
Welcome to the Cave of Dragonflies guestbook.

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My own messages will be signed as Butterfree, with the Admin label below my name. If someone signs as Butterfree without that label, it's probably not me.


Come back, YamiiDenryuu! I want to wish you a happy birthday. Unless you're in America, which would mean your birthday was yesterday. In that case, I hope your birthday was nice!

Talking mathematically, Sky Attack has an average base damage per turn of 63 (base damage 140, divided by 2 as it takes two turns, multiplied by 0.9 for the 90% accuracy). That is only 3 points higher than Aerial Ace, which negates accuracy-reduction attacks and is therefore probably a safer bet. Hope that helps! =]

[02/10/2008 20:08:15]

Some Guy


[02/10/2008 19:45:57]

Commenting on: 09-22-08


[02/10/2008 15:14:44]


…you realize youre a nerd when your way of venting frustration from not getting a date for homecoming is yelling at a guy on a pokemon site for using a bad move :(. pogeymahnz r b srs buzniss.

[02/10/2008 03:29:58]


Crobat really got shafted in terms of offensive moves, given that his STAB types are argueably the worst two in the game :( And please dont give ANYTHING SkyAttack, it truly is one of the worst moves in the game. Two turn moves in general are bad, the only reason Fly, Dig, and Shadow Force are acceptable in certain situations is due to the turn of near-immunity you get. Sky Attack has no immunity turn. Its horrid. Go with Aerial Ace or Brave Bird or something. Please.

[02/10/2008 03:24:17]


But there are no sky attack TMs. Unfortuanately.

[01/10/2008 20:38:13]


Poison doesn't have enough advantages. The only reason my crobat -whom I named Crobar- still knows poison fang is because it often badly poisons the foe.

Crobar is level 75, and the strongest move he knows is wing attack. The lady in Agate village refuses to teach him sky attack. I'll just have to use a TM…

I want a Ho-oh. I have none.

Having a Ho-oh, would be so fun.

We would fly and eat and run and play,

Oh, how I want a Ho-oh today!

Torchic for the spammifier.

[01/10/2008 20:36:13]

Pikachu Goddess

Happy birthday to all of the peoples that said that they have/had birthdays! ;D

Random: Why does everything seem to happen on my crush's birthday? Even the expiry date on both of my milk cartons is October 13th… I'll bet that the world's taunting me because I know that he "just wants to be friends" with me. *is angry/sad*

I wish that Poison was still super effective against Bug. That would make life so much easier.

So I found out that Lance has three Dragonite… but I beat him, anyways. :D I really like the chamber where you register your Pokémon for the Hall of Fame. Oh, and my mom in the game bought me a Pikachu doll for my room! :DDD

[01/10/2008 02:39:35]


If we're talking about birthdays, mine's tomorrow!


*walks away*

[01/10/2008 01:43:05]

Commenting on: 09-22-08

Oh yeah…. heh…heh…

[30/09/2008 23:37:20]


Veekun also says that Ghost's resistance to Bug was new to GSC.

Why would Psychic's immunity to Ghost be a glitch, EP? That intrigued me.

[30/09/2008 16:29:29]


Yep, poison was SE on bug in GRBY. IIRC, the diffs between gen 1 and gen 2, 3, and 4 are: poison SE on bug, now norm dam.; bug SE on poison, now NVE (no thats not a typo - bug and poison were both SE on each other) ice norm dam. on fire, now Nve; and psychic was immune to ghost - yay glitches :). Oh, and I don't think they even put in stuff about what dragon moves were good and bad against, but since the only dragon move was Dragon Rage, it didn't really matter

[30/09/2008 03:11:08]


I want to know what happens next In DJMew's Fanfic about meatball eevee, know where i can find it?

[30/09/2008 00:12:35]


I guess it all depends on what you like. I love the military aspect of the game, and the fact how you pretty much create everything.

[29/09/2008 21:09:30]

Emerald Espeon

I wasn't talking about the actual Pokémon themselves, just any type combination whether it's been used or not. But bug used to be weak to poison? Really? Cool. I'll have to try that on my Pokémon Yellow sometime.

Out of those choices, I'd suggest Crobat.

Yanma for the spammifier.

[29/09/2008 20:35:40]

Commenting on: 09-22-08

I don't know, I don't like it much sorry.

[29/09/2008 18:20:14]


And I turned 15 a good three and a half months before either ofyou, suckas :P

[29/09/2008 10:49:40]


Hope you had a nice birthday, eevee_em! *giggle* Although I am 5 days, 4 hours and 18 minutes older than you. Bow down to your superior.

XD at EP on Spore. I just wasted the morning reading its Wikipedia article - it doesn't seem that bad. At least, most of it seems a bit like Advance Wars: Dual Strike's Combat mode, which is better than the actual Campaign mode for me.

I was considering a Shuckle for my own team…its base HP is a little annoying, though.

Pineco for the spammifier.

[29/09/2008 07:24:40]


As for Crystal, I have managed to bring my choices down to the following: Xatu, Shuckle, Crobat, Forretress, and Miltank. Suggestions?

[29/09/2008 03:13:50]


I've played spore, it's really a bit boring *is shot at, catches bullet in teeth, turns at spits back at shooter, killing them*. And there are on pokes with three double weaknesses, unless you count GRBY Parasect, back from the days when bug was weak to poison

[29/09/2008 03:01:08]

Page last modified November 3 2020 at 01:58 UTC