Welcome to the Cave of Dragonflies guestbook.
Off-topic discussion is allowed, but spam is not; please make sure all your messages are of substantial meaning that at least somebody would be interested in reading and responding to. That being said, obviously I appreciate comments relating to The Cave of Dragonflies, whether they are error reports, questions, suggestions or whatever else you might want to get across.
My own messages will be signed as Butterfree, with the Admin label below my name. If someone signs as Butterfree without that label, it's probably not me.
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That's not with me. I just checked! And, why don't you try putting your stuff on Photobucket?
[07/09/2008 23:04:04]
Shining Eevee
@PG: I get that, too. I hope everything's okay.
[07/09/2008 23:02:03]
Pikachu Goddess
Oh, and when I tried to log onto the forums just now, it said that there was a database error.
[07/09/2008 23:00:40]
Pikachu Goddess
Ooh, are we posting Pokémon Fan Test scores? Here's mine:
35% Gamer. You have some interest in Pokémon gaming.
45% Animé-freak. You have quite a bit of interest in the Pokémon animé.
90% Pokémon Know-it-all. You are literally a walking Pokédex. o_O
75% Obsessed. Pokémon is one of the most important elements of your life.
65% Fan Worker. You have a burning interest in Pokémon fanwork.
62% Pokémon Fan. You have a burning interest in Pokémon.
I'm not much of a gamer. I just like playing the games instead. Sometimes I go for the National Dex, but that's it. XD
My first attempt at spriting in a while turned out to be a huge success. It's my best splice ever, if I do say so myself. I really wish I could show you guys in some way.[07/09/2008 22:56:25]
The guy with no username
Oh, I wasn't aware that they were event legendaries.
[07/09/2008 22:19:25]
Ian of the Plusle
Website: Neopets (not my site, but you can find me there)i don't know why i posted it xD it was random. you'll soon enough learn that about me.
[07/09/2008 20:27:13]
Website: The Cave of Dragonflies
Commenting on: 09-03-08Uh, because… you have to trade to get them. o_O Usually, that is. I mean, the most convenient method to get an event legendary you don't have is not "Wait until there is an event in your general area that's giving it out", that's for sure. What else should it say?
[07/09/2008 15:46:37]
Emerald Espeon
Woot, an update :D
I don't know why we're posting these, but…
* 40% Gamer. You have some interest in Pokémon gaming.
* 15% Animé-freak. You have no interest in the Pokémon animé.
* 50% Pokémon Know-it-all. You have quite a bit of interest in researching Pokémon.
* 20% Obsessed. Pokémon has managed to seep into your soul a little.
* 15% Fan Worker. You have little interest in Pokémon fanwork.
* 28% Pokémon Fan. You have some interest in Pokémon.
Leafeon for the spammifier.[07/09/2008 15:35:05]
The guy with no username
Commenting on: 09-03-08Why does it say "Trade" for the last few legendaries, like Darkrai? Shroomish for the spammifier.
[07/09/2008 14:59:16]
You are a:
75% Gamer. You have a burning interest in Pokémon gaming.
50% Animé-freak. You have quite a bit of interest in the Pokémon animé.
95% Pokémon Know-it-all. You are literally a walking Pokédex. o_O
80% Obsessed. Pokémon is one of the most important elements of your life.
70% Fan Worker. You have a burning interest in Pokémon fanwork.
74% Pokémon Fan. You have a burning interest in Pokémon.
Do YOU fit the stereotypes?[07/09/2008 14:21:35]
Ian of the Plusle
Website: Neopets (not my site, but you can find me there)You are a:
55% Gamer. You have quite a bit of interest in Pokémon gaming.
65% Animé-freak. You have a burning interest in the Pokémon animé.
35% Pokémon Know-it-all. You have some interest in researching Pokémon.
70% Obsessed. Pokémon is one of the most important elements of your life.
55% Fan Worker. You have quite a bit of interest in Pokémon fanwork.
56% Pokémon Fan. You have quite a bit of interest in Pokémon.[07/09/2008 14:11:47]
Zelda Classic! Took off fullscreen! You! Couldn't play! You left! Grrr!
Scizor for spammifier! You know, Scizor used to be my favorite Pokemon.[07/09/2008 12:00:42]
Pikachu Goddess
Yay, update! :D
[07/09/2008 01:56:47]
Hmm? What did I do?
[07/09/2008 00:04:10]
Website: The Cave of Dragonflies
Commenting on: 09-03-08Good idea. :3 I stuck two buttons on there.
[06/09/2008 22:00:54]
I'm using a friends computer.
THAT WAS NOT FUNNY GREENUMBREON!!! I couldn't figure out how to change the screen of Zelda Classic! It took an hour till I figured out how to change it! And you did it RIGHT before you went away! I despise you…[06/09/2008 21:48:48]
Ultimate Pikachu
Commenting on: 09-03-08The Checklist is awesome, although it could use a SELECT ALL function.
[06/09/2008 21:36:23]
yeah your right =/
[06/09/2008 21:16:23]
Website: The Cave of DragonfliesI have the "Tips and Tricks" sections for R/B/Y and R/S/E, but tricks involving the use of an Action Replay are kind of pointless; it's obvious that funky stuff happens when you mess with the game using an external device, pretty much no matter what you do. Besides that I don't have an Action Replay and I don't put up cheats if I can't verify them.
[06/09/2008 20:44:45]
Yay for updates! do you have a cheat/easter egg/trick section? -pokes below posts-
[06/09/2008 20:10:09]
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