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Emerald Espeon
I myself honestly don't get what's so great about Spore… *shot*
Random question, are there any type combinations that have 3 or more double weaknesses? I was just wondering about that.
Pidgey for the spammifier.[28/09/2008 22:31:28]
Hey-on Pokémon Battle Revolution Hitmontop is awesome! It's attacks are something like…
Counter, Triple Kick, Rolling Kick, and Facade.
BTW, I don't have a DS (yet) and so I can't transfer Pokémon… ANy tips on how to beat Gateway Colosseum Trade Battle? (it's changed from Rental to Trade when you beat the game) I want to get to rank 8 and trade for Aggron, but I keep losing! Anyone who's been there and done that?
Magneton for the spammifier.[28/09/2008 21:15:00]
Well, this is great. I don't have the right graphics card to play Spore. Well, I know what to ask for Christmas/Gift for some random thing I did that actually has some meaning to myself or someone.[28/09/2008 20:04:12]
The DPPt Luvdisc sprite is orange (so was the RSEFRLG sprite), the shiny is a bright yellow.
Yeah, I like heracross too, when it's my opponent, if I'm battling with a flying type. Same with breloom, and paras, and parasect…[28/09/2008 18:12:28]
Shiny Luvdisc is actually yellow…. I guess it's kind of orange.
[28/09/2008 17:08:20]
Emerald Espeon
No, the one I got for the spammifier wasn't shiny, and it was orange.
I think Heracross have good attack but they do have a double weakness to flying…
Happy birthday eevee_em!
Clefable for the spammifier.[28/09/2008 16:39:48]
Ian of the Plusle
Website: My DeviantARTlucky! i want spore D:
Omanyte for spammifier[28/09/2008 14:17:24]
Ian of the Plusle
Website: My DeviantARTum EE? luvdiscs ARE red/pink. you must've got the shiny one, which i believe is either white or blue.
togepi for spammifier[28/09/2008 14:15:04]
Well, I just beat Star Wars the Force Unleashed today. It took me only seven hours. And tomorrow, I'm getting Spore!!! If you don't know what it is, I suggest you check out this trailer.
[27/09/2008 22:52:06]
happy birthday to me,
happy birthday to me,
happy birthday to eevee_em,
happy birthday to me.
yep at 18:14 am (EST) on september 27th I turned 15! whoot![27/09/2008 22:07:14]
Pikachu Goddess
[27/09/2008 21:13:53]
Pikachu Goddess
Hm, I've never had Heracross. Are they good?
I have Lucian's Bronzong, too. I swear, one day I'll drag it out of the game and melt it up in a fire.
And, running on with this topic, I've decided to face the Crystal Version E4. Swept them easily… but there's still Lance's two Dragonite. Grr.[27/09/2008 21:13:23]
Emerald Espeon
Oops, sorry. My computer was loading slowly and I thought my post didn't send so I clicked the submit button again :S
But also, EP, you don't have a Fighting type either…so that's another choice you can think of. Fighting types have 5 advantages :D I think. But there are only 3 Johto Fighting types…Heracross, Tyrogue, and Hitmontop.
Mewtwo for the spammifier.[27/09/2008 17:21:24]
Emerald Espeon
Lucian's Bronzong annoys me D:
EP, you should get an Espeon :D:D No, really…you don't have a Psychic type yet.
Luvdisc for the spammifier. Hmm. I always thought Luvdisc were red…or pink…[27/09/2008 17:19:46]
Emerald Espeon
Lucian's Bronzong annoys me D:
EP, you should get an Espeon :D:D No, really…you don't have a Psychic type yet.
Luvdisc for the spammifier. Hmm. I always thought Luvdisc were red…or pink…[27/09/2008 17:17:38]
Pikachu Goddess
Get Noctowl! :3 Or, at least Ariados. They're pretty good.
And for some reason I restarted at Lucian when I saved infront of Cynthia's room. Ugh. I really facing that guy. He's a devil in a tailored fushia suit. >_<[27/09/2008 14:08:17]
Commenting on: 09-22-08The only thing I can say is woahhh. I could say more, but that is what first comes to mind.
I recently became in love with Scyther. So, coming back to the internet and seeing my favourite site with one of my favourite Pokémon is awesome. <3
I shall stick to the Voice of the Forest style, due to my love for Pokémon4Ever (mainly Suicune in it *pokes nickname). :3[27/09/2008 13:55:19]
Website: The Cave of Dragonflies
Commenting on: 09-22-08…uh, yes. Because it's not a link to the homepage in any of the other styles, and making it so would be impossible with how the banner is done in the styles. o_O
[27/09/2008 13:22:52]
I decided to restart my Crystal yesterday. I'm going for a team of Typhlosion, Jumpluff, Quagsire, Pilmoswine, and Sudowoodo, but I can't decide on a sixth member. Suggestions? I'd prefer to use a johto poke - its one of the ways I play, to only use members of that generation - and I dont like doubling up types.
[27/09/2008 10:59:19]
Pikachu Goddess
Haven't gotten a shiny spammifier yet.
Well, it's now time to face Cynthia. I actually have an Ice-type move that can counter Garchomp, thank God. Hopefully things will turn out good.[27/09/2008 03:08:54]
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