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My own messages will be signed as Butterfree, with the Admin label below my name. If someone signs as Butterfree without that label, it's probably not me.
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Bob: I know, it was just a random comment on how something could be taken either way.
[29/06/2010 05:25:49]
TCoD works fine in MobileSafari.
[29/06/2010 04:51:48]
Website: Sonarmew and The Legend of LoreniaHey Butterfree, why not an iPhone app for your site? It could include the most recent updates, Ultimate type tool, capture mechanics thingy-mo-bob, et cetera… it'd be really cool!
[29/06/2010 02:28:25]
Yes, but there's a reason it's called "Wild Mass Guessing."
And that there's a picture of a guy with a tinfoil hat.[28/06/2010 20:59:53]
Luxray Village HQ
Ohh… nevermind. *feels idiotic*
[28/06/2010 19:52:52]
Website: The Cave of DragonfliesUm, why would I make a veekun app? You do realize I don't own veekun, right?
(That said, there actually apparently already is an app somebody made that uses veekun's database, which mostly amounts to the same thing.)[28/06/2010 13:09:54]
You know, it would be really awesome if you made an app for the iPhone/Pod/Pad of Veekun. Probably really difficult, and therefore unlilkely, but awesome.
[28/06/2010 12:49:01]
Yeah…the full theory is that it's a time loop of some sort. You do it over and over again, but really it's the same event, over and over again. I read it on this page. :P
[28/06/2010 11:31:03]
This Site is Cool
[26/06/2010 03:52:40]
Website: Cave of the DragonfliesI LIKE THIS SITE
[25/06/2010 21:28:53]
Shiny Noctowl
I was just reading Pokémon Diamond and Pearl Adventure!, and I noticed something funny:
"This is the story of a young boy…on a quest for the legend!!"[25/06/2010 19:41:33]
Website: The Cave of DragonfliesThat doesn't exactly work, considering… you can just fight the Elite Four again and he'll be there again. :/
[25/06/2010 11:09:11]
Hey there Butterfree! I noticed how you said Red being on top of the mountain made it look like he was enjoying the scenery-well, I read a theory that says he is so depressed at losing that he…er, jumps.
[25/06/2010 10:59:16]
Emerald Espeon
The Lavender Town music sounds pretty cool backwards. They should use that in another game :P
[24/06/2010 16:17:17]
Squornshellous Beta
Eh, works for me.
[24/06/2010 05:57:22]
I want free towels! :P
[24/06/2010 01:27:45]
That's pretty brilliant in my opinion.
[23/06/2010 23:41:46]
Website: The Cave of DragonfliesHe didn't get it because he promised those things; he got it because promising those things is funny. And he got about half of Iceland's entertainment business in there with him. And everybody loves them. Meanwhile, everybody hates the other big parties for the economic crash.
[23/06/2010 23:13:33]
Squornshellous Beta
A new… polar bear. Free… towels. I can't quite see how he got a majority vote.
[23/06/2010 20:32:12]
Website: The Cave of DragonfliesYes. He is also one of Iceland's top actors and comedians.
[23/06/2010 20:26:55]
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Page last modified November 3 2020 at 01:58 UTC