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Butterfree, you're doing the Legend of Thunder?!?!
I will love you forever now.[12/09/2010 00:31:37]
The 5th gen Starter evolutions look ok. I'll just use whichever one makes the game easier.
[11/09/2010 23:25:15]
I like Mijumaru's a lot, but WTF is going on with Pokabu?
Congratulations, Nintendo. You have succeeded in making the first sucky-looking Fire-type. Ray the flying squirrel from SegaSonic the hedgehog looks better than Pokabu's final evo, and that's saying something. Google (or Bing, whatever you prefer) Ray and see how ugly he is.
I'm done ranting now. You can go back to your regular lives.[11/09/2010 22:54:29]
I love Mijumaru's evolution line - especially the final evolution.
Pokabu's is cool, at least. I like it, but not as much as Mijumaru's.
Tsutaaja's final form surprised me. I actually don't hate it, like I do its basal and middle evolutions. I don't like it, but I don't mind it. This is even more surprising when one considers the fact that I've hated all dragon-like and most Grass-type Pokemon.[11/09/2010 22:02:26]
And fwee, it is a dragon! (Tsutarju)
[11/09/2010 20:11:50]
That's why I said there's a chance.
Also the Mijumaru evolution is ew.[11/09/2010 15:45:40]
But what if it is?0_0 And if it IS pure flyingness, then I think Game Freak would do something with it's movepool.(hint hint)
[11/09/2010 14:28:03]
And you should wait on that trivia until the pure Flyingness is confirmed. Don't forget what happened with Chatot.
[11/09/2010 13:17:31]
Oh. Ok.
But fwee, legendaries![11/09/2010 13:12:23]
Squornshellous Beta
Pure Flying-type… i doubt it. What if it used Roost? It would become Typeless!
But Bug and Fighting legendaries, yay.[11/09/2010 07:21:16]
Also, click to listen to awesome music (Ho-oh's HGSS theme?) while a guy battles Red.
[11/09/2010 06:55:55]
Pure flying-type legendary?
THE WORLD IS ENDING[11/09/2010 06:55:09]
Website: The Cave of DragonfliesThat would be because nobody has a picture of it; Serebii just revealed the types of the legendaries, but that's all that is known.
[10/09/2010 21:47:15]
I can't find a picture of it.
[10/09/2010 21:31:42]
Ha, there's a chance you'll have to finally update that trivia about the lack of pure Flying-ness.
Also Bug Legendary FTW.[10/09/2010 20:18:13]
Website: The Cave of DragonfliesI am insanely glad there are going to be both Bug and Fighting legendaries. This is going to make the fifth-generation Zodiac so much easier!
[10/09/2010 20:03:09]
Website: EonRidersFINALLY, we get a Bug(/Steel) -type legendary. I'm loving these new types. Pure Flying, Dark-Dragon(most likely the pseudo-legends), Ice-Dragon…Yay! I hope they look as awesome as they sound…
Yes, I'm a Serebii stalker…[10/09/2010 16:43:51]
I liek mudkipz and stalking the forum oeakis. Mostly the Bulbagarden one.
[10/09/2010 14:29:32]
Website: The Cave of DragonfliesYou should! It's great fun.
[10/09/2010 02:43:23]
Emerald Espeon
Butterfree's review made me really want to dig out my old videotape of Mewtwo Returns. But I don't think I put a label on it, so I'll never be able to find it…
I think I should stop stalking all the mafia games on the forums and actually join one. >.>[10/09/2010 02:31:58]
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