but is KILLER! One of the only checks for this monster is Speed Deoxys.(my favorite forme!) Or a priority move.

Normal forme: The sme thing but with better defense .

Fail scale:8/10. You know why.

[15/08/2010 20:53:49]

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