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I guess I should have said pointless. Same with me, Butterfree.
[14/09/2008 23:25:34]
Website: The Cave of DragonfliesI really don't find scrolling with the touch screen as being a lot faster, mostly because in order to scroll with the touch screen without interruptions, you need to be using the stylus (rather than a finger) and be able to move it in very precise circular motions at just the right speed. I've never been able to do it. :/
[14/09/2008 22:21:33]
Blodh Arget
Scrolling is fast in DP, too… You just have to scroll via Touch Screen, and it's plenty fast enough.
Please don't tell me I was the only one to notice this?[14/09/2008 22:09:42]
Some Guy
Stupid? :/ Well, it's annoying to have to go to your PC when you want a specific item, but it's easier to have two small stocks of items rather than one big one.
[14/09/2008 21:47:16]
The one thing i hated about the 1st, 2nd and 3rd generations, was that you had that stupid ability to store your items. I found that useless. But in Diamond and Pearl, there was so many items, it took forever to scroll through them. Making it faster will definetely help, though.
[14/09/2008 19:55:02]
Commenting on: 09-12-08Veeerry nice Thunderyu there.
[14/09/2008 17:44:22]
Some Guy
You can… scroll quickly through the bag? That's probably the second best thing about Platinum so far. (It would be even better if they added an 'auto organize' button like in MD) The first, of course, is that Eevee, Ralts, and Wingull (my three favorite Pokemon) are all in it.[14/09/2008 17:29:20]
Blodh Arget
About the house…
In Resort Area, a guy gives you his house, and you can decorate it, like a secret base. Gym leaders and other people occasionally visit you.[14/09/2008 16:04:33]
You can get your own house in Platinum? Wow, that is something new…
And so mush extra stuff slapped into the game… @_@
Lets hope the bag does not scroll so fast…
~°Pikakip°[14/09/2008 13:59:55]
Before school started, there was nothing to do! Now I don't know WHAT to do! I have to beat Ocarina of Time, Majora's Mask, and Adventure of Link! And on Tuesday Star Wars the Force Unleashed is coming out, and Ranger 2 is coming out in November! Not to mention I still have Zelda Classic!!!
[14/09/2008 12:29:35]
I'm definetely getting Platinum. Nintendo really added a lot more stuff then I think a lot of people thought they would! One thing I would like back from the third generation, was the ability to create secret bases practically anywhere, instead of just underground. I AM excited about the resort house, though!
[14/09/2008 11:44:33]
Yay for Plaitnum. You get a house and my favorite legendary trio is now roaming. My favorite part of Emerald is back [battle frontier]. You've gotta be kidding me Serebii. This is one awesome game. Thanks you Nintendo, thank you.
[Espeon as Spammifier, yay for second favorite pokemon [tied with Skitty and Delcatty]][14/09/2008 06:26:16]
Pikachu Goddess
… You can get your own house? And catch Scyther? And catch the legendary birds? o_o Wow. Man. Platinum is definitely worth buying.
I like the new sprites. They're amazing.[14/09/2008 01:42:53]
Emerald Espeon
I don't know if I'll be getting Platinum when it comes out in North America, but form what I've read it does seem quite a bit different from Diamond and Pearl so I might think about it.
Silcoon for the spammifier.[14/09/2008 01:26:39]
Website: The Cave of DragonfliesYes, there will be a new splash for two million front page hits.
What I like the most in Platinum: YOU CAN CATCH SCYTHER ON ROUTE 210. :D And then there's faster scrolling through the bag. And roaming Articuno, Zapdos AND Moltres. :3 I really didn't expect them to do that; most pleasant surprise about Platinum.[13/09/2008 23:59:52]
Website: TCoD Forum Profile
Commenting on: 09-12-08Nice sprites. Volcaryu's sprite, in my opinion, is the best.
[13/09/2008 21:59:40]
I don't know what I'm the most excited about in platinum, but I AM GETTING THAT GAME WHEN IT COMES OUT IN THE STATES!! It's just going to be asome.
[13/09/2008 19:00:43]
Blaziking 175
We seem to be forgetting that there is also a Lawn Mower Rotom.
And it owns.[13/09/2008 18:04:56]
*Sigh* It's been almost a year now since Blueguy has updated Pokechow. I really hope he comes back!!!
[13/09/2008 18:02:13]
There are over 1 920 000 front page hits!!! I hope Butterfree creates a new splash page for 2 000 000 hits!!!
What is everybody most excited about Platinum? I'm really excited about eh fact how you can own your own house on the resort area!!![13/09/2008 17:01:44]
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