Welcome to the Cave of Dragonflies guestbook.
Off-topic discussion is allowed, but spam is not; please make sure all your messages are of substantial meaning that at least somebody would be interested in reading and responding to. That being said, obviously I appreciate comments relating to The Cave of Dragonflies, whether they are error reports, questions, suggestions or whatever else you might want to get across.
My own messages will be signed as Butterfree, with the Admin label below my name. If someone signs as Butterfree without that label, it's probably not me.
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Did the site get screwed up? I thought it was just my phone being stupid again :#
[22/10/2008 10:56:38]
Website: Click hereYay the site is back.
[22/10/2008 03:51:21]
Commenting on: 09-22-08Yep there's nothing on it that interests me which is why I hate CC
[18/10/2008 15:21:54]
I've noticed it's easier to solve the Magikarp game, when yoou're on Mozilla Firefox. That's because the clues are highlighted in green.
[18/10/2008 13:39:33]
Zim Del Invasor
Commenting on: 10-13-08I'm afraid that I'm just a bit too lazy for this.
[18/10/2008 01:48:33]
Well, I didn't do anything on the error reports page, instead I just went to the pokemon hangman. Then, the word was "infectedmagikarp". I have no clue where to go from there.
[17/10/2008 00:10:47]
There, found it. I was looking in the wrong column. Does anyone know what to do after you get to the error report page? I think you might have to report an error, but I'm not sure.
[16/10/2008 23:39:33]
Wait! Where is it? I can't find it anymore!!!
[16/10/2008 21:05:11]
Thanks, but I figured out where to check last night.
I've only got to clue #3 on the clue game, too![16/10/2008 20:50:37]
Typhloise, the page you're looking for is the D/P Locations: Water page. You can find that under "Sinnoh" in the Games section of the menu, if you're wondering.
Once you get confused after that, post here again, because that's probably the part where I've been stuck at since Tuesday. Maybe the fact that I only ever got to clue 3 of the Clue Game should be a hint not to try this game on my own…the game description sounds awesome, though, so I can't wait for the storyline to start![16/10/2008 06:52:45]
Some Guy
Forget the name, but one of the theories mentions the origin of Rain Dance, I think.
Time for some more bad jokes! :D
I went to that undersea gym yesterday. Unfortunately, I pulled a mussel- not on porpoise, of course. If I keep this up much longer, you'll probably get crabby, so I guess I cod squid while I'm ahead.
Ooh, Shaymin[16/10/2008 00:28:58]
Commenting on: 10-13-08I loved the game Butterfree! But it was a bit too short =(
[15/10/2008 23:31:18]
Can anyone help me find an article relating to water? Please?
[15/10/2008 22:48:24]
Does the spoiler work
[15/10/2008 21:24:29]
I need help! Can anyone give me a clue for this?
Where is an article that mentions water? Please help!!![15/10/2008 21:15:57]
Website: EonRiders
Commenting on: 10-13-08Lawlz, like Magic the Gathering.
[14/10/2008 23:45:34]
THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU BUTTERFREE!!!!!!!!! I LOVE the new game! In my opinion, an even better game then the clue game! It was worth the wait!
I don't know what you were talking about, Anonymous! Magikrap? More like… um… Magiawesomesuperduperamzingtastic!!!
Does anyone know where I could find an article relating to revenge?[14/10/2008 22:43:40]
The game was fun, but too short.
I think the hardest part was the one with the cookie. :3[14/10/2008 21:32:20]
Forget what I just said. I found out the actual clue, but now I'm still stuck.
[14/10/2008 20:38:59]
Well, I found out the first clue, thanks to Some Guy! I checked the source code, and I found an interesting thing I think is a clue, called "endif". But I have no clue what it means.
[14/10/2008 20:18:55]
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