Welcome to the Cave of Dragonflies guestbook.
Off-topic discussion is allowed, but spam is not; please make sure all your messages are of substantial meaning that at least somebody would be interested in reading and responding to. That being said, obviously I appreciate comments relating to The Cave of Dragonflies, whether they are error reports, questions, suggestions or whatever else you might want to get across.
My own messages will be signed as Butterfree, with the Admin label below my name. If someone signs as Butterfree without that label, it's probably not me.
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Lucastcorrea (aka way 2 go mr.softreset)
Website: Pokemon revolution! The best site ever!Awwwww, you didn't click my link? I typed up all this randoness for nothing? To say the thruth, the text is somewhat pointless even if properly translated. I guess you should alterady have figured out what it is,silverlatios, ever heard of spoiler?[s/] (if not click it now :D) so sorry if I wasted your time.@Silverlatios : The pleasure is all mine :$ By the way, the translator was this one.After going to this link you may want to go to another translator - this other one (or not)
[05/07/2010 04:11:55]
Website: The Cave of Dragonflies…that must be the same translator that somehow managed to translate "nothing" into some word I had never heard before that looked like it meant "something unimportant". Because that is absolute nonsense and I have no clue what the heck you were trying to say.
[05/07/2010 01:45:36]
Lucastcorrea (aka way 2 go mr.softreset)
Website: Pokemon revolutionHér við fara Babelfish! heilbrigður Ekki raunverulega Babelfish skortur Íslenska , svo Myndað af I am using annar vefur þýðandi , en it's slæmur þýðing engu að síður. Gera ég hljóð eins og the hátíðatjald af skapadómur? neitun En Netbóla sjúga , og þeir gera. Myndað af I am hræddur af svar the guestbook , því ÉG mega finna a ljómandi pota í the afgreiðslumaður , óákveðinn greinir í ensku þá ÉG vildi feel svekktur.
[04/07/2010 22:00:07]
Website: EonRidersGee, thanks for the rickrolling…
I'm wondering if Pokemon will make the transition to the 3ds. Black and White seem like pretty 'final' names, and I don't know how far Game Freak will go after what could evenly round off to 600 Pokemon.[04/07/2010 20:10:12]
Lucastcorrea (aka way 2 go mr.softreset)
Website: Pokemon revolutionGreat work you do there, pokemon with critical sense… by the way, whoever finds a shiny on the confirmation box should feel frustrated - not lucky, after all, they could have found this shiny at one of the the actual games.
[04/07/2010 19:04:05]
The only GUARANTEED way to become an admin is to create a site. I, for example, created a forum called Illogicity Central, and am thusly an Admin.
Admins can appoint other Admins, but only if they so desire. Obviously, Buterfree doesn't desire having other Admins, so there won't be any. :D
~Jahu[02/07/2010 23:46:50]
Website: The Official Pokemon Fan ClubHey great site I always come here- :)
Can you add horoscopes with the Zodiac? I was born on the day of Skorupi in the reign of Deoxys![02/07/2010 23:30:38]
Website: The Cave of Dragonflies*sigh*
Not by being obsessed with having "Admin" under your name in small-caps when you sign some random Pokémon guestbook, that's for sure.[02/07/2010 17:31:04]
well then how do you become a friend of yours?
[02/07/2010 17:13:01]
Website: The Cave of DragonfliesYou don't "become" an admin. I'm the admin; the whole point of the admin label is to identify me, or possibly some friend of mine if I'm away.
[02/07/2010 14:18:55]
how do you become an admin?
[02/07/2010 14:14:36]
my D§í h᧠ît tÖÔ! §Êê?
[02/07/2010 12:42:29]
Or search it and copy-paste it.
[01/07/2010 22:13:57]
Or alt + e on Mac keyboards.
[01/07/2010 16:53:02]
Squornshellous Beta
Or Ctrl + Alt + E on some computers (lke mine).
[01/07/2010 16:08:37]
You could also try Alt + 1 + 3+ 0 . :P
~Jahu[01/07/2010 15:00:35]
Website: The Cave of Dragonflies
Commenting on: 06-19-07É is a perfectly normal letter in Icelandic (as are á, í, ó, ú and ý as well as ð, þ, æ and ö). Our keyboards have a special accent key, pressed before the actual vowel.
[01/07/2010 08:42:06]
Commenting on: 06-19-07how did you get the accent in there poke'monsaga
[01/07/2010 01:25:59]
Objective-C. But the iPhone SDK (and the IDE) is only available on a Mac. So it's a pain.
[30/06/2010 00:27:52]
Website: The Cave of DragonfliesSonar: Doubt it. Unlike a Pokédex, there isn't any particular demand for the Ultimate Type Tool or capture rate calculator being available offline, and it doesn't help that instead of being driven by some sensible central database or framework, my site is just a bunch of individual pages each written for exactly what they are right now and only part of the code could actually be in any way reused. That and the fact I don't have an iPhone or know anybody with an iPhone and I would be kind of clueless coming into it if I were to attempt something like that. I don't even know what the hell you write an iPhone app in.
[29/06/2010 09:26:26]
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