Welcome to the Cave of Dragonflies guestbook.
Off-topic discussion is allowed, but spam is not; please make sure all your messages are of substantial meaning that at least somebody would be interested in reading and responding to. That being said, obviously I appreciate comments relating to The Cave of Dragonflies, whether they are error reports, questions, suggestions or whatever else you might want to get across.
My own messages will be signed as Butterfree, with the Admin label below my name. If someone signs as Butterfree without that label, it's probably not me.
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Also, it's in Soul Silver.
And, would a Water mono would be an OK runthrough of my Soul Silver?[24/08/2010 08:32:02]
I'm not sure what to pick: Totodile, Cyndaquil or Chikorita?
(Oh and for future referencess, I'm female)[24/08/2010 08:27:23]
Website: The Cave of DragonfliesZippo12, yes, but not an IP ban. The only thing that should be identifying you as a banned user right now is the login cookie.
[24/08/2010 01:32:34]
Website: FireyPokemonButterfree,
It was a permanant ban. ><
~Zippo12~[23/08/2010 22:54:16]
I forgot to use spellcheck. those misspelled words should be 'boardgame' and 'like'.
[23/08/2010 21:58:32]
Website: Heroscape websiteHeroscape is a bordgame with figurines. I loke to play it because the little (and not so little) figures look cool.
[23/08/2010 21:56:56]
Website: The Cave of DragonfliesIf you log out of her account, you should be able to reregister. If it doesn't give you a log out link, you may need to manually delete the cookie; your browser should give you an option to delete cookies somewhere.
[23/08/2010 19:38:43]
Website: FireyPokemonButterfree,
I realized that my sister got banned on the fourms, but I recently found this site and I would like to join, but, everytime i go to the forums, it won't let me go anywhere.
It is appciated. ^^
~Zippo12~[23/08/2010 19:26:33]
Website: The Cave of DragonfliesIt's an event area. You get there if you have a special event Arceus and talk to some Hiker in the Ruins of Alph.
[23/08/2010 09:29:22]
So anyway, I read up about this place called Sinjoh Falls on Bulbapedia, and here is my question to you guys: How do you get there?
[23/08/2010 09:06:29]
What's that?
[22/08/2010 20:35:48]
Oh. Sorry. :P
I wonder if anyone here plays Heroscape…[22/08/2010 20:30:28]
I was talking to Jirachi's BFF.
[22/08/2010 18:11:05]
If you can use It Is, use the one with the apostrophe (it's), if not, use its.
Its, for the record, is possessive.[22/08/2010 17:36:23]
Yeah… I remember once I accidentally deleted my cookies.And I do use SpellCheck, but it doesn't do grammar, you know.I never could remember the difference between "its" and "it's" anyway. (Sorry if I seem mean or irritated, Bob, I know that you were just trying to help. Or incorrect grammar really bothers you.)My whole point is don't expect a ten-year-old's writing to be perfect.
[22/08/2010 14:29:19]
I don't thinkthe computer knows those symbols. It happened to me once.
[22/08/2010 00:25:44]
Those were a bunch of wacky symbols, by the way.
[21/08/2010 22:52:16]
Two things: one, l'm on vacation, so please pardon the spelling errors and relative briefness of this (I'm writing this on my DSi, yay me)¡ two, "its" only has an apostrophe when used as a contraction for "it is"–the possessive is just "its."
Also, how does this thing have stuff like ???®??but not an em dash? Argh.
Also, I'm sure I've made a complete hypocrate of myself by misspelling multiple words. Do as I say, not as I do![21/08/2010 22:48:53]
Website: The Cave of DragonfliesThe default style changes depending on the reign of the Zodiac. Since the Reign of Giratina has just started, that changed the default style into Axe-Murderer. If you want it to stick with the same style, you need to make a cookie.
[21/08/2010 17:35:00]
Not for me. It's almost always the Voice of the Forest style.
[21/08/2010 16:30:16]
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