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Potato Salad.
[11/08/2010 03:21:22]
She.I'm a girl. But Fwee, tri-lingual!
[11/08/2010 02:48:12]
I get the "tri-lingual" thing, though, I've never heard it put that way. I've heard bilingual and multilingual. That's all I've ever heard of.
[11/08/2010 02:38:02]
Website: Mario Gateway - A Mario FansiteBut then how could he post in English? lol
But yeah, forgetting English would make him bilingual.[10/08/2010 21:22:16]
Unless you forget everything you know about english, of course.
[10/08/2010 15:50:07]
No,you're TRI-lingual since you know English.^_^*laughs*
[10/08/2010 14:39:22]
I should translate one of the Pokemon themes to Latin sometime.I also might get to learn Japanese, so then I'll be bi-lingual!Fwee!
[10/08/2010 03:10:54]
Website: Ub3r L33t H4xHeh.
[10/08/2010 02:20:52]
Can we go back to the subject of Latin?
Because I took a six-week crash course that covered ~2 years of what my school's course did and it was flipping insane. We had tests every other day and AARGH I HATE IT but it's over now.
And now I don't remember it.
OH WELL.[09/08/2010 20:56:52]
Just press harder, or send it to get it fixed / replaced.
My DS Lite's R Button doesn't work, and my DSi's L Button doesn't work. I just switch to my DSi XL if I need to use both shoulder buttons.[09/08/2010 17:00:32]
it's okay….but still kinda cool…
[09/08/2010 12:43:35]
Somthing's wrong withLugia's Island.Go see!I don't know why/how it happened.
[09/08/2010 02:40:45]
Thanks!I was button-mashing for a while and it's fixed!^-^Oh yeah,the USB thing isn't a USB thing.It's somthing else.O-O
[07/08/2010 14:08:38]
My L button acts funny sometimes, try pressing can also try getting something out of Nintendo.Ditto for spammy.
[06/08/2010 19:28:56]
Jirachi's BFF
I got a USB thingie!^_^But 1 thing:Does ANYBODY know how to fix a dead R button?THX!
[06/08/2010 03:55:25]
You know Latin?!o-0 OHMYGOD!I think Psyduck is allowed because Game Freak needed a common Pokemon that's sort of cute,so they picked Psyduck.*_*
[06/08/2010 03:41:48]
Website: Click hereHaha. This site is still here? Wow. :P
I remember when I first came here and got called a noob because someone didn't lyk how I typed at the time. x3[05/08/2010 22:09:31]
And I'm a girl too. Just saying.Because this entry is so short, lets try to guess why Psyduck is allowed in Amity Square when it's not cute at all.
[05/08/2010 15:10:35]
I know how you feel.I had Wi-fi, but when we got a Wii for christmas(I was all like OH MY GOD)we conected it to the internet, and the DS and the Wii don't connect to the internet the same way. Random tidbit: I'm a Latin freak(yes I'm ten) and thus my Luxray is named SolLux which is a combination of the words for sun and light, making his name SunLight.
[05/08/2010 15:07:29]
Ok.The only problem isthat I don't have Wi-Fi. or a USB thingie.!_!That means I have to wait for my sister to find Steven Stone.Then give her a Master Ball,then trade my Lv100 Suicune for her Latias when she catches it.Somthing random:I'm a girl.
[03/08/2010 18:19:35]
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