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My own messages will be signed as Butterfree, with the Admin label below my name. If someone signs as Butterfree without that label, it's probably not me.


Even if you do get a shiny ditto, Pikachu, breeding it won't increase the chances of getting a shiny baby. That only worked in GSC. :P

But I know an easy way to get a shiny ditto in GSC:

1.If you caught that shiny gyarados, then go get the doll from the guy in Vermillion after finding out that it's Copycat's.

2.Give it to her and she gives you a Mimic TM (31).

3.Teach it to the gyarados.

4.Then delete every other move it knows, so that Mimic is the only move it has.

5. Trade the gyarados to Red Blue or Yellow.

6. Eat gyarados.

7.Get into a battle with a wild ditto.

8. Mimic transform.

9. Let gyarados use transform.

10.And ditto will use transform again.

11. Catch Ditto.

12. Name it 'Yogurt'.

13. Trade it back to Gold, Silver or Crystal.

14. Ditto should be shiny. I think.

15. Breeding it will give the baby a 1/64 chance of being shiny.

16. When the Old Guy is outside waiting to give you the egg, be sure to save BEFORE you get it from him. The moment you get the egg, everything about the baby, including shinyness, is determined then, not when it hatches.

And didn't your brother catch that tentacruel, Typhloise?

Woo, long post.

Slowpoke for the spammifier.

[19/09/2008 21:02:55]


I have one shiny Tentacruel. Greenumbreon traded me a Salamence with Pokerus. But I DID cath a Mantyke with Pokerus also, over the summer.

[19/09/2008 12:08:28]


Heh, whilst I was on holiday I spread about 6 trees with Honey thinking I'd tend to them the next morning, which I promptly forgot to. Typical.

Talking about luck, I was in a life's-so-bad mood the other day and checked all my GBA games and Diamond for any shinies or even the Pokérus…Absolutely nothing. That didn't really help.

Aaaaaaand now I have to submit before the Eeveelution fan club come trampling over my Leafeon spammifier. Sorry about the depressing post. =]

[19/09/2008 05:27:56]

Pikachu Goddess

Ack. You got my third favourite Pokémon as a spammifier, eevee_em. I'm so jealous! XD

Don't worry, Typhloise, I haven't gotten a shiny spammifier yet.

[19/09/2008 02:39:52]

Ian of the Plusle
Website: Pokemon Splices

lol, i guess no luck for Typhloise

non shiny golem spammifier

[18/09/2008 23:40:49]


See the luck I have?

[18/09/2008 20:26:59]


Nope. One more try!!!

[18/09/2008 20:26:41]


Nope again.

[18/09/2008 20:26:23]


No shiny spammifier.

[18/09/2008 20:26:02]


I cuaght two shinies on my Leafgrean:

a shiny zubat (now a golbat) and a shiny spearow. The spearow's name is lucky, I forget what I named the golbat.

Darkrai for spamifier

[18/09/2008 13:37:37]

Pikachu Goddess

Ack, so many shiny spammifiers.

I caught a female Combee from a honey tree. :3 It was on my old file, though. I put it on my team and it turned out to be killer.

The only shiny I've ever caught was a shiny Oddish in the Safari Zone. I ought to go shiny Ditto hunting in my Emerald Version just so that I have a chance of breeding some shinies…

Hm. Funny. I was just spriting a Mightyena, and I got one for spammifier.

(Hm. Funny. I entered the name wrong. I can't seem to type today. Ah, well. At least I got Mewtwo, my second favourite Pokémon.)

[18/09/2008 02:54:43]

Ian of the Plusle
Website: Pokemon Splices

poor pikachu =(

lol at Typhlose

i can't even get a regular combee from a honey tree.

LE GASP! shiny lugia spammifier

[18/09/2008 00:30:33]


I got a shiny Combee from a Honey Tree.

Too bad it wasn't a female… :(

[18/09/2008 00:23:37]


Why did it have to be you??? Why couldn't it have been ME!?!

[17/09/2008 22:11:12]

Ian of the Plusle
Website: Pokemon Splices

i caught i shiny miltank in the safari zone once…

[17/09/2008 21:50:10]

Some Guy

Holy shiznit, you got a shiny Golem. :O Shinies in the spambox have a 1 in 8192 chance of being shiny, the same as the games. (figures it doesn't happen to me…)

[17/09/2008 20:54:49]


Haha, you're totally right about the Prof. P being evil ^^ I made him like that in a fanfiction that I'm writing xP

Uh…the Golem in the spam verification is shiny. Does that mean I'm lucky? Or are you trying to trick us? XD

Great site.

[17/09/2008 20:48:22]


I'm using the school computer… so bored!

[17/09/2008 17:04:09]

Ian of the Plusle
Website: pokemon splices

it does now xD

staryu for spammifier

[17/09/2008 11:14:07]

Emerald Espeon

It's not auto-filled in there for me…

I don't really like using the touch screen if I don't have to. I prefer to just use the D-Pad for everything…so games where you alternate between the touch screen and the D-Pad annoy me a lot :S

Exploud for the spammifier.

[16/09/2008 22:43:28]

Page last modified November 3 2020 at 01:58 UTC