
Welcome to the Cave of Dragonflies guestbook.

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My own messages will be signed as Butterfree, with the Admin label below my name. If someone signs as Butterfree without that label, it's probably not me.


The sprites look amazing! Good enough to be in an actual game!!!

[13/09/2008 13:30:01]

Commenting on: 09-12-08

Whoa. Nice sprites. =D

Polaryu certainly changed quite]/i] a bit.

[13/09/2008 04:46:39]

Ian of the Plusle
Commenting on: 09-12-08

Nice new element dragon sprites =o

[12/09/2008 22:01:18]


I wouldn't mind there being 2500 pokemon. But it would be kind of hard to complete the National Dex.

[12/09/2008 20:47:15]

Ian of the Plusle

although i can't say i don't want them to continue making new games and new pokemon, 25 generations would be pretty ridiculous. that would be about 70 individual games because each generation has two or three games to it.

[12/09/2008 10:34:24]


25 generations? that would be like, *does math in head* over 2,500 pokemon! O_o and by then every line will have three pokemon (or more) each, even the legendaries.

[11/09/2008 21:19:45]


Yay. More forms….

I guess that everything will get a new form eventually. Pikachu will get a fish form by the 7th generation and by the 25th generation, you'll be able to use some type of alchemy to turn your magikarp into a snubull. Or any other pokemon you want. Or any item you want.

"The foe sent out DITTO!


ROSELIA used FormChange!

ROSELIA turned into a BOX!

DITTO used Transform!

DITTO transformed into BOX!

BOX used Magical Leaf!

DITTO fainted!"

Stuff like that.

Nosepass for the spammifier.

[11/09/2008 20:40:51]


Didn't see blosh Arget's post when i made the last one.

That sounds eally weird, where did you hear that?

[10/09/2008 22:35:13]


Speaking of types, I assume it keeps its electric Type and replaces the ghost type when it changes form, right? Not that it really matters, combining all those types with either one makes awesome and unique combinations anyway - I think the nnly only ones that have been done before are electric/water (Lanturn), electric/flying (Zapdos), and ghost/flying (driflooooooon), and none have been used more than once.

[10/09/2008 22:33:45]

Blodh Arget

About Rotom' forms…

They share their types with Rotom, but they can learn moves of the type that they 'represent'. For example, Refridgerator Rotom can learn Blizzard, but is still an Elc/Gho type.

[10/09/2008 22:32:40]


…Why the hell would it be electric, its a fucking WASH4NG MACHINE. Not to mention that rotom already is electric.

[10/09/2008 22:06:18]



[10/09/2008 20:37:47]


The "water" form is electric, I just checked PokeBeach.

Darkai form spammifier

[10/09/2008 19:28:21]


I just checked again, and there's a water form that looks like a washing machine!

[10/09/2008 12:38:55]


I just checked Serebii, and most of us were right about the new forms! The new forms were new forms for Rotom! Such as the one that looks like a refrigerator can learn blizzard!

[10/09/2008 12:37:56]


I was a Weavile the first time I tried, and now every time I try I get Tyranitar.

I did the Type Quiz again, Sol now I guess I'm Fire/Dark.

[10/09/2008 12:05:15]

Commenting on: 09-03-08

For some reason, Volbeat and Illumise are listed as the same family, but the Nidos are not. Any particular reason?

[10/09/2008 03:46:20]

Pikachu Goddess

Hey, I got a fairly high score as a Pokémon Know-It-All. >(

Fire/Dragon would make an excellent new Pokémon type combination.

Well, something interesting happened to me today. There are some little kids that go on my bus (elementary and high schools share the bus that I go on) that were raving over my Pikachu tote bag that I use to carry my text books and stuff. They had some Pokémon cards with them, and they "quizzed" me on what the names were. I had no trouble recognizing the pictures since they were far away, and, well, they were astounded. So I told them that I collect Pokémon cards (not so much anymore), and we wound up negotiating trade offers. They are willing to offer me a Staraptor, Dewgong, and a Dugtrio (?) for my… Pichu. O.o Of course I offered it for free… but they some how danced around that. So now, I'm wondering what extra cards I should throw in for the kids… which ones, though? Maybe a spare legendary?

So yeah. Random, I know, but I'm wondering what cards they'll appreciate, and I'm stuck.

[10/09/2008 01:50:23]

Commenting on: 09-03-08

Pure pwnage. This checklist rocks.

SO HELPFUL :D Now I know where Poliwhirl is :)

[10/09/2008 01:37:46]


First I was Mew, then Alakazam, then Weavile, then Murkrow, then Cubone, So I'm not sure what I am. I just get something different every time.

And apparently I'm Fire/Dragon type.

Makuhita for the spammifier.

[09/09/2008 21:36:03]

Page last modified November 3 2020 at 01:58 UTC