Welcome to the Cave of Dragonflies guestbook.
Off-topic discussion is allowed, but spam is not; please make sure all your messages are of substantial meaning that at least somebody would be interested in reading and responding to. That being said, obviously I appreciate comments relating to The Cave of Dragonflies, whether they are error reports, questions, suggestions or whatever else you might want to get across.
My own messages will be signed as Butterfree, with the Admin label below my name. If someone signs as Butterfree without that label, it's probably not me.
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One of the Wonder Dungeons, where you find the Sky Melodica.
STEELIX. FLOATING ON CLOUDS.[10/07/2010 17:38:41]
I think it's in PMD Time, Darkness, and Sky.
[10/07/2010 02:52:13]
Website: DeviantART AccountSky Stairway? Sorry, but that went over my head. Care to elaborate on what game this is?
[10/07/2010 01:00:27]
The green name is just for people to email you. Websites are just put below your name and don't affect the color.
Also, no. Are you trying to be that really lonely kid that'll give his cookie to anyone that sits next to him? Hahaha.
On a completely unrelated note, why the frick are there Steelix and Forretress in Sky Stairway? They're on CLOUDS for crying out loud.[08/07/2010 12:16:21]
Commenting on: 07-07-10It's quite a nice tool (at least in my opinion), although there really should be a 'Back to TCoD' button somewhere, since it gets somewhat annoying having to scroll through lots of Back pages if you've been using it for a while. (There's also no Headbutt data as far as I can tell, but since the rarities aren't on Serebii either, I'm not sure whether you accidentally left it out or if no one knows what the rarities are.)
[08/07/2010 02:43:03]
I'm sorry if anyone (or everyone) is offended by what was originally a prank I put on my link because I didn't want my name to be black (racism!), and then I kept going foward with it because of being afraid of changing my opinion. The guestbook is becoming a flame board, so I assume all the fault on this and beg pardon. BTW, I will give 3 event pokemon for the 3 first ones to email me their FCs.
[08/07/2010 01:58:08]
"I can't understand any reason to get so mad for being Rickrolled, as you can exit it in ~1min anyway."
Length isn't the point. The point is is that it's not immediately quittable (unlike links to youtube videos), which makes it one of the most annoying things in the world. At least Butterfree's Do Not Click Here had a warning before the actual alert system so that you could only proceed if you wanted to; you stick innocuous-looking links in innocuous-looking placing and treat their innocuously browsing victims to a minute-long hell that they neither wanted nor asked for.
It's not amusing.[07/07/2010 22:33:51]
Squornshellous Beta
Ugh. Well, first of all, those pages often contain viruses, which are undesirable. Then it's very irritating to have to go through that in any case, and really, you could try being just a little more considerate.
As to your Lugiotto, which I checked the address of in Notepad before following it, it's mostly unshaded, badly outlined and has a massive straight line on the back. And they're 'Splices', not 'Splits'. And you should really go to the Forums for things like that anyway.
</longforaguestbookpost> Anyone got anything to add?[07/07/2010 20:29:14]
Yeah, yeah, I know everything, so why I would waste my time etertaining others when I can entertain myself? I don't want to anyone else to think I'm funny, I just want to be able to laugh at my ridiculous acts. I can't understand any reason to get so mad for being Rickrolled, as you can exit it in ~1min anyway.
[07/07/2010 19:58:29]
Website: cave of dragonfliesButterfree,can you ban/block Lucastcorrea or make him spop posting VIRUS INFECTED LINKS?????
Thank you.~_~[07/07/2010 19:07:54]
Website: cave of dragonfliesIf you get RickRolled(glares at Lucastcorrea )hold enter.But you should know that anyway.^_^ Also, a window that said "VIRUS BLOCKED."when I got RickRolled.Nice job,Lucastcorrea.
[07/07/2010 18:28:30]
[07/07/2010 17:52:46]
I thought Force Quit would fix the problem (I have a Mac, I don't think end tasking exists on it) but when I opened it it just started being ridiculous again. I did manage to click the x on the tab despite it bouncing around the screen but it brought up ENDLESS ALERTS CONTAINING ALL THE LYRICS TO THAT GODFORSAKEN SONG. It took forever before it finally went away and pissed me off enormously.
[07/07/2010 17:17:10]
Website: The Cave of DragonfliesKilling the process ends it on the spot, yes, and that means when you reopen it (I guess I wasn't clear on that), it will bring up the crash recovery checklist.
[07/07/2010 16:23:37]
Website: DeviantART Account@Butterfree [07/07/2010 13:32:20]
For whatever reason that doesn't exactly work very often (in Windows) or ever (in Linux). Killing the process ends it on the spot (usually).
When I restart Firefox normally, sometimes it may tell me that it can't reload the tabs I had open (I always have LOTS) and sometimes it will open them straight away.
I don't remember for sure and I don't want to close Firefox to test, but I think that opening it in Safe Mode will guarantee a tab checklist.
@Unggoy [07/07/2010 03:12:10]
Thank you! :D[07/07/2010 15:24:29]
God.That RickRoll was annoying. I would still care if it did that with The walrus, which happens to be my favorite Beatles song.I am going to ignore you from now on.I do not tolerate annoying tricksters, especially ones that RickRoll you in an extremely annoying fashion.*sticks ignore sticker on Lucastcorrea that wont come off*And no, it doesn't help if you have a cool name.
[07/07/2010 13:53:02]
Website: The Cave of DragonfliesYou aren't funny, and all you've done is stop everyone from clicking any link you post, ever.
Leafpool: When something like that happens, end task Firefox. It will bring up the crash recovery window, and you can safely uncheck the offending tab.[07/07/2010 12:32:20]
if you expect anyone to click that, you are delusional.
Rickrolling is not funny. It's a stupid meme that was old three years ago and it's old now. Expecting anyone else to think it's funny is ridiculous.[07/07/2010 12:30:56]
Website: gwah.You can actually exit when the lyrics end. Yes, It's old but it's FUN. C'mon, I alterady stopped rickrolling, now please go on and rate my image, would you? By the way, do you like magic tricks?
[07/07/2010 12:05:40]
Dude. Rickrolling was old three years ago.
Now, I'm off to hang out with cool people.[07/07/2010 11:55:06]
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