Welcome to the Cave of Dragonflies guestbook.
Off-topic discussion is allowed, but spam is not; please make sure all your messages are of substantial meaning that at least somebody would be interested in reading and responding to. That being said, obviously I appreciate comments relating to The Cave of Dragonflies, whether they are error reports, questions, suggestions or whatever else you might want to get across.
My own messages will be signed as Butterfree, with the Admin label below my name. If someone signs as Butterfree without that label, it's probably not me.
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The butterfree on the splash looks fat. Is it pregnant?
[10/10/2008 21:28:26]
While googling, I found some essay on Pokemon. I read it until I found some parts whose sources were-Landover Baptist and that parody article!!!
" Ebeneezer Smith, a pastor from the Landover Baptist Church in Iowa, claims, 'Pokemon toys and games are only sugar coated instruments of the occult and evil' (Landover.) To drive home his point, the pastor burned Pokemon trading cards and videos with a blowtorch while the congregation chanted, 'burn it, chop it and kill them all.'"
It's amazing that someone can actually take a parody site so seriously, especially with the OTHER content of the site just SCREAMING "THIS IS A PARODY!!!"[10/10/2008 21:27:30]
I agree with Greenumbreon. Congrats on 2,000,000 front page hits! I remember when there was only 900,000!
Nice Butterfree sprite, but in my opinion, I like the 1,500,000 front page hits page as little better. Still, congrats again![10/10/2008 20:30:09]
Could TCoD possibly be more popular?
[10/10/2008 20:11:49]
Commenting on: 10-09-08Great. Really great. Super. Really super. Excellent. Really awesome. The pixel art is really smooth, cool and I like the pose. Butterfree's feet look a bit long through. Just above the foot on our right there is a little white dot but it doesn't really matter. I'm currently training a Butterfree on my Leafgreen. Bye.
Ralts as spammifier. [Yay][10/10/2008 05:58:19]
Website: Kirlia's Garden
Commenting on: 10-09-08Boy. That's an awesome Butterfree. <3 Yay. Finally. Someone else who likes Magikarps. ^______^
[10/10/2008 05:01:17]
Wow, the pixel butterfree is very nice. Congrats on 2 million! (:
[10/10/2008 03:26:27]
here is a good place to get all the sprites: make sure you credit Mastermind_X from
the problem is the first and second frames are in one picture :(
the background are also not transparent
i like the named and numbered format you have
it helps me for finding sprites easily!!!![10/10/2008 03:10:08]
Website: The Cave of Dragonflies
Commenting on: 10-09-08No, it's just silly people refreshing crazily when they see the number is nearing a milestone. Happens every time.
[10/10/2008 01:43:25]
Emerald Espeon
Commenting on: 10-09-08Awesome :D
That's weird, though, earlier today it still needed around 10,000 hits to get to 2 million. Maybe I was mistaken…or The Cave of Dragonflies is just that popular :P[10/10/2008 00:42:08]
Website: The Cave of Dragonflies
Commenting on: 09-22-08Huh? Spectrum style? I haven't touched Spectrum style since it was first made; you must be thinking of something else.
[10/10/2008 00:05:50]
the guy with no username
Commenting on: 09-22-08Is there a copy of what spectrum style looked like before it was updated somewhere? If someone could email me the link, that would be great.
[09/10/2008 23:47:34]
Commenting on: 09-22-08The new style is rather awesome but I've chosen to stay with Celebi and Articuno for now but when it comes out in the forums I'll use it if Celebi and Articuno styles aren't back. It's still a really awesome style through.
To OOOOO…You don't like Caterpie's Corner? *stares*
Off Topic: Does anyone use or like Nidoking much. I don't really like it much. That shade of purple is not my colour.
Uxie as Spamiffier! Great a free hairnet.[09/10/2008 08:06:47]
Website: Kirlia's Garden
Commenting on: 09-22-08Uhh… Gcobi? How could she not have been to CC? They're affiliates. XD
But yeah. Very very very good.[09/10/2008 03:37:57]
Emerald Espeon
I've been wondering that too…I haven't seen Sapphire Sneasel for a long while, either.
Delibird for the spammifier.[08/10/2008 23:54:55]
Some Guy
Whatever happened to Shiny Noctowl and Shiny Rioulu? [/randompostthathasnothingtodowithanything]
[08/10/2008 22:32:34]
Website: The Cave of DragonfliesUh, the guestbook basically is a forum for people who are not registered anywhere. Most advanced features that forums have over guestbooks are necessarily member-only anyway.
[08/10/2008 21:39:17]
Platinumlover, can you please spell properly? It's hurting my eyes.
[08/10/2008 21:29:20]
sry i didnt see the post about refreshing the page
i am really sorry T_T *crys*
there should be a forum for those that do not want to sign up for the site (sry its not your site, i dont register with anyone)[08/10/2008 20:51:07]
i will get you 2 mil hits
look your almost there[08/10/2008 20:39:59]
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