Welcome to the Cave of Dragonflies guestbook.
Off-topic discussion is allowed, but spam is not; please make sure all your messages are of substantial meaning that at least somebody would be interested in reading and responding to. That being said, obviously I appreciate comments relating to The Cave of Dragonflies, whether they are error reports, questions, suggestions or whatever else you might want to get across.
My own messages will be signed as Butterfree, with the Admin label below my name. If someone signs as Butterfree without that label, it's probably not me.
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Commenting on: 09-22-08The banner at the top isn't a link to the homepage.
[27/09/2008 03:04:02]
Website: Shiny Eevee's CoveHey! Its Me The Silent Pidgeot From (Yeah,I Got Banned Again. Just Until October 1st Though. >.<;)
Anyways,Nice Site! I Always Come Here In My Spare Time.(Which Is A Lot Now…)[27/09/2008 00:34:42]
No shinies, but I do have a knack for getting legendaries. I have Phione as spamifier right now
[25/09/2008 19:16:54]
I reeeaaallly want a shiny spammifier!
[25/09/2008 11:56:59]
Ian of the Plusle
Website: My DeviantARTI have. it was a shiny lugia.
[25/09/2008 10:38:43]
Fox McCloud
… Well. I just happen to think that both Scyther styles are equally awesome. I love the new art for the banner.
"Where the Bugs Don't Slash up the Dragons" - "Where the Bugs Do Not Slash Up the Dragons… Much."
Me likey the new one. >_<
Random Topic of the now: How many actually have gotten shinys on the guestbook?[25/09/2008 05:06:56]
Commenting on: 09-22-08HOLY TOLEDO YOU MADE A LAYOUT WITH THE SEXY SCYTHER IMAGE. A+. Sexy Scyther is love <333
I think it's a bit too green, though - another color couldn't really hurt. Still, I like it (although I'll stick to my favorite pink one XD)[25/09/2008 01:51:04]
Ooh… What a nice style.
[25/09/2008 00:15:35]
Great new style! Much better then the older one! And I really like the slogan!
At school, we're learning how to create our own websites! Unfortunately, I don't have any programs at home to accommodate. Which program do you use, Butterfree? And if so, what would you suggest? .[24/09/2008 21:35:19]
Ian of the Plusle
Website: My DeviantART-changes to the new syther style- that is one cool picture of syther =)
luxray for spammifier[24/09/2008 10:41:13]
Commenting on: 09-22-08I LOVE the new scyther style. It really gives me a scary but awesome feel to it. I'm also looking forwards to the new splash so much sometimes I just sit there refreshing. :D
From Angelcat [guess][24/09/2008 07:50:06]
Commenting on: 09-22-08I think it's better than the old one. I like the new picture and font for the new banner. I also like the sightly changed slogan. I can't wait for it to come out in the forums because I like it better than all the forum styles already remade. I don't like that at the top there is quite a lot of blank green space and also the style switcher is on top of the slogan…or maybe it's just my browser…well it's really cool anyway.
From EeveeSkitty[24/09/2008 07:47:08]
Pikachu Goddess
Ooh, la la, that's a very nice Scyther image. This style might be included with Hellfire and Roar of Time as my favourite styles.
[24/09/2008 03:31:14]
Website: The Cave of Dragonflies
Commenting on: 09-22-08Uh, what? How is having a Dialga style not "fair" to people who have Pearl? I did not make the Dialga style because I have Diamond or for people who have Diamond; I can't fathom why on earth you would think that. o_O
I made a Dialga style because I was making a dark blue style. If I feel like making a pale pink-purplish style, I might make it a Palkia style. Styles aren't about the Pokémon that happens to be on the banner; they're about the color scheme.[24/09/2008 01:01:38]
i agree with blaze. perhaps you could make a palkia style?
[24/09/2008 00:56:33]
Commenting on: 09-22-08*one
[24/09/2008 00:36:57]
Commenting on: 09-22-08Eh, I still like the Dialga Style. You should really make a Palkia won to be fair to the people with Pearl instead of Diamond. -_-
The new Scyther is cool, though.[24/09/2008 00:36:31]
Emerald Espeon
Commenting on: 09-22-08I myself prefer the old Scyther style over the new one, but the new one still looks great :D
Lugia for the spammifier.[23/09/2008 20:13:08]
Commenting on: 09-22-08Love the new theme. 8D I prefer it over the old one.
[23/09/2008 14:57:10]
Shining Eevee
Commenting on: 09-22-08That is so cool. :D
[23/09/2008 02:33:08]
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