
Welcome to the Cave of Dragonflies guestbook.

Off-topic discussion is allowed, but spam is not; please make sure all your messages are of substantial meaning that at least somebody would be interested in reading and responding to. That being said, obviously I appreciate comments relating to The Cave of Dragonflies, whether they are error reports, questions, suggestions or whatever else you might want to get across.


My own messages will be signed as Butterfree, with the Admin label below my name. If someone signs as Butterfree without that label, it's probably not me.


The Dragon scale causes Seadra to evolve into Kingdra when traded. It seemed like you wanted to know that too.

[20/06/2010 15:03:45]


The Exp. Share is a device which, when given to a Pokemon, will give that Pokemon half of the experience from every Pokemon your team defeats, even if that Pokemon did not take part in the battle. This means it is practically a godsend for training lower-leveled Pokemon, as they can quickly gain experience without being hurt.

The Red Scale serves no other purpose except to give the opportunity to obtain this item.

[20/06/2010 14:17:55]


what shall you do with the "red scale" and the "dragon scale" in crystal? Mr. Pokemon at route 30 wanna trade the red scale to "exp. share". what is that? and can u use the red scale later on in the game? (i have come to the pokemon league)

really glad for answers :)

[20/06/2010 12:54:05]

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies

Unggoy/ultraviolet/zeKieranator: Thanks; all fixed.

TheSonicLink: I… don't think I know what the ACC Newsletter is, but sure? How does this work?

[19/06/2010 21:14:25]


Hi there!

I'm Sonic_Link from the ACC Newsletter Committee. I noticed you're the owner of Dragonflycave and I was wondering if you'd like an ad in the ACC Newsletter. If you are, I'll help you out with it.

The advertisement may help bring users in. Just so there isn't any confusion (like the first time) this is free, and doesn't cost anything. Just a friendly advertisement to expand ACC's users to other sites. :)

[19/06/2010 20:21:55]


On the main site page, it says the old updates are from October 23rd 2005, not 2003.

[19/06/2010 19:41:35]


Hi Butterfree~ I just read the 11th(?) movie review and I noticed that the title says 'Arceus and the Jewel of Live' when I'm pretty sure it's mean to be 'Jewel of Life'. Given your self-proclaimed perfectionism, I thought you'd want to know.

[19/06/2010 11:42:51]


About the "Dropped my balls!" reference in the In Game Humor section, it actually first appeared in Red/Blue. One of the jugglers in Koga's gym says it when you defeat him.

…Just thought I'd point it out.

[18/06/2010 12:11:42]

Squornshellous Beta

Ah, okay.

[17/06/2010 16:08:31]

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies

It doesn't. The attack bit works, since that's just throwing the charm, but the trainer doesn't get money out of it (and any economy where he could is absurd, since again, inflation).

[17/06/2010 15:38:02]

Squornshellous Beta

Hey wait, if the sale of Meowth Charms is prohibited, then how does Pay Day work?

[17/06/2010 09:21:21]

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies

Yes, Peter's reaction speed is enhanced as well. And Jack's antennae are normal-sized for a Chinchou.

[17/06/2010 02:00:43]

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies
Commenting on: 06-11-10

Sageowl: That's why I don't think it's quicksilver; I'm assuming it's some other molten metal that would solidify at room temperature.

[17/06/2010 01:59:20]

Website: cave of dragonflies

I talked to the guy in the tunnel,and I think he`s a bit like a sissy.

[17/06/2010 01:22:26]


Unggoy: People randomly like this kind of stuff. This conversation is interesting me. x3

?: No, the "dropped my balls" juggler is definitely in GSC, but there could be a reference to it somewhere in FRLG too. :/

[17/06/2010 01:03:11]

Commenting on: 06-11-10

On the in-game humour:

I'm pretty sure the "dropped my balls" Juggler is somewhere in FR/LG in one of the islands, not G/S/C.

In HG/SS, there's a grunt in the Rocket Headquarters that says something along the lines of "Do you feel lucky, punk?", which is probably a Dirty Harry reference.

Also, talk to the Hiker in the Goldenrod underground. Seriously.

[16/06/2010 21:46:58]


Does it even matter what size his antennae are? O.o

[16/06/2010 21:44:46]

Commenting on: 06-11-10

I was wondering how the silver-water froze, as it requires a temperature of -40 degrees (No units are needed :-P) to freeze. I guess they could have somehow messed with its structure, but it would need to be that cold at the bottom of the well. Also, you said 'molten', but would quicksilver really be described as 'molten'?

[16/06/2010 20:18:34]

Squornshellous Beta

I just realised that was awfully worded. What I meant was, a Chinchou is smaller than a human. So if the antennae are full-sized for a human, then they'd be bigger than if they were full-sized for a Chinchou. So um. Which one would it be?

[16/06/2010 19:51:31]

Squornshellous Beta

Oh yeah. Jack's antennae are normal-sized for a Chinchou? Or correctly scaled for a human?

[16/06/2010 19:43:27]

Page last modified November 3 2020 at 01:58 UTC