Welcome to the Cave of Dragonflies guestbook.
Off-topic discussion is allowed, but spam is not; please make sure all your messages are of substantial meaning that at least somebody would be interested in reading and responding to. That being said, obviously I appreciate comments relating to The Cave of Dragonflies, whether they are error reports, questions, suggestions or whatever else you might want to get across.
My own messages will be signed as Butterfree, with the Admin label below my name. If someone signs as Butterfree without that label, it's probably not me.
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Rinky Dink Fink
Website: dragonflycave
Commenting on: 07-07-10UPDATE!!!! UUUUUUPDAAAAAATE!!!!! NOWKTHNXBAI!
[16/07/2010 20:52:36]
Static the Porcupine
Website: Static the Porcupine's site
Commenting on: 07-07-10just thought i'd mention that, Butterfree. your site is still the best one i've ever seen.
Static[15/07/2010 14:32:05]
Website: Static the Porcupine's site
Commenting on: 07-07-10in the HG/SS locations, you're missing Pewter City. i need to find out when the best ime to headbut out Starly is. i REALLY want one in SS. so could you add in Pewter Ciy o that HG/SS locations? please?
[15/07/2010 14:27:42]
She just forgot to update.
[14/07/2010 22:24:10]
Commenting on: 07-07-10The revamping guide is oddly worded. It's defined as "the art of taking a sprite from one of the older games and recoloring/shading it to the quality of a post-Advance counterpart", but Revamping Rule 4 says to "mimic thy Advance sprite closely", plus you use R/S/FR/LG sprites in the screenshots. Is using a D/P/Pt/HG/SS sprite a violation of said rule, or did you just forget to update it?
P.S. Have you ever used an Emerald sprite for something? ;)[14/07/2010 19:11:37]
Epic Site!
[14/07/2010 17:39:35]
Great EV/IV guides. You're really a big help!
[14/07/2010 16:15:08]
If Butterfree reads this I just wanted to mention a really good fanfic writer called burninating torchic, Jirae, or BT. He has written some great work which I think anyone over the age of about twelve would enjoy, and I think anyone who reads this should search his work immediately. If someone else already mentioned him, too bad I didn't feel like checking the entire guestbook.
[12/07/2010 23:14:28]
How do you copy/paste?I forgot.>_>
[12/07/2010 21:35:53]
How long does the password E-mail for the forum usually take?
[12/07/2010 19:07:51]
[12/07/2010 18:10:16]
Squornshellous Beta
I don't think Butterfree was saying that part was bad anyway - wasn't it the revival by crying that she derided?
Sorry if I misunderstood something or whatever.[12/07/2010 17:01:25]
Don't be sorry, everyone is entitled to their own opinion.The problem starts when people start arguing!
[12/07/2010 16:55:32]
I just watched the scene in movie 1 where Ash dies gets turned to stone. It was so sad watching Pikachu trying to revive him and failing! I'm sorry, but that's how I felt! ;~;
[12/07/2010 02:53:17]
hey butterfree. i just read the 2003 pokeacademy awards fanfic. why isnt gorebyss nominated for the crossdressing award? the males still wear the clam bra.
[12/07/2010 01:22:43]
Also this.
I'm called Shpn, but I spend most of my time in the 4chan room. Which is lol because I've been there twice. Then I start talking in short sentences.[12/07/2010 01:03:56]
…except you weigh five pounds.
[11/07/2010 17:36:11]
Maybe it's a sign that you should add it. (:
Unless there's a different section for fanfics.[11/07/2010 15:23:02]
Website: EonRidersI could have sworn, SWORN on my life the other day I found Curse(the one-shot) on TV tropes, under the Pokemon Nightmare Fuel, but now I can't find it. Creepy much?
Giratina spammy.[11/07/2010 03:02:04]
Go ask the staff of TPC.Hehehe.
Dude:Why are Steelix floating on clouds in MD?
Staff:Let's take it this way:Why are YOU floating on clouds too?
Staff:Fine.Steelix are floating because Arceus doesn't want them to fall,so he mode them float.Happy?
Staff:You're welcome.^_^[11/07/2010 02:47:25]
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