
Welcome to the Cave of Dragonflies guestbook.

Off-topic discussion is allowed, but spam is not; please make sure all your messages are of substantial meaning that at least somebody would be interested in reading and responding to. That being said, obviously I appreciate comments relating to The Cave of Dragonflies, whether they are error reports, questions, suggestions or whatever else you might want to get across.


My own messages will be signed as Butterfree, with the Admin label below my name. If someone signs as Butterfree without that label, it's probably not me.


that's good

[07/10/2008 22:53:34]

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies

platinumlover, I would if I knew of a good place to get them all, believe me.

By the way, I've made the two million front page hits splash, so that should be up the moment the counter gets to two million. :3

[07/10/2008 22:12:59]


can u please get the sprites for Platinum????????????? please!!!!!!!!!!

[07/10/2008 01:37:49]



Is such a bore,

Him put my friend to sleep.

Watch me weep!

[06/10/2008 20:46:37]


@PG - while I can't help you with any specific shops, do a quick Google Shopping search for "game boy printer". They're there on the internet if you look - eBay has its fair share. Make sure you get some paper, too!

I'd REALLY like to restart Gold. But I have far too much homework, and I'm still supposed to be breeding a Battle Tower team…It seems that males can only pass on egg moves a certain number of times, around about 50, before the offspring start hatching with a standard moveset.

Unfortunately, I only realised this until after my Ice Punch-less Sneasel had gotten maximum Speed EVs.

Great poetry, by the way, everyone.

Cubone spammifier.

[06/10/2008 19:55:26]

Commenting on: 09-22-08

I don't like caterpies corner very much

[06/10/2008 17:09:11]


Yeah, I've wondered that, too!



They're both same

When playing a game!

[06/10/2008 11:26:27]

Pikachu Goddess

Me! :D

Yeah, I kind of figured it out. I'm doing the Omanyte puzzle now. And, where can I get one of those printers, anyways?

[06/10/2008 03:08:56]


Guess who got EXACTLY 30 dollers in birthday money, spent it on Pearl, and got a female Chimchar without even trying?

[05/10/2008 20:52:42]

Hypothermic Nidoking

Oh, i forgot to say when I said

''manipulating sprites'' I meant

the original pokemon sprites,

not the ones you made.

[05/10/2008 18:13:06]


Hi. I really like your site.

The pages are really cool and the alert rant is interesting.

Don't let people steal your stuff, it's great and yours.

[05/10/2008 17:41:01]

Hypothermic Nidoking

Wow, this site is surprisingly

really good. I stumbled across

this site looking for some

pokemon sprites to manipulate;)

[05/10/2008 17:06:47]


Well, not literally, but… It rhymes!

[05/10/2008 14:31:49]



Is so funny

When she dances and she wiggles

She makes me giggle.

[05/10/2008 14:31:14]



Made a bet

That he could eat 500 hundred pies that were red

Now he's dead.

[05/10/2008 14:30:00]


How ironic-Beckett Pokemon was right!

[05/10/2008 12:32:19]

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies

No, that's a normal Skorupi. The shiny is red.

[05/10/2008 02:42:49]


I really need to come here more often…. But yea, here's a screencap:


I forget what it's called, but isn't it supposed to be purple and black?

[05/10/2008 01:39:31]



Walked into a bar,

Ouch! He went on

'Cause it was iron!!!

I accidentely put Oqmastar instead of Omastar for the spammifier! But now I've got…

ARCEUS??? Arceus IS in the spammifier! I thought Butterfree took it out!!! Am I the first one to get it???

[05/10/2008 01:35:28]

V&SL / Blaziking

Cresselia is shiny and sparkly too

If you do not like it I will kill you.

Zis is fun ~

[05/10/2008 00:15:33]

Page last modified November 3 2020 at 01:58 UTC