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My own messages will be signed as Butterfree, with the Admin label below my name. If someone signs as Butterfree without that label, it's probably not me.
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Website: The Cave of DragonfliesYes, I'll put sprites from all the games in it. I'm basically going to change the entire format of the thing.
[12/10/2008 23:21:54]
Yeah, I know you have been forever waiting for Magikarp Quest to come out, Butterfree, but I personally are more excited about a sprite machine redo. If possible, could you have sprites from all the generations in it? (Red-Platinum)
By the way, for your HTML guide, CSS is not defined very well.
I live in Luxray Village, where Charizard, Rapidash, and Manectric are playing a game of freezetag where Absol is forever it!
Grr… The Houndoom guard dogs are eyeing you suspiciously…
PS:What does the general public think of my quote?
Raikou for the spammifyer.[12/10/2008 22:28:58]
I WILL conquer the Magikarp Quest! Once I find the secret link…
Here's a funny little story:
In Canada, CBC sold their Hockey Night in Canada anthem. So, they held a contest to see who could make the best one. The winner got $100 000 and their song played on the show. Last week CBC was down to two songs. A 13 boy from Toronto Ontario, and a teacher from Edmonton Alberta. An interviewer asked the finalists who their favorite hockey teams were. The teacher said, "The Edmonton Oilers!", while the kid said, "Montreal!". The funny thing was, the kid was from Toronto. And he was cheering for their rival team. The next day he lost the contest. And got several angry threats from countless Toronto residents.[12/10/2008 21:46:11]
there is no way to express how happy i am. i have been looking all around to find individual 80x80 platinum sprites. Thanks sooooooooooooo much
[12/10/2008 20:36:44]
Website: The Cave of DragonfliesHopefully soon, but Magikarp Quest is the priority right now.
[12/10/2008 20:35:31]
Awesome, Butterfree! The Platinum sprites will be so much easier to access once they're put on the sprite generator! When do you think the revamped sprite generator will be ready?
[12/10/2008 19:58:51]
Epic stuff!
This will help me with my spriting :DD[12/10/2008 18:34:06]
Website: The Battle for Mother Earth - a Pokemon RP
Commenting on: 10-11-08Platinum sprites!! T_T Amazing…my gratitude is endless, and I am sure that many others feel the same…this will make for spritework and GIMPing on my part. ^^
"Magikarp Quest"? Sounds epical. Magikarp are fun much.[12/10/2008 18:14:35]
Commenting on: 10-11-08Thank you immensely for the Platinum sprites. I've been looking everywhere for them. o.x
[12/10/2008 18:09:29]
Website: The Cave of Dragonflies…uh, IVs can't be 32.
[12/10/2008 17:50:12]
my favorite pokemon is lucario, probably because i have one with iv's as follows;
28[12/10/2008 17:38:05]
Website: The Cave of Dragonflies
Commenting on: 10-11-08Your link doesn't work, but I didn't say I was the only person with transparent Platinum sprites; I said to my knowledge I was the only person offering all of them (both frames, mind you, and separated), transparent, and for download. If it's on DeviantArt, I'm guessing it's some sort of a sprite sheet, but that's not what I was talking about; a sprite sheet is no use to anyone who wants to be able to use one individual sprite somewhere unless they specifically go cut it out of the sheet, which they'd need to do for every sprite if they needed all of them.
[12/10/2008 17:04:09]
Commenting on: 10-11-08You are not the only person with transparent Platinum sprites.… has them too
[12/10/2008 16:44:18]
Pokechow has had the same post since January 31st. It says:
Thursday, January 31, 2008
So, it's been a very long time, and I thought I'd let you all know that my corpse is not rotting away somewhere. I'm very much alive, and obviously very much inactive with the comic. I feel like it's something I really want to return to. But I need to prioritize and get my schoolwork done and get a pesky, annoying job. I'll keep you posted.
Of course, he hasn't kept us posted since then. Still, it's an awesome comic, and you can read it here![12/10/2008 15:14:44]
I've already tried that, YamiiDenryuu.
And the last time Pokechow posted was on January 31st, and the last time a new comic was posted was on September 19, 2007. Over a year ago.[12/10/2008 13:04:01]
SO yeah ive decided on my sixth favorite: Manectric! (I like four-legged Pokémon) Absol for the spammifyer.
[12/10/2008 12:29:03]
Dragon Tamer
Commenting on: 10-11-08Yay. Platinum sprites and Magikarp's Quest. <3
[12/10/2008 03:56:39]
Website: The Cave of DragonfliesPlease don't post questions from the Clue Game in here. It would allow people who figure out the answer to one of them to bypass all the ones before it.
The answer to clue three is found on the site.
And I regularly take down all affiliates that haven't updated in three months or more. :/
Anyway, guys, the Platinum sprites are up![12/10/2008 03:53:59]
The answer to clue 3 is probably 'no one' or something. Or not.
[12/10/2008 02:03:35]
I love this site!!
[12/10/2008 01:51:14]
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