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My own messages will be signed as Butterfree, with the Admin label below my name. If someone signs as Butterfree without that label, it's probably not me.
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oh yeah, i forgot about ranger, i have that too
[05/09/2008 19:43:31]
Ruby, Sapphire, Emerald, Firered, Diamond, Pearl, Ranger, Mystery Dungeon 2, and Pinball (RB).
[05/09/2008 19:36:13]
how many versions have you had in all that time? i have a blue version, a leafgreen version, and emerald version, and a diamond version, all of wich i still play -also a pokeholic-
[05/09/2008 19:29:45]
Thanks for explaining, Blodh Arget…It's all a bit new to me, too.
That's even though I've been playing Pokémon now for 8 years, 8 months and 8 days!…Wow, that's over half my life…[/pokéholic][05/09/2008 19:08:12]
oh. i don't play competitively either so thats why
[05/09/2008 18:47:27]
You're correct.
[05/09/2008 12:05:52]
Blodh Arget
Physical and Special sweepers are both terms used in competitive battling (two players against each other). Sweepers are there to hit hard and fast, and the Special of Physical part just describes its specialty, based on its stats.
I'm 99% sure I'm right, but I don't play competitively so I'm 1% sure I could be wrong.[05/09/2008 11:28:11]
I'm not sure i know what you mean by "psychic sweeper" or "special sweeper" =/
[05/09/2008 10:48:59]
Ouch… that's got to be annoying. I remember Butterfree's original marquee which had a link to a fake award before the real award, that probably caught most people out.
What's making my head nearly explode at the moment is the D/P Battle Tower!!! I'm trying to breed a Jolly Weavile as a physical sweeper. After about 50 Sneasel hatched, I've collected 23 of the different natures. Yup, you guessed it, I've completely avoided Jolly. To rub salt in the wounds, it just so happens the other nature I'm yet to obtain is the next most useful, Adamant. This team had better take me past 200 battles.
What's a good Pokémon for a special sweeper?[05/09/2008 06:07:36]
I THINK MY HEAD IS GOING TO EXPLODE O_O i just watched the marquee of doom for like half an hour and then it froze and when it unfroze i missed the reward. By the way, the spamgaurd pokemon annoys me because i always spell then wrong T_T
[05/09/2008 00:46:51]
Website: The Cave of DragonfliesYes, Team Cipher is from Pokémon Colosseum and XD.
[04/09/2008 23:55:27]
What's the Cipher organization? =/ Is it from Colosseum?
[04/09/2008 22:14:56]
Really? I started 3 days ago! Also, Shadow Moltres is a Moltres that has been turned into shadow by the Cipher organization.
[04/09/2008 20:59:08]
I started school a week ago and I already have an essay XP
Zangoose for spammifier[04/09/2008 19:55:50]
First day of school
Jolteon Spammifier[04/09/2008 19:28:48]
Some Guy
*starts to refresh at the front page in hopes of being the first one to see the update*
[04/09/2008 18:57:23]
I used the Zodiac-thingy and got the festival of shadow Moltres. what is a Shadow Moltres?
[04/09/2008 11:17:50]
Yup, computers will do that to you
[04/09/2008 11:07:25]
Website: The Cave of DragonfliesArgh, I have an update ready but for some reason I can't access the server to upload it. <_<
[04/09/2008 00:32:50]
i finally found my DS! -plays- =D
[03/09/2008 19:31:13]
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