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My own messages will be signed as Butterfree, with the Admin label below my name. If someone signs as Butterfree without that label, it's probably not me.
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Commenting on: 09-22-08Ooh, neat. :D Where's that image of Scyther from?
[22/09/2008 23:58:59]
Website: The Cave of DragonfliesYeah, I seriously do need to make a new crossword. Or maybe just judge it and then leave the next one hanging. :/
[22/09/2008 23:52:32]
Thank you very much, eevee_em!
Can I just apologise about that last post? I wasn't trying to imply that Butterfree was lazy, and I do realise that there are other things she's making for the site (like this "epic" game, which I can't wait for!). I'm sorry if I came across the wrong way.
I suppose Gloom on my birthday was pretty ironic, huh? Talking of spammifiers, do non-shiny Monferno have blue eyelashes?[22/09/2008 21:52:28]
Happy birthday aqualta!
[22/09/2008 19:56:49]
Some Guy
[22/09/2008 18:53:00]
LINK[22/09/2008 16:54:20]
i got dialga as spammifier.
is that good?
sorry, i jus wanted to see what happened.[22/09/2008 15:51:15]
Happy birthday to me,
aqualta's turning fifteen,
And she STILL hasn't marked the crossword,
Happy birthday to me!
At 6:55pm today, I will be officially fifteen years old. Yay for me.
I share my birthday with another girl in my class. Now, we don't really talk together much, but over the years, it's become a tradition that we exchange cards and presents simply because of that common link. Nice, huh?
The third line is my current catchphrase. Seriously, crossword marked = BEST BIRTHDAY PRESENT EVA. I've been waiting three months for that thing to get to the front of the updating queue, and it is supposed to be monthly. Then again, it's not my site, and I shouldn't dictate how it's run, I suppose.
Gloom for the birthday spammifier.[22/09/2008 05:40:41]
No, I caught it.
[21/09/2008 21:39:18]
Website: PKMN Ruby Destiny Series
Commenting on: 09-12-08wow, cool sprites, Butterfree! =3
[21/09/2008 12:04:24]
Ian of the Plusle
Website: My DeviantARTi know right? i started spriting after i read this guide
[20/09/2008 13:06:29]
Your site is marvellous, it helped A LOT in my spriting! Keep it up!
[20/09/2008 10:10:10]
Pikachu Goddess
Aw, crap. Thought that was for the other generations, too. v_v
Well, as if you guys even care, I'm at my fifth chapter in my second fic. Yeah, I actually decided to pick it up one day and start writing, and wound up doing three chapters. So far, no progress on the first one. That one, I have writer's block.
So yeah. Celebi for the spammifier.
(Spammifiers are the spam verification Pokémon that you have to type the name of to post.)[20/09/2008 05:18:28]
Website: Click hereYo, I'm Tyrogue. Anyone wanna know more 'bout me, visit my site. Thank you.
[20/09/2008 01:36:36]
Emerald Espeon
The spammifier Pokémon is the Pokémon whose name we have to type in to send our post.
I've caught, I think, two shinies in my life, excluding red Gyarados. Both were in LeafGreen…a shiny Hoppip in my first game and a shiny Magnemite in my second game which I think I trained until it evolved, but I can't remember. Oh, and I hatched a shiny Cleffa from the Odd Egg in Pokémon Crystal.
Persian for the spammifier.[20/09/2008 00:29:10]
is this a talk about shinies? and whats a spammifier? and does anyone else have two shinies? i have a starapto( my third strongest pokemon ever) and a gyrados. personely i would perfer to have a kingdra than a gyrados….. i got it while catching horsea for dragon scales. as a magicarp.
[19/09/2008 22:01:48]
Ian of the Plusle
Website: My DeviantART-doesn't have gold silver or crystal- i kinda skipped that generation xD i should look in to getting one though
[19/09/2008 21:28:30]
Even if you do get a shiny ditto, Pikachu, breeding it won't increase the chances of getting a shiny baby. That only worked in GSC. :P
But I know an easy way to get a shiny ditto in GSC:
1.If you caught that shiny gyarados, then go get the doll from the guy in Vermillion after finding out that it's Copycat's.
2.Give it to her and she gives you a Mimic TM (31).
3.Teach it to the gyarados.
4.Then delete every other move it knows, so that Mimic is the only move it has.
5. Trade the gyarados to Red Blue or Yellow.
6. Eat gyarados.
7.Get into a battle with a wild ditto.
8. Mimic transform.
9. Let gyarados use transform.
10.And ditto will use transform again.
11. Catch Ditto.
12. Name it 'Yogurt'.
13. Trade it back to Gold, Silver or Crystal.
14. Ditto should be shiny. I think.
15. Breeding it will give the baby a 1/64 chance of being shiny.
16. When the Old Guy is outside waiting to give you the egg, be sure to save BEFORE you get it from him. The moment you get the egg, everything about the baby, including shinyness, is determined then, not when it hatches.
And didn't your brother catch that tentacruel, Typhloise?
Woo, long post.
Slowpoke for the spammifier.[19/09/2008 21:02:55]
I have one shiny Tentacruel. Greenumbreon traded me a Salamence with Pokerus. But I DID cath a Mantyke with Pokerus also, over the summer.
[19/09/2008 12:08:28]
Heh, whilst I was on holiday I spread about 6 trees with Honey thinking I'd tend to them the next morning, which I promptly forgot to. Typical.
Talking about luck, I was in a life's-so-bad mood the other day and checked all my GBA games and Diamond for any shinies or even the Pokérus…Absolutely nothing. That didn't really help.
Aaaaaaand now I have to submit before the Eeveelution fan club come trampling over my Leafeon spammifier. Sorry about the depressing post. =][19/09/2008 05:27:56]
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